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Everything posted by TCP

  1. The Wii U2 sounds terrible/awesome (mostly terrible).
  2. TN, Zelda has already been delayed out of 2015 with no new release date given. Also Ubi already said you can play as a ladyssassin in Syndicate.
  3. Then you might benefit from reading the books.
  4. First of, his hand, is Davos fucking Seaworth, show some goddamn respect you TV-only scum!!! Also, retreating? To where? They were snowed in both directions, there was about as much of a chance to get back to Castle Black as there was to get to Winterfell. Double-also, what will he do once he's stuck at Castle Black for what could be YEARS?! The Night's Watch don't have the supplies to cover themselves for the entire winter, never mind Stannis and his army. Never mind the fucking undead army that'll soon be pressing on The Wall. Does Stannis have a lust for power? To a degree, definitely. But he believes he's Azor Ahai reborn, he believes that only he can defeat the White Walkers and to do that he'll need the support of the entire realm. In his mind he NEEDS to be king. Unfortunately he's not Azor Ahai, that would be Book spoilers / episode 10: EDIT:
  5. TCP

    E3 2015

    Brent's my favourite.
  6. Shireen Baratheon was doomed. Melisandre is legit (besides Balon still living, plothole...) most of the time, probably not about Stannis being Azor Ahai, but we've seen her fucking create a smoke baby out of her vagina, so if she says "I can break this storm" I believe her. If she didn't do that, Stannis' entire camp would have slowly starved/froze to death, eventually including Shireen. Or, they would have been captured by the Boltons where she would be raped / flayed. Burning her alive, was probably a mercy. If not for her, for all the men in Stannis' camp who would have surely died. Was it a tough decision? Yes. Would I have done it? No. Was Stannis wrong to? QUESTIONABLE!
  7. Sony: -New Guerrilla Games RPG announced -Morpheus price / release date / some games announced -No Man's Sky release date -Last Guardian reannounced Microsoft -Blahblahblah Halo revealed for bros/12 year olds -Blahblahblah Gears remake announced for bros/12 year olds -Blahblahblah Tomb Raiser BS Nintendo -Mario Maker release date -New Pokemon game/remake announced -No Zelda -Star Fox BS -No NX mention Misc -Fallout 4 coming this year -Something Elder Scrolls announced/teased, either a remake of Skyrim for PS4 or a spinoff in the style of New Vegas -Mass Effect 4 trailer
  8. Just beat game of the year Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I got the ending One thing I was confused about: Ciri and Geralt had the same hair colour, was that coincidence or witcher related? Vesemir also had similar hair colour but I suppose his could have just gone grey... Over all, I really like the game. I've never played a game with such highly detailed side quests, though near the end I was just skipping the text. I could have used more Ciri though, she was a blast to play as... maybe the DLC will focus around her?
  9. I'm approaching the very end of the game, I'm level 31 and have a ton of quests for levels 5 - 12, my advice to anyone is whenever you hit a new level, go complete all the quests you have at that level, as you won't want to be doing those quests when you're in your 30s. And every time you find a new notice board, just pull all the notices off.
  10. There really is no other response to such an outlandish claim.
  11. Well the Halo remasters were called the Master Chief Collection.
  12. This is officially happening. Life is glorious.
  13. LAST GEN'S BEST SHOOTER, UNCHARTED 3 (plus UC1+2) ON PS4 IN STUNNING 1080P/60FPS?!!!!!! *faints* *enters HYPE COMA* *dies* *resurrects OCTOBER 9*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      ..I don't even know anymore :-/

    3. Saturnine Tenshi
    4. toxicitizen


      Well shit, we're still 5 months away and my birthday already sucks. I mean, at least last year I got the PC port of FFXIII.


      But Uncharted 3? I'm already in my 30s, Sony. No need to add insult to injury...

  14. Yeah it's very refreshing to see a debut trailer so free of bullshots and "in engine" footage. Looking at you Star Wars Battlefront.
  15. Goddammit where's my PS4 port of that?!?!
  16. Lots of anger regarding the graphics. Which confuses me, people get pissed off when debut trailers show unrealistic graphics that don't live up to the final game, but then the visuals are more modest, also outrage. Personally I'd sacrifice graphical fidelity for a bigger world, more quests, more characters, just more world building in general... also a solid frame rate on consoles.
  17. Holy fuck, I forgot how much I liked Fallout. No release date... you'd think if it was going to be next year they'd say "2016" at the end at the very least.... FALLOUT 4 THIS AUTUMN THE HYPE IS REAL! Looks like you'll be reliving memories or something like that, one of the buildings in the city is called The Memory Bank. Also, voice acting for The Wanderer?
  18. I'd wager mid-2016, possibly even late-2016, personally. I really doubt they'd announce the game 6-10 months before release. Late-2015 and early-2016 would probably be too early. Skyrim was 11 months from announcement to release, at this point, I think Bethesda could release a Fallout/Elder Scrolls game within 4-6 months from announcement. It's happening. I can feel it!!
  19. Top notch swords!

    1. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Roots're gonna rot me gut.

    2. deanb


      Mister, why do your eyes look weird.

  20. Bran caught up at the end of last season, well, very very close to catching up. I guess you could say Rickon is caught up. Sansa caught up at the end of last season, then veered off to entirely unknown areas. Jamie is in uncharted territory, same with Brienne. Cersei is right on point. At the pace everything is moving, by the end of this season everyone should at least be to where their book counterparts are, if not past it (looking at you, Jon Snow).
  21. For RPGs like say, The Witcher 3, I'd rather it go to a game over screen where I can choose to load most recent save or go back to an earlier save if I'm over my head. For an action game, yeah just load the last check point or whatever.
  22. Sansa isn't written like this in the books, because in the books she doesn't go to Winterfell. Another reason why the books are superior. And there's more than just two remaining Starks. Bran will pop back next season. Rickon is out there somewhere, waiting for his eventual return. And Benjen may or may not be alive as well. Plus Jon, who's more Stark in behaviour and looks than Sansa.
  23. That was suppose to be Belwas?!?! I'm assuming you mean the guy who broke Tyrion free? Also: season 6 casting! Featuring a certain Ironborn pirate, a member of the Night's Watch family, and maybe Chibi Ned?
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