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Everything posted by TCP

  1. She's much prettier than that picture of her in front of the TARDIS would indicate. I was really hoping for a Canadian/American companion, since that seems to be the direction the show is taking. Hmph. Maybe they're saving that card for the 12th Doctor? Personally, since the CBC has helped fund Doctor Who many times over the years, I think it's time for some Canadiana in the Whoniverse. Also, I might have asked this but I don't remember getting a response. Why is the 7th season starting so much later than usual?
  2. I didn't even know Pandora's Tower was getting a UK released. How is it?
  3. TCP

    Wii U

    A Mario game on a Nintendo console is a no-brainer, but if they were smart (which, often they aren't), they'd release it at launch.
  4. I believe so. They did give it the subtitle The Queen of White Sacred Ash (I think?).
  5. True. What the fuck is this? The 1990s????
  6. Games like this are probably best to not come out during the holiday season. Early 2013 would be a good time as it should be able to get some more attention.
  7. Not that I'm aware of. Which is one of the reasons I think it'll probably end up a retail game. And I'll end up buying it, first day, like a chump.
  8. http://kotaku.com/5901823/nintendo-registers-super-mario-4-domain-name-hinting-at-future-game Wasn't Super Mario World actually Super Mario Bros 4? Regardless, I can't say no to more Mario sidescrolling. Could be a good DOWNLOADABLE launch game for the Wii U ;)
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TCP


      Yeah bro they won't. I was mostly being cheeky during this status update. I'm a cheeky douchebag like that.

    3. TCP


      I mean, they should, but it's Nintendo and they don't do what normal gaming developers/publishers do.

    4. TCP


      But I guess, on the other hand, they're really the only developer that could get away with doing something like that, so, hey, good for them.

