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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I've been playing Arkham Asylum, (pretty much) for the first time. Holy crap, this might be the best Metroid game I've played since Prime. Arkham City had a bit of a Metroid feeling to it, but not like this.
  2. If this really does feature the entire continent, what does that mean for The Elder Scrolls VI or any Skyrim expansions, since we'll already have seen these countries?
  3. I got the PS3 about two years ago, at first it was only going to be to play exclusives. But after a shortwhile, I decided it was a much better console than the 360 (just my opinion people, calm down). I don't use online often, but I like having it there, so it's not something I'm willing to pay 60 dollars a year for. When I do go online, I find the online community to be a bit more mature (though, there are still butt holes on PS3). The system and store are laid out in a much more obvious manner. I don't like the Halo games, so outside of Fable 2 and Alan Wake, there's no exclusive retail games on the 360 that interest me. There has been some exclusive downloadable games, but they generally find their way to the PSN after awhile. I like being able to transfer my media easily onto the PS3. As I've mentioned before, I like the controller better. Not to mention some of my favorite games this gen, Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, are Sony exclusives. I could keep going, but I'll just say the PS3 has clicked with me, a lot more than the 360 ever did. When I owned only a 360 and a Wii, I often found myself playing Wii games more often (granted, this was before I had an HD screen, and I was catching up on GCN games I missed). So now, the 360 sits there, collecting dust. When my girlfriend inevitably let's a TV into the bedroom, it'll probably end up a DVD/Netflix machine.
  4. I'm hoping for a next-gen console version, it's time MMO's stopped being computer only. How long has it been since Final Fantasy proved that MMO's can not only work on consoles, but also work extremely well. If not, maybe I'll pick it up on my Mac, but that just seems like such a hassle.
  5. Does anyone watch 30 Rock? Tracy Morgan had a great quote. "It's at 8! Which is 9am Tokyo time! That's when Tokashi's parents leave for work and we play Mass Effect 3 online. Haha Mr and Mrs Tonaka think he's at school but he's playing video games with a drunk adult! Hahaha!"

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I watched it. I enjoyed the video game reference, but I dislike these episodes focusing on Tracy's wife since she's just a fucking annoying cunt

    2. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Love 30 Rock, haven't been able to catch many of the new ones, though.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Tracy Morgan was the only reason I watched SNL when he was on it. He's got a great knack for making simple things very amusing. Every ep of 30 Rock I've seen, he's been the main thing that keeps me laughing.

  6. I still have them, but I've essentially retired my 360 at this point. If the games were still 60 dollars, I wouldn't have bought them, but they're dirt cheap now. (This is what happens when you're young and have too much disposable income, one day, I will hate myself!) Though, a large portion of my 360 catalog is getting purged soon.
  7. Picked up Final Fantasy XIII for the PS3 (I had a 360 copy originally, beat it, loved it, not sure if I'll play all of it again, but I put it in just to watch the opening cinematic this afternoon and ended up playing for an hour and a half). Also picked up Arkham Asylum for PS3, another one that I originally had for 360, but I lost interest in it the first time, decided to spend 14 dollars and buy it again for PS3, since I was such a big fan of Arkham City. Also got Portal 2 (my first ever Valve game!), which will hopefully be a good co-op experience for me and my ladyfriend.
  8. Timed exclusives... MAKE ME RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Johnny


      You're confusing PC with Windows. Macs are PCs too.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      In general use PC = IBM-compatible, to distinguish them from Macs, so Cowboy's right.

    4. Eleven


      Also, with the context being Skyrim, we all know what each other meant.

