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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I beat Guacamelee on PS4 this evening. Man, what a game. Great art, great music, great humour, great level design and gameplay.
  2. Redeemed some Club Nintendo coins... I was going to get Paper Mario (I originally typed Paper Metroid... COULD YOU IMAGINE?!) since I liked the Wii game so much but, let's get real, I'll never finish a 3DS RPG of that length. So I picked up: Since it'd probably work the best as a portable game. I also grabbed: On the Wii U, which I've never played before, somehow.
  3. Me too. I'm disappointed the original Legend of Zelda wasn't included on Wii U.
  4. If you're still having a difficult time understanding why this is a bad idea, Jim Sterling, once again, hit the nail on the head:
  5. You are.... EDIT: Unrelated, just noticed this topic has Xbox One and PS4 labels... does that mean a mod has edited it and didn't update the poll?! THE HELL!?!?!
  6. This is perfect! For now on I'm going to take 40% of FDS' paycheck. FDS, if you're not happy about this don't worry, you still get 60% of your paycheck which is more than the 0% you could be getting.
  7. A fantastic way to get less people covering your games, good job Nintendo!
  8. Welcome aboard Finn. Also I don't know what's going on with your Steam ID but it's friggin' crazy:
  9. Likewise. A straight adaption of the 4th and 5th books probably wouldn't have been great TV. I'm also looking forward to the book purists losing their goddamn minds. Book spoiler: EDIT: Also, great use of that David Bowie song... hopefully HBO just officially release the trailer soon.
  10. Played some Metroid Prime last night. I forgot how much of a pain in the ass motion controls are. First, the nunchuk isn't wireless, wtf?! Then, you need a sensor bar. Oh wait? Can't you use the gamepad as a sensor bar? Yes, but it doesn't seem to work if you're more than 5 feet away. Guess you're using the sensor bar with 50 feet of goddamn tangled chord. Ok now you're set up, ready to Prime some Metroids. Now you have to point at the screen, for NO REASON. And by "point at the screen", I mean "point at the screen relative to the sensor bar". I can't believe I use to do this. Fuck you 2006.
  11. I just bought a Wii game... A FUCKING WII GAME!!! Digitally, on the Wii U! Waaaah!?!?! TIME TO GET MY WAGGLE ON:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      IP DNS stuff. Not super sure on what triggered it bit "host cock up" is best explanation I guess.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      For some reason I keep reading this as "OH THANK THE GODS" with an "S".

    4. TCP


      Ethan, there's only one God. And his name is ......Mark Cerny.

  13. Yeah that was really distracting and broke the immersion. If only they could have developed the game in a place where people speak French...... oh wait. All the details to create a convincing Paris were undone when a guard yells "Aye, U thare! M8! U bloody bastard!". ...At least with Victory it won't be an issue.
  14. 4.50 on the PSN! That 10% off coupon saved me 50 cents... wow!!
  15. PSN Flash Sale this weekend, plus the 10% off coupon.

  16. Does that make Ethan the new Patricia?!
  17. The following status update is dedicated to Wally: Let it go, let it gooooo! Turn away and slam the doooor! I don't care... what they're going to saaaay. Let the storm rage on!!!! The cold never bothered me anyway!

  18. I've seen a ton of movies on Netflix lately, let's go through the OK ones: How I Live Now - What's up with the cousin lovin'? Is that normal in Britain? This movie kind of reminded me of 28 Days Later, how it all just fell apart half way through and turned into a depressing yet dull experience. But oh boy do I have the hots for Saoirse Ronan. In Your Eyes - Pretty bad for a Whedon flick but oh boy do I have the hots for Zoe Kazan. Cloud Atlas - Not as bad as I was expecting. It's the kind of film that might benefit from a second viewing. Submarine - I actually fell asleep half way through but there wasn't anything downright awful with it.
  19. EDIT: Sick burn removed. YA HAPPY ETHAN?!?!?!?!
  20. I wasn't aware sharing a YouTube video means I don't form my own opinions anymore. God forbid I agree with someone.
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