  9. No, but a sequel/successor that Miyomoto was talking about, sounded like it'd be SNES graphics, like other sequels (think Megaman 9 and 10, Final Fantasy IV The After Years, etc). Furthermore, we're pushing this topic way off course. All I was saying, is that I feel a SNES style game should be a downloadable game in 2012, if you disagree THAT'S FINE, I don't care, stop talking about it. If you can't understand why I, as a consumer, don't want to spend the full retail price for a game that could have been produced in 1992, that's cool. As I've said, countless times before, developers/publishers should charge whatever they feel will create the most profit for them. I was just pointing out that in the past, games being developed on the lower end of things, are released cheaper than retail games, and when the industry has had an increase in development costs (moving from one platform to a more advanced one) then retail games also increased in price. I don't understand why my hope for a downloadable release is apparently a bigger issue to some of you than a new Zelda game.
  10. Ethan..... no one is saying the visuals should be factor. We're talking about development costs. So yes, I'm saying in 2012, a game with SNES graphics, should be a downloadable game. But I am not saying it's because of the graphics, I'm saying that because the development costs would be SIGNIFICANTLY lower than Uncharted 3, Skyrim, Skyward Sword, etc. TFG: that link just geos back to the IGN page.
  11. Do you even read or do you just like arguing with everyone about anything? The price of games jumped in 2005/6 it had nothing to do with inflation. The Megaman exmaple has nothing to do with 1st party or 3rd party. Yes, one example is not a precedent (it's with an E, by the way, not an A), but that's not what I was saying was the precedent.
  12. Read the last sentence. Also the precedent I mentioned, had nothing to do with independent studios, but with the rising cost of retail games. Agreed with everything I quoted. Except, 3D Dot Game Heroes was about 40 dollars or so when it was released. The reason given was, as you and I both mentioned, the game was cheaper and easier to make.
  13. I don't think if a game has a budget of 4 million dollars, it should be more expensive than the price of a game that was developed for 3 million dollars. But I don't think they can, in good faith, release a game like Kid Icarus, that would have a huge development team, voice actors, 3D graphic artists, years of development, etc etc and then release a sprite based game with SNES graphics, even if it has the same ammount of content, and release it for the same price. That's why, for those types of games, a downloadable 15-20 dollar price tage is much more reasonable. It's not even so much my opinion, as a precedent that's been set. When we moved from PS2 to PS3 games, the price went up 10 dollars, and they told us that was because, typically, development from 6th to the 7th generation games cost more. Same thing happened with the DS to the 3DS, and the PSP to the Vita. Was the development cost really the 10 dollar difference between PS2 to PS3? Who knows, but I am inclined to believe them that the development cost would be at least, a little bit more. At the end of the day, if Nintendo feels they can release a game with SNES graphics in 2012/13 for 40 dollars and still make profit off it, then hey, good for them. They're a business and that's absolutely what they'll do, and what they're allowed to do. But on the other hand, when Capcom released the new Mega Man games, they were downloadable, via the PSN, for the fraction of the price of a retail game.
  14. I disagree. Then a game like Skyrim should cost hundreds of dollars, and a game like Fable 3 should cost less than the 60 dollar price (at new, of course). It wasn't art style I was referring to, it was cost of game development. A sprite based game doesn't cost as much to develop as say, Kid Icarus or Super Mario 3D Land, so it shouldn't cost as much. That's why games like Braid, Limbo, Bastion, were released at 10 or 15 dollars, instead of the full 60.
  15. Because, a 2D, sprite based game does not deserve to be a retail release, unless it's cheaper. Even with 3D models, I still don't think the development cost would be equal to $40 at retail.
  16. I will start with posting this article: http://ds.ign.com/articles/122/1222868p1.html If Miyamoto was indeed quoted correctly, and he is going to create a Zelda in the style of A Link to the Past, that might actually make me play my 3DS again. Honestly, I'm surprised there hasn't been one already, especially after the new success of the Mario sidescrollers. Seems like a logical idea for the DS or WiiWare. But please, Nintendo, keep this downloadable, k thnx.
  17. We have a lot of Zelda topics, about a lot of Zelda games... Both DS games have their own topic, we have a topic for 3D Zelda games and modern Zelda games, even a topic for Zelda continuity.. But we lack a generic, all purpose, everyday Zelda thread. Well that changes now. Use this thread to discuss your favorite Zelda temple, post Link's Awakening music, and talk of the future of Zelda games.
  18. As a budding trophy whore, I can respect that. Kotaku is reporting it. Personally, I don't do any PC gaming because it's dead (jk). But, I've only ever heard bad things about GFWL. And by "only heard bad things" I mean, any time it's mentioned all people do is bitch about it. Personally, I think Steam is a waste of time as well, so what do I know.
  19. DON'T BAN ME! I've got nowhere else to go :'( Maybe the elitists was a bit much, sorry about that (I fixed it!). I just hated the gameplay/combat system in DA:O. It wasn't accessible and it wasn't fun. Changing the gameplay to something more akin to Mass Effect, was the right call IMO.
  20. Ok Bioware, here's some tips to do Dragon Age 3 right. 1) The gameplay of Dragon Age 2, no matter what some computer-RPG elitists fans might say, was much, much better than Dragon Age: Origins. Learning from games where you got gameplay right (Mass Effect) was the right decision. 2) Enviroments. RPG's... especially fantasy RPG's, live and die by the world you create. You did a decent job of this with Dragon Age Origins, but failed miserably with Dragon Age 2. 3) Don't be boring. Both games bordered on dull.
  21. Just saw an episode of Torchwood that tried so hard to be Fight Club it was embarrassing. Currently watching the last episode of season 1. A rocky season, with some really good episodes like "Random Shoes" and some episodes that felt like rejected Doctor Who episodes with some f-bombs thrown in.
  22. TCP

    Fucking Kotaku

    Here's a pretty interesting interview: http://kotaku.com/5900812/an-illuminating-conversation-on-games-writing-and-kotakus-secrets Stephen is a hard guy to dislike.
  23. Layoff! It's hard work being a video editor, having to put footage of different things together. To be fair, I pretty much only use long swords and bows, and still find the combat great.
  24. Well, Skyward Sword is the last game I've played on the Wii, besides some Virtual Console here and there. Quality releases have been hard to come by since holiday 2010.
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