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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Trollin' Kotaku cuz Im bored, doo do dee dah dee doo doo....la la la la la...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maritan


      Pro tip: trolling fem Shepard fags is also a good choice. They are so insecure and sensitive. Delicious.

    3. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      "Fem Shep fags"? Are those the people that refuse to acknowledge anything but the female version of Shepard in Mass Effect?

    4. Maritan


      Pretty much. They prefer fem shep to male shep, and like to say that fem shep has way better voice work, etc.

      All it takes is three words - "Shepard is male". Works every time.

  2. Finished Hard Corps Uprising. Really good game. Im not gonna lie though, I had to farm Cp to beat it. If it didnt have Rising mode I would have never bought it.
  3. El Shaddai still sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toxicitizen


      I mean, it was pretty and artistically unique and all. But, as a game, it was boring and repetitive at best.

    3. WTF


      Game's actually pretty decent and I did play the full version (asian version when I was travelling a few months ago). Also the demo is a bad demo since they really don't want to spoil things for some reason. I'd rate it as bad as the Uncharted 1 demo. I think people will see for themselves if it was good or bad. The combat gets really good. But I must warn you it's a game whose combat almost gets to DMC levels. So if you were one of those playing DMC on easy and just for Dante...

    4. WTF


      cont/- then it's not for you. THe first two chapters are all about the basics and then it gets challenging. I understand why they went for that zone in the demo but it's not representative of the game. Honestly I can say it's not for everyone. But to those who like a challenge past chapter 2 gets fun. and the difficulty levels mean something.

  4. Since dean brought it up in another thread, i also saw Sucker Punch a few weeks back. Its terrible. its so excessive in the visuals dept that it numbs you into not caring.....and visuals is all that movie has going for it. I didnt finish it.
  5. I saw Wrestling With Shadows the other night. Its a great wrestling documentaries. Im not a wrestling fan anymore, but the documentaries are still entertaining.
  6. I think a 7 is pretty good all things considering. Then again, in the same issue they give Duke Nukem Forever a 6.75. Then again, shadows of the damned was game of the month. Its as japanese as you can get.
  7. Oh and also, Gamestop doesnt have the Love Is Over edition on their site anymore. I wonder why.
  8. Game informer gave it a 7. They complained about the puzzles.
  9. So Im guessing there wasnt a trailer for this in the new Harry Potter movie after all..........
  10. Imagine if dickheads were literal dickheads. itd be so awkward. That hole up there and everything....plus: erections.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WTF


      it would give an interesting twist to 'getting your head stuck in the door' of course. Plus it seems like a midboss in cho aneki.

    3. Gigawings


      Reminds me of that movie about gigolo, the second one....


      A girl with a penis for a nose, ew.

    4. SomTervo


      It would also make a "Glasgow Kiss" no longer a brutal headbutt, but some form of face-penetrating rape

  11. I liked the overall story. Its just that the Beast isnt really the focal point of 95% of the game. It comes and goes quickly.
  12. I finished Infamous 2 last night with good karma. Great game, underwhelming ending. It was a good ending, just cut kind of short.
  13. Half of on PSN. See, this PSN plus thing was made for suckers like me. The game is normally 15 bucks, then the summer sales is 30% off, BUT if you have Plus it's 50% off. I just couldnt resist. I was going to get Plus for 3 months, but maybe I shouldnt. Ill spend more money.
  14. Right on, I miss some of the good guysfrom Kotaku. But its cool how a lot of them are here. And you only have 1 platinum? In what game? Uncharted 2. Its the only game I found fun and easy enough to platinum. Im one trophy away from Platinuming(is that even a word?) FF13 and Uncharted 1, but its not going to happen.
  15. FDS is a dick like that. I think hes the resident dick of the group. I wouldnt let it bother you. And yes, its me.
  16. Its less than 5 bucks and ive heard good things, so yeah. Had to get it.
  17. Gamestops actually had Xenosaga 2 new in stock about 2 years ago. it was weird. Other than that, I had to rebuy all 3 about a year or two ago. Xenosaga 1 was about 10 bucks used, Xenosaga 2 was 5 bucks new, and Xenosaga 3 was about 18 dollars used. BUT.....theyre easily worth 120 bucks back then, in my opinion.
  18. Besides pirating, DS homebrew kind of blows. Especially compared to PSP homebrew.
  19. Haha, what? Where did he get that from?
  20. Dead Rising 2 is a game I KNOW I will never probably finish unless I finish all my other games and I lose my job and cant get a new job to buy better games for a long time. Stupid Dead Rising 2.

  21. Dead Rising 2 is such a stupid game. The core game is super fun and theres a lot of fun shit to do, but they add a handful of save points and a time limit to try to appeal to the "hardcore" by making it "oldschool" and they fuck the game up in the process. Dying and restarting the game from the start is supposed to be "fun?" Really? You can totally make a game both fun and challenging, but you shouldnt take away some of the fun to ADD some challenge to it. Inafune, you asshole. Im glad I only paid 8 bucks for this game.
  22. Man, this place died today.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Battra92


      Ms Pac-Man is awesome

    3. Strangelove


      Who is Joel? And where is my burrito?

    4. Battra92


      I prefer Mike over Joel


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