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Everything posted by TCP

  1. My understanding is that this is like Demon's Souls, so it's owned by Sony.
  2. It'll come to PC the same day Uncharted, Killzone, and Infamous come to PC.
  3. What's wrong with a time limit mechanic? I will remind you that the 2nd greatest Zelda game also had a time limit mechanic.
  4. There's tons of Vita games coming out all the time, just not a lot of big retail games anymore, which is OK with me.
  5. Oh god is that real? That's almost as bad as L'Cie or Fal'Cie or whatever it was in XIII.
  6. Feast your eyes onto this fucking disaster. I don't understand why people get so upset. If you don't like it, don't buy it, if enough people agree with you they'll stop making them... or if they don't clearly there's a demand for this so shut up. Ahahahahaha. Nothing is so frustrating but also simultaneously hilarious when gamers can't figure out how basic fucking business works.
  7. Totally. I mean on PS4, I can kind of get it, since you can't emulate the Cell architecture. Going forward onto PS5 and whatnot it'd be nice if backwards compatibility was back. It was better last gen when they were turning SD games into HD, but it's still nice having some of these games on the platforms, especially they're higher res and faster frame rate. We just need Red Dead and Skyrim now.
  8. Supposedly IGN Italy is saying Arkham Asylum + City are getting remastered? The only thing I love more than remasters of last gen games is people bitching about remasters of last gen games, so this is a pretty good morning for me. Personally, I don't mind the remasters, it's not like they take a lot of resources to make. Plus if they help people who've missed these games, or just really like them, then that's pretty good. I would have liked Origins in this collection, I did pick up the PS3 version for 10 dollars awhile back but I never got around to playing it and at this point I think I'm done with PS3.
  9. Agreed with GOH. Darkest Dungeon looks great, I can't wait to play it on Vita.
  10. Getting rid of the only person to make a relevant games for you is a ballsy move, Konami.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Also RIP Silent Hills, I suppose.


      But man, this puts a pretty depressing mood around MGSV. It's just not gonna be the same now. And what about Metal Gear Rising 2?!

    3. FMW


      Fun fact: the producer of their Love+ games (big money makers in Japan) just bailed also. Somethings going on at Konami and they're losing what little talent they still had.

    4. Pojodin


      Yeah, I think this may be the end for Konami.

  11. An endless runner Mario could be cool, and a Pokemon RPG just makes sense but, I foresee this leading to a lot of match 3 games and other F2P trash. The NX announcement was so half assed and empty... "A new dedicate gaming platform, we'll talk more about it next year"? So.... E3 2016, which is 15 months from now. A unified account system is cool, if it stops making me rebuy virtual console games.
  12. Two voices? Do you mean the Japanese audio? I'm playing in English.
  13. You guys have been inspiring me to take another stab at P4G. I got to the part where that annoying girl and that annoying guy and I, all fell through a TV screen and then we talked to a bear. So far I haven't had much control over my character for more than 60 seconds. How much longer till the game gets a little more actiony?
  14. You guys are going to eat crow when No Man Sky's comes out to CRITICAL ACCLAIM!!!!!!!!!!
  15. But I want it noooooowwwwwwww Nah, last time Naughty Dog delayed a game, they gave us The Last of Us.
  16. Is DBZ on that Crunchy Roll app?
  17. Awww yisss. Also, I heard apparently you can delete 0% trophies.
  18. I guarantee the PC port will get delayed. Guaran-fuckin-tee it. I hope I'm wrong for your guys sake. Also I will be posting spoilers in status updates.
  19. It happened far too often in the mid-2000s to me. It's part of the reason I switched to the gloriousness of OSX. Do you guys still get that blue screen issue? Ugh. That was the worst.
  20. FLD you have to spontaneously shut off your console every once in awhile to simulate random, but mandatory, Windows updates.
  21. Good release date, smart move Kojima.
  22. That awful fucking dress was black and blue, and then it was white and gold... SORCERY!!!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. deanb


      Thing is that catalogue image is so /obviously/ Black & Blue. Like the photo taken has to have been one of the worst photos in history to somehow lose all that colour information.

    3. toxicitizen


      The pic lost no information (my friend checked the RGB value and confirmed it was indeed blue) and "having a shit screen" has nothing to do with it. It's something about how the cones in your eyes react to the way the light hits the dress.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      It is a terrible picture (yes the pixels are blue but not nearly as blue as the actual dress), but yeah really the issue is with how your brain makes a guess at the lighting and then subtracts that assumed lighting from the image to give you the "true" color.

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