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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP

    Wii U

    Good news everyone! Super Mario Galaxy 2 and the Metroid Prime Trilogy are coming to the Wii U! Bad news everyone! Neither of those games are playable on the gamepad so prepare yourself for finding a sensor bar, some AA batteries, a Wii Remote, and Nunchuk. Yay! Want to see these games in HD? Ha! Good luck! Also, while you can boot them from the Wii U menu, it still loads them up in Wii mode. Nintendo in 2015!
  2. TCP


    Also (in NA) does not include the game. I will (petition Dean to) ban you.
  3. TCP


    What? Majora's Mask has camera controls with the C-nub on the New 3DS? God fucking dammit Iwata. NO. I'm not buying another 3DS. Fuck you. Also, shouldn't the Majora's Mask images on the New 3DS be the other way around?
  4. TCP


    Is your username "Drake" in reference to the protagonist of last-gen's best shooter Uncharted Golden Abyss?
  5. TCP


    Oh hey I'm FDS. I take a comment that was facetious and reply to it seriously because that's what I do, that's the FDS way. Now I'm off to be rude to new members cause the only thing that makes me grumpier than long-standing forum posters is new members. BAAAAH!!
  6. TCP


    Almost as dumb as doing a new Nintendo Direct at 6am PST. I can see Reggie in the board room "Majora's Mask, Mario Maker, new Star Fox, a new 3DS.... people might be interested in these games, how do we make it so no one buys these games... I GOT IT, LET'S RELEASE OUR DIRECT BEFORE ANYONE IS AWAKE". Fuck you Reggie!
  7. Get him to give you some spoilers and then tell us!
  8. My boy Sufjan has a new coming album out. Just ordered it on clear vinyl.
  9. Did you shoot at space enemies while playing as a space marine??
  10. I'd have to imagine Nintendo would pull all of it's resources into getting this game out this year. But yeah, the emphasis on the open world is good news, that was always my favourite parts to Zelda games as well.... That's part of the reason why I didn't like Skyward Sword.
  11. Yeah I finished the game with like 600+ Helix credits. Not sure how exactly, but I definitely didn't put any money into it. It was more than enough to buy all the maps.
  12. I agree that's stupid... but you can use the Helix credits that you earn naturally throughout the game to buy the complete maps.
  13. Sorry I probably came off a bit rude, which is why I shouldn't post before I eat breakfast. HANGRY!! Also thanks for Ethan for spoilertagging it, I was thinking about that when I was writing but then I just plum forgot. Probably due to my heated emotions of TLoU love.
  14. She made a topic to promote a blog, and I tackled her Last of Us review there, might be best to carry on this discussion there rather than horribly derail the Games You've Bought thread.
  15. Holy shit... that Last of Us review.....
  16. That's weird. I always just grab mine off the web store, did you try that?
  17. Yeah I grabbed mine after work on Tuesday.
  18. PREDICTION: The PS5 will be able to predict how you're going to play, so when you remote play with the Vita 2, you can actually have a 10 second buffer.
  19. TCP


    ....Love's a pretty strong word. We tolerate him. Just barely.
  20. Agent Carter was pretty good! Ant-Man looks great! LIFE IS RAD! BRING ON DAREDEVIL! Here's the trailer:
  21. Happy birthday to everyone's best friend... staySICK!

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