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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. By the way, most of the free stuff is only free for the month or sometimes only until the next PSN update. Onces its gone its gone, so make sure you log in every tuesday and download everything you want, even if you dont actually download it right then and there. As long as its on your downloads list you can download it whenever you have the time.
  2. Well, I finally got my Iphone 3gs and now I need some recommendations. Is there a good call blocking app out? All the ones I keep seeing get really shitty ratings.
  3. If they had given Vincent a direct choice as to whether to cheat or not, there would be no game to play. Itd be no point to it if Vincent as a character didnt move the character in a neutral ground. Vincent does a lot of shit and its up to you to deal with it. Thats basically to me how the game went. I think most people would be complete pussies and wouldnt cheat so theyd just tell Catherine to fuck off and the game would be over in 5 minutes(at least according to the online polls in the game). Thats just no fun. It would have made a really boring game. If anything, it felt like the player took on the role of either the angel or the devil on Vincent's shoulders, not Vincent himself. Youre talking in his ear, youre never really him. Making the game that way made it possible for people to explore that kind of relationship when most would just have nothing to do with it.
  4. Why do I get the same glee from wanting to see Nathan and Elena together like i did with Jim and Pam? It makes me happy when theyre happy for some reason.

  5. Yeah, thats a good comparison. Halo 1 was a lot of fun because of it. I never felt like I was just running forward clearing enemies. It gives some room to learn the levels and set out your best plan. As far as Uncharted 3 goes, the game wants you to use shooting, melee, platforming, and grenades evenly in fights. If all youre good at is shooting and nothing else, its going to be a rude awakening. For me it was a godsend though since in ALL third person shooters I always try to use melee or shotguns. I like to get in close. I picked vanguard in ME2 the second time around and relied on my shotgun and melee and I found the game more fun. U3 caters a bit more to that now.
  6. Well, im done with the game and i hate reviewing games, but ill put some stuff up out here without showing any spoilers. I honestly think Uncharted 3 is better than Uncharted 2, but not by much. If anything, some people might not notice it because its a close call. A SERIOUSLY close call. It a different game than Uncharted 2, yet it excels where it means to, but at the same time it doesnt completely eclipse the previous game. Its hard to describe. The game starts slow for sure, but the reasons gameplaywise make a lot of sense. Its enjoyable the whole way through, but proportioned differently. Its not as mixed as it was with Uncharted 2. Theres a lot of complaints with the aiming and i noticed it when I started playing it, but i upped the sensitivity and I actually think this game has the best aiming of all the Uncharteds. I got shit tons of headshots, and I suck at getting headshots. The melee is amazing. I loved it. There are also a lot of complaints about the difficulty and I feel like I know why. People complain because levels are open all over. Enemies can surprise you at any time and gang up on you. I think this frustrates people because of the way theyre used to playing these types of games. Youre NOT supposed to hide behind a wall for 10 minutes while you shoot everyone so you can move forward a few more inches and continue the trend. Thats not how the game works. The game tries to get you to move and think on your feet. The same way enemies creep up behind you and shoot you? You can do the exact same thing to them. You gotta stay active in this game and apply different tactics. Honestly though, Uncharted 3 has some moments that completely eclipse the best moments of Uncharted 2, but not as many as Uncharted 2 overall. I think thats why people feel that Uncharted 2 is better. It constantly bombarded you with shit you had never really seen before. It left a strong impression on a lot of people and Uncharted 3 cant really give that same impression again, as hard as it tries. I wont spoil it, but there are 2 moments in Uncharted 3 that completely blow away any moment in Uncharted 2 and thats why i think its the better game. ON top of that you have better mechanics, better shooting, better platforming, and WAY better puzzles. Its all better personally. But like I said, not by much. If Uncharted 2 was a 10, Uncharted 3 is a 11.5. It can become unnoticeable.
  7. Just finished Uncharted 3. Took about nine hours. It was awesome. The end.
  8. Uncharted 3 is awesome, but im not going to use my Starhawk beta code. if anyone here wants it, message me.

  9. Goddamit, younger Sully is fucking sexy. I think im gay now.
  10. The last movie I saw with Ray Liotta in it was Observe and Report. He's toned down a lot as far as being so...Ray Liotta-ish with his voice. Also, The guy in that pic doesnt look like Tommy a lot, but it does look like Ray Liotta. I dunno. It could be.
  11. Anyone know who the narrator was yet?
  12. So if the Milky Way is a chocolate coated soft nougat in the UK, whats a 3 Musketeers?
  13. After I downloaded 125mb, i updated the game with another 125mb, then it told me i needed 18gb free on my hard drive. FUCK THAT.
  14. I got psn plus for 3 months, then I won another 3 months through the Subway Uncharted 3 promotion and im liking it a lot. I just got Hydrophobia, Crash Bandicoot 1,2,3 and CTR for free today too. Last month I got Costume Quest, RE1,2,3 and ALL the Uncharted 2 dlc for free. You also get some free avatars and dynamic themes. I think the discounts alone justify it really.
  15. Mass effect 2 is 19.99 on psn, same as retail. Psn is really starting to get its shit together lately.
  16. Is it bad that i don't hate the illusive man? I actually agree with most of the stuff he did in me2. Most of it i found to be justified. According to forums and polls, im supposed to hate him. Weird.
  17. Well, I just paid 150 bucks for an 16gb iPhone 3gs. I hope the pictures match the item.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Also, with the old models, you do not need to sign a new contract. You cam keep the unlimited data plan!

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      You probably could have got a regular 4 for that price.

    4. Strangelove
  18. You dont have tourettes, do you?
  19. Skanks are universal. God bless them.
  20. well, the ps3 is running again, even if something fell off the motherboard....hmm....oh well!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strangelove


      All those weird doodads are just there for show anyways. I doubt they do anything.

    3. Chewblaha


      Famous last words before Vince's home exploded.

    4. Strangelove
  21. Well, my ps3 just broke. I wish it had broken when I was employed so I could have bought a new one. Damn. Uncharted 3 comes out next week. Fuck me in the face.

    1. FredEffinChopin


      Not reading discs? That really is awful timing, even a repair will take a couple of weeks...

    2. Strangelove


      No, its ylod. second time. The first time I fixed it by doing the oven fix and it lasted over a year. Gonna have to do it again.

    3. FredEffinChopin


      Ah. Well, at least there's hope then. Best of luck man, hope you're up and running by Tues.

  22. Gamestrailers? Eww. Well, they pay better, so theres that benefit. The only one really.
  23. I honestly think they want to get all the info thats out there and put it into one website. Theirs. And its not like theyre stealing credit like they used to. Theyre admitting to reposting shit from other places. As long as theyre honest about it I dont think its a problem.
  24. Every time I try to replay Dragon Age Origins Im reminded of the missions I really hated. The one where you get trappe dint he fade becaus eof that kid and overall just spending a lot of time in dwarfland. I didnt like those at all.

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