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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Finally got it. Came in the mail last night and ive been having a blast. Anyone else have it for PS3 and ISNT too good at it? But also doesnt suck too badly? Any midrangers?
  2. Still waiting for achievements............
  3. Im just wondering how much it costs. lets be honest here, theyre getting cocky. The Wii was really great AND cheap because of the "failure" of the Gamecube. But now that the Wii was a success, theyve made.....this...thing. I personally still think the 3DS is too expensive, so I can only guess how much this Wii U is going to cost. Less than 400 dollars for sure though....right? After Sony tried that and failed, no one would dare do that again.
  4. That controller is fucking awful. they took a complete 180. The Wiimote was so small and comfortable, one of the only controllers you could play with one hand, now this. Ugh. Im not a fan. I hope theres a REALLY good reason for that screen at that size and I hope even THIRD parties will use it to its full potential and not just tack on some lame shit like stats or maps. Im not going to be proven wrong, am i? Ugh......
  5. My phone has a voice command thing. I just say something while Google is up and itll take me to it. It hardly ever makes a mistake. This tech really isnt anything special.
  6. I said the same thing on Kotaku, but some guy replied and said that the Kinect microphone was way better than any headset and you wouldnt be able to do it any other way......thats a bunch of crap. It just is.
  7. PSVita. Thats whats going to be the big deal here. On the PS3 side, I cant imagine them having anything too surprising. Uncharted 3 is already been announced, Killzone 3 and LBP2 JUST came out a few months ago and Infamous 2 comes out this next week I think. Sequels have always been the showstoppers at these things and these games are too recent to have a newly announced game. Maybe a new Quantic Dream game. Id jizz all over myself if that was the case. But I have a feeling id be the only one. Only other thing I can think of is a remake of a popular game or a sequel to a long dead but loved series. I personally didnt see FF14 coming at all last year. Maybe something like that.
  8. .....Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now theres no reason to watch their part of the show. Fucking great.
  9. It was actually a Wipeout dynamic theme. The Japanese PSN had the Afrika zebra dynamic theme. The Uk psn was also the first to get the Castlevania LoS demo. That being said, UK's PSN Plus stuff kind of sucks in comparison to the US.
  10. Thank God I made a UK account a year or so ago so I could download a free dynamic theme. I think Im going to download LBP and then sell my physical copy. I already downloaded Infamous and Wipeout HD on my real US account. Dont know if i want Ratchet & Clank or Dead Nation. Decisions, decisions....
  11. Welcome back program is live. Its buggy as hell though. And anything that is free with the plus program you dont keep after you lose plus. only stuff you bought at a discount is yours to keep.
  12. There should be another store update today. I hope theres a surprise or two in there.
  13. Dead Rising 2 Zombrex Edition Its 34.99 for both PS3 and 360. Can anyone recommend this? I liked the original on the Xbox. Never played this one though.
  14. I think this thread already exists, but ill say the same thing ive said several times. I buy these for two reasons: 1. fps(technological limitations in general). MGS3 and SotC are the huge culprits. These games will actually PLAY better with 60 fps instead of whatever they used to be. 2. Widescreen. Im sorry, but i cant play games that cut off almost half of my screen and leave it black. I want my games to take up my entire screen. If there was a fee to make my PS2 games widescreen I would pay it. I would pay actual money just for that feature alone. It annoys me that much.
  15. So MGS3 will finally be as playable as the rest of the MGS games. Such a great game brought down by technological limitations. Its strange how much flack MGS4 got for the 2-3 minute installs, yet MGS3 has horrible fps and horrible load times when you open the menu to do ANYTHING. You wanna equip another gun? Load..... You wanna change camo? Load......... You wanna eat food? Load........ You wanna heal yourself? Load........... You wanna use the codec? looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooad!!!!!!!!!! Ugh. I think I hate this game because everyone likes it so much. Im a dick. My complaints still stand though. I prefer the 4 2-3 minute MGS4 installs over the 2-5 second loading times in MGS3. Its way more annoying. Technologically MGS2 us the most balanced. I love the shit out of it and its the reason Ill get this. And for people who havent played Peace Walker: its awesome.... except for the fact that it was catered to the PSP. The stages are small as hell and very divided. it doesnt flow like the rest of the games. The cutscenes also arent as great when viewed on the big screen. Its all very underwhelming. Its still a great psp game though. Dont know if itll be a great PS3 game. We'll see....
  16. I never finished the first one. The first castle or whatever was just too zeldaish for me. It seemed like a good game though...... except for the awful art direction. Which this sequel will keep. Then again maybe its just me. The monsters and stuff were cool, i just hate guys with big bodies and little heads. Same reason i think gears of war looks retarded.
  17. I started with the Dreamland games. They were great. Its sad to see Kirby not get the same treatment as Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. Besides Epic Yarn, it had been a LONG time since we had a real proper Kirby game. That shouldnt be.
  18. Goddammit, its such a sexy looking system.
  20. Ill upset every nerd in the room, but....those X-men movies would have not succeeded without Wolverine. Seriously. Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, Halle Berry, etc.......................they couldnt hold up that movie by themselves without Hugh Jackman and Wolverine. Just the truth. Im personally not looking forward to this movie because it doesnt have Wolverine. And it looks weird. But ill wait til the reviews come in.
  21. I only like manuals for backstory and illustrations. I NEVER read the actual info on how to play the game because i know the game itself will do a better job of it. Funnily enough, Peace Walker has a great tutorial level at the start of the game. As Big Boss you get called on to train some of your soldiers......by wailing on them. Its great.
  22. No, you shouldnt ever play Just Cause 2.
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