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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. That's an awesome game, I just hope you like platforming. Lots and lots of platforming. Id say about 75% of the game is platforming.
  2. Been replaying ME3 on insanity as a vanguard......yeah, its broken. Under the right circumstances, you can kill pretty much everyone except Atlas' and Banshees with nothing but the biotic charge and nova. Despite the fact that it feels cheap, its a lot of fucking fun too.
  3. Ezio will definitely be in(if Sony asks). Ubisoft does not know how to say no to cross promotion.
  4. But its not a sequel, its an alternative. While the idea seems to be ripped right out of SSB, its still a new product. People have ridiculous amounts of franchise loyalty. I doubt nothing as good or better than CoD has come along in these last 5 years, but people don't adopt them. They give them a try, and go back to CoD. It seems people don't like having two of the same type of game. This game is going to be more of a Battlefield. Similar enough, but different and some would say better in every way. All in all, CoD is still number one despite what other games come out. And I say all of this because of the devotion people have to SSB. You literally cant talk shit about it. You can talk shit about Brawl not being as good as Melee, but you cant talk shit about the franchise. You say its not deep and tons of people will come out of the woodworks to try to prove you wrong. Shit, there's even a Brawl remake type thing where they balance the game to be more like Melee. They changed everything in that game. Im sorry, but people that dedicated will always creep me out. They take this shit seriously. This game is basically Move. A better version of the wiimote, yet not nearly as popular. No one dropped their Wii for Move like Im sure Sony assumed. The shittier product won because it was there first and people are scared to try something different. Id say it as because lack of good move games, but then again the Wii also didnt really have a good amount of Wiimote games. Tons of good WIi games, not a lot of good games that use the Wiimote as it was intended.
  5. Not beat as in money, but beat as in making a better game. Just like most first party Sony titles, I don't expect big numbers. And I really think it needs to offer something different from SSB. As it stands, if you have Brawl there's really no reason to own this aside from the roster, which a lot of people would say is worse. The fact is that a lot of people have Wiis and a lot of those Wii owners have bought or played Brawl to know if they like it or not. If they like it, they have no reason to give this game a chance, but if they didnt like it, then this game needs to offer something to them that Brawl didnt.
  6. Jesus, people are super pissed that the game just even exists. Theyre acting like this is the first time one company copied another one. Either way, last time Sony copied Nintendo, Naughty Dog ended up creating the best kart racer ever(Crash Team Racing), so hopefully they can do that again. Im not really a fan of SSB. Aside from the characters, I don't get any enjoyment out of it. So Sony can actually change the system and make it a bit deeper than SSB. But that would probably alienate people. Because at this point I don't think its a problem of being worse than SSB. It really cant be. SSB has decent balance, but its not rocket science. Sony just needs to add a really big thing or several small things to differentiate itself as far as the actual fighting goes. It needs a big gimmick to set itself apart. But most importantly, Sony needs to realize that they dont have enough star power to pull away SSB fans by making the exact same game on their platform. If it cant beat Nintendo with characters, it needs to do it with gameplay.
  7. Ang Lee's Hulk is the worst piece of shit ever.
  8. Did anyone play the demo? Its pretty decent. I like the customization a lot. The art style is neat too. And I was about to applaud the gameplay, but I just read the first post on here. Its not a bigass rpg? It sure feels like it. As much fun as I had killing that griffin, the first demo mission is really boring, so it doesnt seem to have a good story going for it. If im not getting armor, weapons and doing tons of side missions, I dont see the appeal of making such a huge game. It doesn't have amazing third person action gameplay. Compared to western rpgs like Skyrim and Dragon Age, yeah the melee and aiming is awesome, but its still not DMC quality. Shit, Now Im confused. I was really under the impression that this was Dragon Age with a better less rpg and more action battle system.
  9. I just tried the NG3 demo. Good God, its actually as bad as everyone said it was. It's a 15 dollar game tops...and thats ONLY if youre a Ninja Gaiden fan. Otherwise skip it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pojodin


      Wall spam with the DDB! /WrongGame XD

    3. Johnny


      I think you'll probably hate it even more if you're a ninja gaiden fan. NG3 takes out all the parts that were good about 1 and 2.

