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Everything posted by TCP

  1. October 21st. TO THE CALENDAR!
  2. Moon Hunters coming to PS4/Vita next year:
  3. Holy crap! That early review date for Hyrule Warriors really took the hype (the little amount it had) out of that game.

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    2. TCP


      Maybe for Japan but isn't the Wii U doing better there than it is here in the west? I think a lot of problems for Japanese developers is they don't look outside of their borders enough. North America/Europe combined is a way bigger market than Japan.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Well, lots of folks in the West will by any Zelda game they can, even if it is a brain-dead Dynasty Warriors clone. Ninty's just hustling for some extra money in these troubled times.

    4. TCP



  4. I always thought of it as Fable, without the bullshit. Hopefully we see another one at some point from whomever ended up with the IP.
  5. I liked the modern day stuff, which made the ending a big let down. Post your thoughts in the Ass Creed thread when you finish, and don't forget to vote in the poll on where you think Assassins Creed 3 should take place..... IT'S ONLY BEEN 3 YEARS, MODS!!!! Oh and do the Homefront missions, they add a lot of perspective and character to Connor.
  6. Ha! You been UBISOFTED! I actually don't mind AC3. I liked the Desmond missions (minus the BS ending), the world, and Connor. It's got some issues, primarily the overly long opening introduction and some technical issues. It could use a PS4 version with some more polish. Still better than AC:R and AC1 though.
  7. The Flash premiers October 7th, which I have a lot more faith in than Gotham due to the Arrow people being involved and the set up in season 2 of Arrow.
  8. Gotham premiered tonight. It was pretty bad. Basically, Ryan Atwood from the OC plays a young Jim Gordon, but his acting still sucks. In fact, so does everyone's acting. At one point, Jim Gordon and his partner are interviewing a guy (Poison Ivy's father) and he makes a run for it, turns around and starts shooting at Gordon. Eventually Papa Ivy tackles Officer Gordon and almost stabs him in the face. What happens next is a bit of a spoiler... but not really, but I'll spoiltag it. It didn't make any sense and it was surprising something like this didn't get fixed in the script, or when they were shooting, or editing... just weird. Anyways, the entire thing was bullshit and I don't recommend watching it. I have no idea how they're going to sustain this concept for an entire season, or (doubtful) multiple seasons.
  9. I don't know what you're talking about, that link goes to an article about Deadpool and ALWAYS HAS. Ignore that part where it says I edited that post, that's not important!!
  10. http://youtu.be/GwVr_A5X2KY If something bad happens to DD, I'm going to cry like a baby.
  11. I forgot that was a thing. In regards to Deadpool: I guess now that everything after the 70s has been re-conned out of existence, they can make film-Deadpool not the total antithesis of the character.
  12. What's the kid holding in the middle frame?
  13. The PSP version of FFIV is the best, those sprites look great. The bobble-head 3D version looks awful.
  14. Link, that scarf looks stupid. What are you, a soccer fan?!
  15. I like the combination of XIII-2's ATB but still being able to control your characters location, that was a great blend of traditional RPG mechanics and action. I'd be interested to see what XV's combat is like these days, I think the last time we saw gameplay was 2011... maybe?
  16. Wasn't FFXIII basically a turn based RPG? Or does it not count as turn based once it's active time battle?
  17. I don't know, on one hand, I'm kind of bored of all my characters being shaved head men, BUT on the other hand, it really bothers me that they have all these ridiculous haircuts and they're riding around in a convertible all the time... has no one in Japan ever ridden in a convertible?! But, I don't judge people (or characters) based on their appearance, unlike you GOH... you jerk!!
  18. Hallways can branch off too, but they never did in XIII.
  19. So is the entire game a road trip? Seems like a good way to keep it linear... replacing XIII's hallways with the highway.
  20. "It's been a long time coming... almost there"
  21. The PSP/PS3 XMB remains my favourite UI for any console, ever. The bubbles are universally unpopular, I can't believe Sony hasn't done something about it. But they're also the company that took the functional and well organized PSN store on the PS3 and in 2012 changed it into the disaster that is now and haven't done anything about it since.
  22. Nah, it's there, TFG, it's there and it will NEVER leave us. It's basically the Wally of Vita.
  23. The PS4 does have two USB 3.0 ports.
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