  9. My ideal fighting game has already been created, it's called Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. It has a wealth of singleplayer content, the absolute best battle system I've ever seen in a fighting game, and a great story-line. Honestly, if they were to take other franchises, and give them a battle system like that, I might just play some more fighting games. But, realistically, I think it'd be hard for any fighting game to top Dissidia 012 (except for maybe a Vita or PS3 Dissidia 3... here's hoping).
  10. Just beat Reckoning, well, the main questline anyways. I skipped 95% of the conversations and cut scenes, so I really couldn't tell you what it was about...
  11. Have they said whether or not Leonard Nimoy is coming back this season? I know he has "retired",
  12. I never been a big Smash Bros fan, I played it when I was a kid on the N64 at friends houses, but besides that it never clicked with me. Never saw the appeal in Brawl or Melee. However, this looks kind of cool. Who wouldn't want to shoot Kratos as Nathan Drake? And honestly while Nintendo has some old favorites like Mario, Link, and Samus, Sony has continually been developing new characters since the PSOne days, so they should have quite the library of relevant characters. Not to mention 3rd party oppurtunities like Cloud, Snake, Lightning, maybe even someone like Ezio.
  13. PlayStation All Stars Battle Royal sure looks familiar.... not saying, just saying.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Johnny


      They may have been released at the same time, but as memory serves the Sixaxis was unveiled suspiciously after the Nintendo Wii, making it seem like a reaction to the Wiimote.


      Whether it actually was in response to Nintendo's controller or not, we can not be certain.

    3. FredEffinChopin


      Yeah, it did seem kinda suspicious at the time, though whose to say what was behind the decision. The ironic thing is that the Sony device that seems like the most blatant ripoff (Move) is actually the one that was in development well before any Wii announcement.

    4. FredEffinChopin


      I wrote "whose to say". That's how I roll sometimes.

  14. Season 5 of Fringe? Oh hell yeah, son.

  15. On further thought, there was a couple times in each Uncharted games where it bugged me... specifically, the Shipyard and the Ballroom in UC3. One of the early jungle stages, I think it's where they introduce grenades in UC2 had wave after wave. But honestly, EVERY area is like that in GoW so far.
  16. I've been playing the first God of War, since my girlfriend got me all three for me on my birthday..... two years ago.... Honestly, I'm not overly impressed. I'll walk into an area, spend a few minutes clearing out bad guys, and when I'm ready to move on, tough luck, there's another wave (or two of three) of enemies just like the ones I just bought. For some reason I don't mind this in Uncharted, but in God of War, it's just kind of mind numbing.
  17. Yeah I saw the Kotaku article earlier today. I haven't played either Portal (I know, I know!!) yet.
  18. That was an unusually good episode of Fringe last night. Though the identity of the girl was pretty obvious. That was a good casting decision though
  19. What's that from?? Finished season 2 of Torchwood last night. A much better season, though I'm surprised the whole thing with Owen didn't go anywhere.
  20. Alright fellas, I purchased DA:O 360 when it came out (actually, might have got it for Christmas...)... was sort of enjoying it, but I got to a point where there's a tower and I was a mouse or something, got fed up and quit. But lately, my experience with RPG's has increased, and I think I might actually really like it now. So should I pick up the "Ultimate" version on PS3? (Basically I'm looking to be talked into this, so tell me what you liked about it).
  21. Trophy Tip for PS+ Subsribers: Frogger Returns is free. You get a silver for beating the first stage, and a gold for each of the next three. Also: You can get the trophies in freeplay mode.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Eleven


      I have 6! Working on my 7th!


      He has platinums for rockband too. I mean, I imagine you'd have to sing and play all the instruments for that.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Assuming the Rock Band trophies are the same as the 360 achievements, that's fucking ridiculous. I've played the shit out of those games and I think the most achievements I have in one is like 250/1000.

    4. Strangelove


      Yeah, ALL the Rock Band games are tough. Ive played RB2 endlessly and I probably only have like 30% of them. Some of those achievements/trophies are just ridiculous.


      The Sly Collection is supposed to have some easy platinums. 3 of them.

  22. TCP

    Wii U

    Nintendo does not learn from their mistakes, (and definitely doesn't learn from their competitors mistakes) which doesn't make me entirely sure they'll have a Mario game at launch. They'll probably have Face Raiders Wii U as built in software again, and expect that to hold us for 6 months.
  23. Oh right, I always forget about the Summer Olympics. Hey! The Doctor's going to be a torchbearer though!
  24. TCP

    Wii U

    Apparently it's that "New Super Mario Bros Mii" we saw at E3. A little disappointing, I was hoping they'd do something different with the art style. But if that's true, the game should be close to being done, since a lot of the frame work would be done.
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