    4. Strangelove


      Well, the fighting system is still the same. It still plays like NG for the most part, but this time they took shit out, changed shit that didnt need changing, added stupid pointless shit(climbing), and the world proves to be absolutely no challenge. It feels like youre overqualified to work there.

  10. But Aquaman, you cannot marry a girl without gills. Youre from two different worlds!!!

  11. Well, those episodes I think are "awful" compared to the other earlier ones. theyre still good as far as the spectrum of all tv comedy shows are concerned.
  12. Well, Im watching season 8. Its really sad seeing some of the "newer" humor creeping in within some of the most iconic episodes of the show. It has a ton of great memorable episodes. Mr Sparkle, John Waters as...John, Can I borrow A Feeling song, Grimey, Mr Scorpio(possibly my favorite second episode ever), the episode where Homer see the alien and mulder and scully show up, Mr Burns son Larry played by Rodney Dangerfield, Poochie, and Johnny Fucking Cash playing a coyote. And Phil Hartman is still alive. Just some awesome shit. But this season also has the variety showcase episode that splits into three little mini-episodes which is awful overall, the episode where Lisa dates Nelson, the pretzel episode and most of fucking all, the Lindsay Naegle character that I really fucking hate. Its a really good season overall, but I think this is truly when the show starts stumbling.
  13. Also the fact that he's "adopted" and not from the same race. And that they never told him. Im not adopted, but adopted people seem to really hate that.
  14. I feel the same way about Thor. I liked it a lot, but its not really as well made as Captain America or Iron Man.
  15. Thanos. That is all.

    1. BrainHurtBoy...2



    2. FMW


      Woah, heads up everybody. Brain just transformed into a super fusion saiyan 4.

  16. Batman is such a damn good detective that he has become self aware realized hes in a videogame. Woah.
  17. In a revised history of September 11, 2001, you are a lone US soldier who for some reason knows Osama's plan, so you are tasked to climb up one of the towers while fighting terrorists along the way and get to the top to shoot the airplane down from the sky before it reaches the tower. - next CoD

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      I probably listened to him too much. I now judge my vacations against "Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota".

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Weird Al is the 90's incarnate

    4. TheRevanchist


      For some. For others, 80's incarnate.

  18. All that Red Dead Redemption talk makes me want to play it again....so I will!!!!! Right now! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I was getting ready to start it again on 360, which is what made me post that status update.

  19. I'm actually not upset about the GOTY version. I usually am for some dumb reason, even though I shouldnt be. I guess upset isnt the correct word, just...not happy about it. That being said, If its not storybased, I dont care about the dlc in any game. And I only paid 30 bucks for the game, so I think I got a pretty good deal. The Harley dlc looks awesome though. Story dlc is just the best kind of dlc.
  20. I so did not, like, ask for this, dude.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Is that Frat Bro Jensen?

  21. How did it take me this long to see that Kotaku tries really hard to bait trolls with their articles so theyll post back and forth with each other?

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      It took you this long? It's a common practice by Gawker since page hits bring in the dough. Articles people hate=more views.

    2. TCP


      Yeah, that happens everywhere. Look at Don Cherry on HNIC, every Saturday, they pull him out, he spouts out more crap, and love him or (usually) hate him, people watch.

  22. Does Star Wars take place in the past or the present? Does it even take place in our reality or an alternate one? Is there even an Earth?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Maritan


      I now realize that I'm a total SW nerd, because Strangelove's question made me rage.

    3. Baconrath


      The answer is MOICHANDISING

    4. TheRevanchist


      Space Balls: The Flame Thrower?

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