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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I don't think anyone has actually challenged nintendos portable consoles besides Apple. The original psp was probably the closest, but they were still severely behind. Shit is about to change big time whether we like it or not.
  2. A lot of gamers fail to realize that Apple doesn't need to steal customers away from Nintendo, ms, and Sony. They just need to get the people who don't play on consoles made by Nintendo, ms, and Sony. There are tons of nongamers just waiting to be converted. Its funny how hardcore gamers are so egotistical. These companies don't need you, you need them. If you don't buy their "dumbed down casual" game, millions of others will. If anyone can make the "average" person into a gamer, its probably Apple. While a lot of people don't game because of ignorance, just as many people don't game because what is being offered isn't catered to them. Apple can do that I think. Shit, they singlehandedly popularized digital music. And that changed the entire music industry. I only wonder what they could do with gaming. I figure none of us will probably like it. No more than cd and vinyl collectors like itunes.
  3. I have this strange feeling in the bottom of my gut that is gnawing at me- I need more ME2. How long is the Arrival dlc?
  4. Brotherhood was a refined ac2 with alot of extra features added to it. Its pretty much better in every way. Its not much different though, but the ac2 was great from the getgo.
  5. I still dont have a motionplus controller or attachment and its so late int he Wii's life that I dont feel like spending extra money on it, even if it is a Zelda game. Honestly, what other games....well, what GOOD games also require the motionplus? lolredsteel2doesncount
  6. Ive never played or experienced MOST of SS, so thatd be an idiotic choice at this point in time. I actually like TP's style. Not the game though, but it looks good.
  7. Ummm...that's exactly what "tacked on" means. Just a halfhearted add-on made at the last minute so people dont sell it after theyre done. The bad news if that it if sucks, people will still sell it after theyre done. Fuck, even if they like it theyll still sell it after theyre done and just get back to their REAL preferred multiplayer experience. Multiplayer needs to be added and developed from the first single fucking day that the game started developing. Otherwise it is literally an afterthought.
  8. Im getting this used now. I still want to play it because I still think its going to be a good game, but I can't give companies money and make them think I encourage this tacked on multilayer bullshit. It is honestly that big of a deal to me.
  9. Ugh. Another game with tacked on co-op.
  10. I just bought the 15 dollar SSF4 Arcade Edition add-on. I feel spineless as a jellyfish right now. Oh well, at least the characters are cool.

  11. People need to stop buying those Dynasty Warriors games. That shit is sad.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Worse than yearly sports games.

    3. Mal


      DW died after 3.

    4. Pirandello


      I agree with Malicious. DW3 was by far the best in the series.


      And not only because I spent many times in my childhood playing that on the demo kiosk at the local Circuit City.

  12. Its weird to say something so drastic about a person I never knew, but the man made my life a lot better and Im sure it did to other people too. Pixar has made some of the greatest films ever. Up is one of my favorite films ever and its guaranteed to make me feel better when I watch it. Ive owned a series of iPods since 2004 and its in my pocket every day before i leave the house. I hold that thing in my hand more than my own dick. I love those things with all my heart. Normally I hate old people and I think 56 is old, but with the potential the man had, he truly and sincerely died too young. He is someone who would have kept contributing to the world and society, unlike most people.
  13. To be honest, Ive probably flipped that coin about 200 times and ive only won once. Its getting harder as time goes on. The sad thing is that a lot of people on CAG are winning games and stuff.
  14. Maybe this is my anti-fps stance showing, but would people really have given a fuck about Rage if it hadn't been made by id? It looks generic as fuck. Now the review scores prove it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I haven't played for myself besides the action-heavy demo but the previews made it look like it had enough non-shooting elements to be interesting.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I haven't played for myself besides the action-heavy demo but the previews made it look like it had enough non-shooting elements to be interesting.

    4. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      No, people wouldn't have cared about RAGE if it wasn't made by id. Which I think is a good enough reason to care about a game.

  15. Costume Quest is pretty awesome. I am pleasantly surprised.
  16. Rearranging letters must not be your strong suit.
  17. You can't spell "privacy" without "piracy". Think about it.
  18. If someone buys one of the new PS2 classics on PSN, let me know how they look. Ive played my PS2 on my hdtv using component cables, and I didnt think it looked great. Looked worse than a Wii game. Is this different?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Strangelove


      Other M also looked great.

    3. SixTwoSixFour


      God Hand looks fine, but my TV is an SD on composite video, soooooo...

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      The software based PS2 BC on my 60gb PS3 worked just fine. Until the PS3 died that is...

  19. I dont think RE4 was ever scary like the old RE games or Dead Space. It has a great dark and classic atmosphere, but its not really scary. If anything, I think the only scare out me came when they introduce those weird motherfuckers with the spikes coming out of their body. Also, RE was never really scary. Fuck the purists. I remember the only reason I found the early games scary was because of how hard the games were. Few healing items, few ammo, low inventory slots to carry it all in. I was scared to restart, not actually scared of something in the game happening. Id like to think its a big difference
  20. I love dynamic themes. I dont know why, but backgrounds being animated make me feel like im in the future for some reason. I feel the same way about Android's live backgrounds. If only Windows 7 could have animated backgrounds too.Im weird.

    1. madbassman39


      I want windows 7 to have animated backgrounds. Also with my windows phone 7, just backgrounds in general please

    2. TheMightyEthan


      I agree Strangelove. Though I was saddened that the Ico/SotC dynamic themes for PS3 were so flickery. Couldn't use them, it gave me a headache.

    3. deanb
  21. So ummm.....anyways, I went to Subway today and I got the chips and the drink with the codes on it, no Subway sandwich sticker though. Didnt ask either. I also bought an extra cup for 35 cents. Not too bad. I got the dynamic theme and extra cash in the multiplayer. Didnt win an instant prize though. Oh, and I updated the code list with some more. I suggest getting some codes from store bought stuff so youre eligible for the level 2 and 3 prizes, THEN using the multiuse codes. That way those will also be eligible for the good stuff.
  22. So the PS2 games that are going to become available on PSN tomorrow will be priced at 9.99. I think its a fair price for a PS2 game(In comparison, Odin Sphere goes for 10 dollars used on Amazon), but when I paid 10 dollars for RE4 and 15 for BG&E in HD, it makes me feel that id be happy paying 5 extra bucks for hd, trophies, and widescreen support. But maybe Im crazy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. excel_excel


      Hey I have God Hand and Odin Sphere and a BC PS3 so I don't want them. Still for those that do, its a fairly good deal.

    3. RockyRan


      They better not pull that bullshit where the best/biggest games (like the Final Fantasies) get jacked up in price for no reason.


      Of course, that's exactly what will happen.

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Thing with the BC PS3 is that PS2 games look bad because of the emulation or whatever. I'm guessing the download releases don't suffer from this.

  23. Id like to see some screenshots of the costume and omega and some pics of the novella. That being said, the omega battle wins for me.
  24. Its awesome. Its by far the "funnest" of the old RE games. It has the tank controls and ribbons for saving and all that crap, but you get a lot of ammo and healing items throughout the game. Tons of ribbons too. Youll have a lot of items left over. Its also long as hell. It took me about 13 hours, though a lot of it is spent getting lost, its easily an 8 or 9 hour game to someone playing for the first time. As for the story and plot and stuff, its kind of a self contained story(although it pretty much explains why Chris is so buff in RE5), its one of the most interesting of the RE games. It also has the most batshit insane villain in the whole series.
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