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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. As a former and still somewhat of a negative nancy on this forum, I just realized how unappealing that type of person can be. Thanks for showing me the error of my ways, new(ish) guy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. McBeeferton


      Don't listen to Chewie. Please.Of all people to listen to... XP

    3. Saturnine Tenshi
    4. Kovach_


      I never saw you as a negative nancy, so just carry on as usual.

  2. Bought it from Amazon for 19.99 with free shipping during one of their lightning deals. I did it while I was at work from my phone. Haha.
  3. His quips in that video are fucking stupid. "Ooh, tight fit." "I thought it was exit only." Yeah, hes referencing what you think he is while hes in the alien hive. Oh, and this doozy..... "Hmm, strange silicone-based lifeform."(after he punches 3 giant titties that are growing out of the alien wall.)[before he kills 2 naked women pretty much after being alien raped.] I LOVE dark crude humor. I love discussing taboo things. Im fucked up in the head myself and I can appreciate well written wit AND just straight up dumb nasty humor. This game just isnt funny. Simple as that. The jokes fall flat even in an ironic, sarcastic, or so-unfunny-that-its-funny sort of way. Not only that, but I think this sort of game is tackling things it really shouldnt. I think thats why its offensive to people. As Duke Nukem, youre pretty much accepting and agreeing that rape is worse than death because thats what he says after he kills all the women in that level. These women are moaning and screaming and crying in a very serious way. Theres nothing subtle that makes it seem like its a joke in any way. Then whenever you come up to a woman, Duke will either make fun of them or tell them they have to die because theyre supposedly not human anymore. I mean...shit. Is that really something THIS videogame should handle? Or ANY videogame? He doesnt even question himself whether theres a way to save them or help them in any way. Hes just an unfunny asshole. I didnt even finish the video. It was just boring. I never thought someone could make alien rape unfunny, but here we are....
  4. Have I expressed how much i dislike Just Cause 2? Cus I do.
  5. I read a lot of stuff on upcoming games, but I never go too indepth into anything. I was actually going to bitch about something similar to this yesterday on Kotaku. During E3 there will be tons of articles on games, say like Skyrim. There will be at least an article a day on Skyrim where you can chat all you want about Skyrim in the comments sections. Your hopes for the game, your opinions what what should and shouldnt be, on anything Skyrim. Then the TAY comes up where you can chat about any game int he world, real or not......and what do people want to talk about? SKYRIM. Your one chance to not talk about what everyone is talking about and you waste it talking about the same shit everyone has already probably said. Theres only so much you can know or theorize about one game. Let it go already. Talk about something else. Talk about how awesome the Lost Vikings was(which it was) or something. I dont give a fuck.
  6. Dragon Age on normal settings is pretty unlikable(PS3, if you care). I honestly had a real hard time about 6 or 7 hours in. Then I changed it to easy and the game got awesome as fuck. I hate to say it, but the story stuff is way better than the dungeon crawling. I just enjoy the dialogue and stuff way more I guess.
  7. Well, yeah. And the rest of the film was about a guy who can absorb kinetic energy, an insanely powerful psychic/telepath, and a dude who can control metal. Not to mention other realistic classics like the guy who can 'evolve' at will and temporarily. I think "generals being manipulated" is on the more believable side of the scale (even if it was told in an oversimplified manner, no doubt to avoid political boredom). Yeah, no. Theres a clear line between reality and make believe in these movies. You put these characters in real life situations to ground them in reality, but when the reality is as crazy as the make believe stuff, it kind of all falls apart. If their goal was to make a "real" film with comic book characters in it, they failed. It should have just been a straight up comic book movie like Kick Ass or Scott Pilgrim where it clearly is all fantasy. Im really just going by what happened in Watchmen. Both the comic and the movie did this thing way better. Well, except for the goddamn octopus. The movie did that way better than the comic. In the movie there was actual proof, real life evidence as to why they thought Dr. Manhattan did that shit. In this one? Not really. Just makes humanity look REAL stupid. And as much as I hate the human race myself, were not THAT dumb.
  8. I thought the demo was really boring. Combat is very basic, the demo had no story, just dialogue that is VERY vague. It was pretty though. As pretty as it was, i can see myself getting tired of these kinds of random looking stages. I dunno.
  9. I hate to say this(kind of), but i was always hoping this game sucked. I dont know why. I like good games and the more the merrier...except this one.
  10. Bouchart still shows up on my friends list. I was gone for a while and when I got back a few members disappeared, including him. No one will tell me what happened though. If anyone wants to PM and let me know what conspired, thatd be awesome. I liked Bouchart.
  11. Sebastian Shaw starting WW3 by tricking a couple of generals? The way he carried that out throughout the movie was really retarded. Just the whole plot of the movie was bad and unbelievable. It was just an excuse to tell the story of xavier and magneto, which was awesome. to be honest, the best parts were the talky ones. The action was pretty....basic.
  12. Its was really good. Not great though. Lots of little things to nitpick(boringass main plot, shitty D list mutants, gratuitous titties, that chick who played Emma Frost, etc), not as a comic book fan, but as a movie fan and moreso as an "I just want to be entertained for 2 hours" fan. Luckily the movie has way more good than bad. Its not as good as X1 or X2, but it is miles better than X3 and Wolverine, MILES better, at least in my humble opinion.
  13. Why? It was 30 bucks, thats why. I really dont know why. I barely finished Origins WITHOUT any expansions. Even then I skipped a lot of quests. Who the fuck has time to play this game and all of it's expansions? This might take me a while.... The good thing is that I traded DA Origins, LBP(Since i dled it from PSN for free), and New Vegas since i already beat it months ago and im sure ill rebuy that too once theres a GOTY.
  14. BG&E HD isnt in the US store yet...... Im not evens ure if ill buy t since ive never played it before. Yet I own it on the PS2.
  15. "Pulling a Beefy". Its so funny, I only wish it meant something else....
  16. So whats the point of pressing the circle button to make the level change color?
  17. Sorry for going back on topic, but i cant for the life of me understand "Zone." i got a gold medal in the first one, but all i did was press random buttons.
  18. Dammit. I never finished downloading the demo. Retarded name or not, this game is looking very good.
  19. Id be down for some Wipeout. I havent played in months though, neither have i played the Fury stuff.
  20. I got Vanquish and the Sly Collection for 15 bucks each at the cityplace Target in Dallas. They still have some other stuff like Mag and Split Second. I dont think its too bad.
  21. Never played any of them, but for 15 dollars I couldnt resist.
  22. I beat arcade mode in MvC3...thats counts, right? Galactus is a ho.
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