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Everything posted by TCP

  1. BOATING?! Sold.
  3. Yeah why would we want to go on an incredible adventure with charming characters and an incredible mix of parkour climbing and 3rd person shooting. That's just crazy. Plus: trophies.
  4. Anyone who started as anything other than Waste of Skin is in fact, a waste of skin in real life!!
  5. I don't understand why Sony keeps doing this to themselves they're just screwing over PS Now, which they've put a hefty investment in. Regardless, it'll be nice to have these games on PS4, I'll pick it up when it's dirt cheap at some point... assuming it's real.
  6. It's bullshit because SCEA covers Canada as well and we had the same Vita ads here.
  7. Axiom Verge Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck! ...HOLY FUCK! This game. MAN, THIS. FUCKING. GAME. Easily my front runner for game of the year. Everything about this game is top notch. The level design? The bosses? The weapons? All excellent. And the music. MY GOD THE MUSIC!!! Oh, Nintendo doesn't want to make any Metroid games? Fine, one guy on his own just made a better Metroid game than Nintendo has since the SNES. Good job Tom Happ, now give us your interpretation of Zelda. tl;dr: IT'S REALLY GOOD, GUYS!
  8. Interstellar - It was pretty fantastic!
  9. Day 2 of TCP's 5 day weekend EXTRAVGANZA. *Stays inside and plays Bloodborne the whole time*

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I can't imagine a better use of your time.

  10. TCP

    Wii U

    Woo! N64 games on the Wii U! Super Mario 64 looks way better on the tablet than blown up on the HD TV.
  11. Axiom Verge Spoiler: it's fantastic.
  12. Can media just fuck off with reporting fake news tomorrow? Posting a lie on the internet isn't a prank, it's just a lie.

  14. OH MAN THIS GAME. THIS FUCKING GAME! Ok so backstory: I played about 5 minutes of Demons Souls and maybe an hour of Dark Souls, and obviously neither of those games ever captured me. I found them both a little sluggish and while I knew if I devoted the time to these games I'd probably get into them, there was just too many other games on PS3 at that point. Bloodborne is quicker moving, and since there isn't a plethora of games at the moment, it's also coming out at the perfect time. So anyways, I died, a lot. If this was 2011 I might have just given up, but I persevered. Finally, I got to the first boss, and somehow I emerged... VICTORIOUS! The high of beating that boss was second only to heroin.
  15. 10% off this weekend on the PSN.
  16. Yeah I only played TP on Wii with those awful controls, I'd love to play it with a controller, in widescreen, with HD visuals... one day.
  17. Perfect opportunity for a remake of the last great Zelda game in HD... TWILIGHT PRINCESS!!!
  18. Last night I beat and platinumed The Wolf Among Us. I thought it was pretty great, I liked it more than The Walking Dead, though they used almost the same exact voicecast so once you realized that Bluebeard = Lee and Beauty = Clementine, it was kind of distracting.
  19. Here's some screenshots I took, the 3rd one is a bit of a spoiler (not really though) but just so no one freaks out, I'll put it in a spoilertag, it's a character from the show popping up in the game, I'm sure he/she will be in the trailers for episode 4...
  20. Imagine the TWD/Wolf games without a fucking shit IP attached to it, that's Game of fuckin' Thrones, Dan. It's in the show's continuity not the books.
  21. Fuck yeah, money is no issue for TCP.
  22. Bought GoT episode 3 last night. Finished it in probably an hour and a half, but I really enjoyed it.
  23. Mudbloodborne (a Harry Potter x Bloodborne crossover).
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