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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Some info not present on that image: Helldivers, Hotline Miami 2, Metal Slug 3, and Shovel Knight are all cross buy (PS3/PS4/PSV). Titan Souls is two way cross buy (PS4/PSV). Bastion and Axiom Verge are two way cross buy but the Vita version won't be available till later (but you'll still get it for free if you buy the PS4 version at a launch).
  2. Those last four weeks...... MY GOD!
  3. Damn..... guess I'm out of the running. Curse you, white ancestors!!
  4. The worst part of being married is having to wear a goddamn awful wedding band. To all the single fellas and ladies out there, don't ever do it.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. staySICK


      No ass to mouth.

    3. SomTervo


      My partner and I have agreed on no ceremonies, no rings, and no name-changes.


      Aw hell yea

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I never wear mine. V:

  5. TCP


    I dunno, they would both play the same amount of good games.
  6. Because if we're going to rate games on a 10/100 point scale, anything over a 5/50 would, actually, technically, be a passing grade, so in that sense, not bad, just, kind of mediocre. Think of it like this, if gaming was reviewed on a 5 point star scale like films (RIP Joystiq), The Order would be a 3 star film, NOT bad just not great. This is the Remember Me thread all over again, dammit Ethan!! Kenshi: I think it will be a PS+ game before the year is out, just because Sony is starting to want to put big budget PS4 games up there, so something like Knack or The Order will make sense, it all depends on sales of course but I can't see The Order selling many copies come autumn. Either way, if it's not free, it'll be 10 dollars or something fairly quick.
  7. A 65 is terrible now? Right, I forgot we lived in a world where video game reviews exist on a 6 to 10 scale. EDIT: Oh and I'll be waiting till it's free on PS+.
  8. That seems pretty normal, I can count on one hand the amount of games with writing beyond that level.
  9. You called the game being short? I recall you saying it would be bad, but not short. Supposedly the five hour walkthrough was played through this on easy and ignored a lot of things, though I'm not about to go look at these videos for myself.
  10. RDR is one of the all time greats but to be fair, I am the guy with cowboy in my username.
  11. I don't see how they possibly thought people would be fine paying $70 CAD for a 5 hour game.
  12. I've been playing two games this weekend: LittleBigPlanet 3: I forgot how much I liked the LBP series. Getting the DLC to transfer over was a bit of a pain, I basically had to go into the PS Store and go through all 400 DLC packs and rebuy all my outfits for free. Only, some of them weren't free, but then they were free in the in-game store. Anyways! Now that I have my Wolverine and Journey outfits, I've been enjoying the game. Also, Odd Sock is a blast to play as, and he fixes most of the issues people have with the LBP series (floaty controls)... I wouldn't be opposed if they just go forward with him in the future. Majora's Mask: I also forgot how much I fucking absolutely fucking just fucking LOVE this game. I attempted to replay the game in the past few years, but I never got further than the swamp area, so that area has felt a little stale to me (especially since playing as a deku is nowhere near as awesome as playing as a goron or zora), I'm looking forward to going to the mountains, canyon, and beach area for the first time in well over a decade. The port is decent, and it looks a lot better on the 3DS than in trailers/screens, but I can't help but feel this would be better as a downloadable Wii U game, or packed together with OoT as a retail Wii U game.
  13. PSN Flash Sale: Which means I finally have a PS4 co-op game that my wife can kind of, sort of, play. EDIT: Also just bought one of my all time FAVOURITE GAMES: The fact that this game wasn't released on a gold cart is a goddamn travesty.
  14. TCP


    Ethan should buy one, Jack should PayPal him money the price of the unit + shipping, and Ethan should send him the 3DS.
  15. Well, I guess that was there was only one thing to do. EDIT: Wife just came in laughing "someone on tumblr thinks Danielle Radcliffe would be a good Spider-Man!!! LOL OLOLOLLOL LOL!!!".
  16. Why did Scott Summers throw that woman out of that window?! Grant Gustin would also make a good Spidey. Or my boy Danny Radcliffe, he was pretty good in that Horns movie and The F Word.
  17. TCP


    If only they had some sort of a system that could track what you've purchased. Oh wait.
  18. The Sinister Six movie sounds nowhere near as bad as an Aunt May solo film. Sounds like they want to cast a younger Spider-Man, which I'm not too psyched about. We've already seen Spider-Man in highschool twice now, let's do an established Spider-Man in his 20's. On his first solo film, do the montage intro showing his origin, and you can show him during the Battle of New York in the first Avengers, maybe saving some people while the Avengers stopped the aliens. Also, I'd cast Donald Glover and have a black Peter Parker, which would also take care of the problem of the Marvel films being white people (with the occasional black side kick). OR.... do a white Peter Parker and give him a few movies, kill him off, and bring in Miles Morales. Also kind of bummed Captain Marvel has been pushed back.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TCP


      Kevin Feige is also the man in charge of all of the MCU as a whole, so, as far as I'm concerned, he can do no wrong (except for IM2, but let's not get into that).

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      And IM3, of course.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      According to what I've read and what movie industry friends tell me, Kevin Feige is really responsible for all MCU films, more or less.

  20. A really hot Princess Zelda? I'm in!
  21. To be fair it worked fine on my PlayStation 4.
  22. I am pro keeping Link silent in the games (but also pro voice acting for all the NPCs). But in a Zelda TV series I'd be interested in seeing how they handle Link.
  24. Game of Thrones: Episode 2 - It continues to be Telltale's best series.
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