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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. He looks pretty girlish... It might not even be that gay. He still has a wiener, so yeah...its pretty gay,. Le sigh.........
  2. 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' Stills
  3. Wait, I already got one from a person on Kotaku. ha.
  4. Strangelove


    So....................yeah. Anyone have an account and would like to invite me? Thatd be awesome thanks. Also, feel free to talk about Google+ or whatever the hell you want.
  5. I wasnt going to buy another game til Catherine, but Gamestop.com had this for 59.99. I also had 10 bucks in credit. I want that backpack bad.
  6. And I just sold mine for 12 dollars credit at Gamestop.
  7. Id get it if it ever went on sale on PSN.
  8. Id make gay love to Cillian Murphy. There, I said it.
  9. Beyond Good & Evil HD on PSN. Ive never played it, but for ten bucks I dont really care. It looks decent at worst.
  10. Im replaying RE5 with Move. Pretty awesome. Takes the game from a solid 7 to a solid 8 in my book. To anyone whose played it: how do you get a lot of exchange points fast? Its going to take forever to buy all the unlockables.
  11. It was a big hollow shitbag with possibly the worst analog stick in history.
  12. Dualshock 2 is my fave. And I also hate the cube controller. Also the 64 controller. Cheap piece of crap.
  13. LOTR Extended Trilogy on bluray! Fuck yeah!

    1. P4: Gritty Reboot
    2. Slagathorian


      I bought it, and the stupid think was missing the disc with Fellowship on it.


      Have to return it now.

  14. I got it for 54 dollars at Borders. I couldnt help it. Problem is that I already had it on dvd. I dont know what Im going to do with that one now.
  15. A lot of gamers dont care about that stuff, though. Youre talking about a demographic who sell their old system to get credit to buy a new system every 5-10 years. Only "hardcore" game nerds care about that, which most have a pc with assloads of roms and isos on it..............or they have their old systems. Most console gamers live only in the present. Take that as you will.
  16. I already owned the regular RE5. And I basically have the same criticisms as everyone else. that being said, i bought this one simply for the Move support. RE4 was awesome on the Wii, and RE5 with Move is pretty much like that. The 2 episodes were also pretty alright. I also bought the navigation controller. Feels good, man. I should probably replay Killzone 3 again with it.
  17. Got a new George Foreman grill since my old one broke. I havent tried this one out yet. I loved my old one.
  18. Man, this place is fancy. Any minute now I'm expecting to get the bum's rush.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi
    3. deanb


      Oh you shouldn't. You're never satisfied.

    4. Strangelove



  19. I cried all day because i missed the forum. But then i used my tears as lube as i jerked off. Simple enough.
  20. Dont you DARE speak ill of anything Spider-man related in my presence, Dean. Or Ill get angry, and you wouldnt like m when Im angry.
  21. RE4 on the Wii was awesome. Its the best version. I hope you played that. But yeah, im the same way about MGS. Once i buy this HD collection itll be the third time I buy both those games. Im such a freaking sucker.
  22. Ive bought Re4 3 times already across different systems. I wont pay more than 15 bucks for this one. And its an exception because I love the fucking game.
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