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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I liked Danny Pink but the closeup of the single tear going down his face was a little much.
  2. Isn't there some newscast in P4 which directly references P3?
  3. Oh just FYI I canceled my Destiny pre-order to the realization that my backlog is OUT OF CONTROL.
  4. Good news, Persona 5 is coming to PS4!
  5. TCP


    I don't understand why they wouldn't have just added in a proper second circle pad. Anyways, I already bought a 3DS, and then a 3DS XL, neither of which I ever use these days, so I won't be getting this.
  6. Good job, SS. Make sure you get a good set of winter tires!
  7. I have the same headphones! They're pretty decent.
  8. I'm married!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Mile High Club! (Kind of...)

    3. SomTervo


      Mile High (Above Sea-Level) Club!

    4. SomTervo


      High(from Low Atmospheric Pressure)Club!

  9. I honestly don't think a game developer's sex life is something we should be discussing.
  10. Finally bit the bullet and picked up this gem for PS4 and Vita last night: It's perfect on Vita! Painfully hard though. Or I'm just bad. Maybe a bit of both?
  11. Inside Llewyn Davis I went into to this film not knowing anything about it. I think I heard it was about an 80s folk singer? So, as a huge Dylan fanatic I was pretty happy when it starts off and he's playing the Gaslight. Lots of great nods to folk singers, Ramblin' Jack, Peter Paul and Mary, and of course, Dave Van Ronk (dat album cover, yo!). The way the Coen's handled the beginning / ending was terrific too, especially with the reveal of who Llewyn was performing with. Which, obviously, would mean huge changes for the Greenwich folk scene and Llewyn/Dave.
  12. My reaction for that last third: Ugh...
  13. I don't care what non y'all say, Man-Shep will always be the best Shep. Also I would totally play through ME1-3 again on PS4, if the games got remastered. Just sayin'.
  14. Spelunky is another game I just don't have the patience for to try and get good at.
  15. I think this is the same demo that Strangelove posted, this time in English. I'm really confused why no one in this game at least has a French accent.
  16. TCP

    English vs English

    Sugar... free? Oh have we talked about the way some Americans say "roof"? I know Americans like to rip on Canadians for saying "aboot" (which, as a west coaster, I have NEVER heard anyone say aboot unless they're being ironic), but I hear Americans all the time saying "rough" for "roof". I heard it first in Home Improvement as a kid (from Tim the Toolman Taylor) but lately I've heard it more often. It's weird, and sounds stupid.
  17. True, sorry FLD. I like you. But not that much. Yeah, I thought TC was who Ethan was talking about? TC said the PS4 wouldn't reach 10 million sales in it's first year... or something along those lines. So I said TC had to eat crow but FLD (goddamn hero in my books) scared him off.
  18. Well, he is pretty charming
  19. Well the first thing, I just wanted someone to blame. It was between you, Wally, and Strangelove, but those dudes are cool and your name is shorter. The second is true, technically, you did get rid of him. I wasn't trying to be mean (to you). In my opinion, that makes you a goddamn hero.
  20. OK OK I'll keep playing it. What got me through FFXIII Oh and I played a bunch of FFXIV which was great, I want that game, without anyone other players in it. That is my dream Final Fantasy.
  21. I've beat XIII (which X really reminds me of) and IV, and played portions of VI VII and IX. Plus I mastered Dissidia 012. XIII was ok (it actually really reminds me of 10), IV was great, and I'd do a complete runthrough of VI if the PS1 port didn't suck so much. I haven't minded the other characters of X so far, the first guy you start out with who gives you the sword was ok, as was the girl on the boat and Wakka. I'll give it another shot. The part I got to a few nights ago was in Wakka's town, you go into the temple and there's someone who's been stuck in there for a few days and Tidus goes to save him, when he's told that's forbidden he yells "like I care" and I just wanted to punch him right in his stupid face. Plus I am a sucker for anything with time travel in it, and he's supposedly 1000 years in the future....
  22. Say what you want about Sony at least they're honest about "game X will be making it's console debut on PS4" or "and you can play it first on PS4".
  23. Apologies for derailing this thread. I can only take so much of his pompous attitude! At this point, I'm not sure what he's arguing anymore since he claimed he didn't read Pitchfork, then I show that he does read Pitchfork and now he's saying it's for the exclusives, but he's still arguing with me for... some reason? Oh right, cause he loves music way more than anyone else. Got it. It's fine that he reads Pitchfork and listens to NPR, but, that doesn't make him a musical authority. To get things back on track: I think Final Fantasy X is going to beat me. Which sucks cause that means I'll probably not get through FFX-2... I really wish you could have bought the HD versions separately. Tidus is just such an obnoxious character. I honestly don't know how this game is held in such high regard by (a lot) of people, he's nowhere near as bad as Lightning. Lightning might be a mope that Square Enix repeatedly shoves down our throats but at least she's not a bratty teenager. Maybe the rest of the party (I've only gotten to the point with Wakka) are so awesome it makes up for him?
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