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Everything posted by TCP

  1. After playing through the College, Thieves, and Dark Brotherhood sidequests, I really think the Civic War quests were the best of the bunch, at least they were different. Everything else has sort of felt the same.
  2. I don't think Nintendo would just stop making Zelda games. And if they did, it's because the games aren't selling AT ALL, in which case they wouldn't wrap the series up, they'd just leave it to die.
  3. TCP


    Good points, if Nintendo had released at a lower price point with Mario Kart or Mario Land or Zelda at launch, what a difference that could have made. Good rebound though, hopefully this doesn't prevent them from learning from their mistakes....
  4. Pre-ordered my Vita yesterday as well, but they didn't have the 32 GB cards in their system so I wasn't able to pre-order one either.
  5. After hearing about this timeline, reading Aonuma's disclaimer, I think they should just admit that they never thought of the timeline till Ocarina. It goes Skyward Sword --> Ocarina then to Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess, and from the adult timeline Wind Waker and it's spinoffs. Those are the only games where they obviously attempted to fit things together. As far as I am concerned, the Oracle games, the original NES and SNES games, Minish Cap, etc are great games, and maybe you can force them in there somewhere, but obviously after Ocraina was the only time they took a timeline seriously, and that's sort of the center piece where everything else is based off.
  6. Marry someone who has a shop, my wife gives me around 1200 G every time I come home (which isn't often). Unfortunately every time I am home she's sitting at the table, alone, drinking. I feel bad because I just drop off some loot, swap some gear, sleep for 8 hours, then leave. Also I haven't made updates to Breezehome, so it's sort of a shithole.
  7. Took me forever to realize you had to "push the button". I was confused why the cursor kept leading me there. I wasted way too much time getting lost in the Ratway because of that.
  8. At this point, I'm sick of dragons. All I want to do is walk to this location and go through a dungeon, instead I have to fight a dragon or two (sometimes three) on the way.
  9. Nah you run into them just as much. In fact, as you level higher and higher, you encounter new types of dragons. Also: sorry, it's not really a MAJOR spoiler, and I didn't say what you have to do to get in that situation, which is actually cooler than the spoiler.
  10. I still don't understand the purpose of the 3G model outside of things like Near. 15 MB download limits, no multiplayer.... I can surf the net on my phone, so I really don't need that from my PSVita. Especially with Shaw Cable launching their wireless networks all over in the next year, as someone who doesn't use public transportation, there's really going to be no places without a wireless network I can use.
  11. The Stormcloak missions might have been my favorite in the game. Slaying dragons is fun and all but....... some of the battles in the civil war were just so awesome and so different than the rest of the game. The more I play Skyrim, the more I love it and the more I hate it. I love the game world, the absolute best world I've played in this generation (except maybe Red Dead Redemption... but I am The Cowboy Poet after all, so I'm a bit biased for westerns). On the flipside, there's some things the game does that totally breaks the immersion the game world creates. I'm not expecting Uncharted 3 level of character animations, but twice now I've been told to "place your hands on the alter" I nudge forward and then the game moves on... but nowhere did my character place his hands on the alter. That's fine, obviously character animations weren't important to Bethesda... but why then, not once, but twice (possibly more in other missions I haven't played), have characters ask you to do something your character can't do? Similarly, (very minor spoilers), late in the main quest you need to fly on a dragon, I never expected to actually get a cut scene where you see your character flying on the dragons back over Skyrim, that is until the dragon said something along the lines "I must warn you, once you fly over the world as a dragon does, your jealous of the dova will increase greatly". AWESOME, I thought, this dragon is really hyping up how great this is going to be. Instead, my character jumps on the dragon, they fly off, and the camera stays put, loading screen pops up (wait wait wait) then you are at your destination. Well... why have the dragon talk about how great this is going to be then? What a tease.
  12. Still working my way through Skyrim. Clunky combat, stiff (or lack of) animations, and some pretty bad glitches haven't really ruined my enjoyment for this game! I am 76ish% to my goal of platinuming it, just need to finish the Thieves Guild (almost done!) and Companion Missions, then learn 3 more shouts, read about 12 more books, explore some more caves, and level up a bit more. I'm really curious to see what Bethesda is going to do with the expansion DLC packs. I'd love to go explore some more of Tamriel.
  13. Is Pushmo really like Catherine? Because I'd love a portable game with Catherine's block gameplay.

  14. The lady and I watched Midnight in Paris a few days ago, might be one of my favourite films of 2011. The next night we watched Melancholia, which was absolutely the worst film ever. OK maybe it's not worse than The Day After Tomorrow or The Core, but it was pretty bad.
  15. TCP

    Fucking Kotaku

    Looks like you were right, Dean. http://subcathoin.tumblr.com/post/15296563118/the-next-big-thing
  16. TCP

    Fucking Kotaku

    I'm confused. Was Brian the editor in chief up until recently or did Joel replace him a year ago and Brian stayed on?
  17. Playing it alone just reminded me of a poor mans Fallout 3. Like Ethan, I got into it too late.
  18. I don't mind it, I just want them to put analog triggers/bumpers, and switch the thumbsticks with the d-pad and face buttons. But they won't, they're Nintendo and they don't play by the rules.
  19. I'll end up doing what I did with the original... waiting 18 months after launch, buying it and all the DLC off the PSN for 15 dollars.
  20. See, this is why I'm sort of excited for the Wii U. I can sit on the couch next to my girlfriend, she can watch her crappy TV show and I can play a console video game. I was under the impression that the WiiU's tablet was more of a supplement to the TV screen rather than a replacement for it. At E3 they showed it being able to be used similar to a DS touch screen but also able to switch what's playing on the TV onto the tablet, then it's just a matter of changing the TV's source. That was my understanding at least.
  21. See, this is why I'm sort of excited for the Wii U. I can sit on the couch next to my girlfriend, she can watch her crappy TV show and I can play a console video game.
  22. Dammit, I'm trying to get the Oblivion Walker trophy but the quest with the dog threw me off, I didn't realize that the Axe wasn't the Daedric Artifact, since you have to kill the dog to obtain it... unlike every other quest where you have to kill someone to obtain the artifact.
  23. As a Canadian I have to agree, in my city at least there's 3.. maybe 4 black people.
  24. Happy New Year from the west coast of Canada!
  25. I don't know if it's a mispronunciation or not but it's always confused me when watching American TV and they say "roof" but they say it more like "ruff". Doesn't the double O's mean you'll get that ooo sound?
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