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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. This is completely based on my personal experiences, but I think more games need to drop the minimap. Outside of open world or large games and the few games where a minimap is an integral part of the gameplay(MGS for example), having a small map on the corner screen is unnecessary. I think if you design a well thought out original and detailed level, you shouldn't need a minimap to help you find direction. I feel like developers use this as a crutch to make really boring under-detailed levels. Ive spent so much time looking at minimaps this generation that I dont remember what most of the game looks like. I cant remember any details. Though this was also my problem with the Batman games and their detective mode. Detective mode was so damn useful that I had it on pretty much 90% of the time. From the cutscenes I can say the game had good graphics, but thats about it. All I remember is detective mode. And yes, this is somewhat about TLoU. It doesnt have a minimap and listen mode should be turned off by default. The game is alot better for it. I remember almost all of it.
  2. I've never seen a Harry Potter movie in my life, so I might be the only person on earth who currently finds Emma Watson attractive and is NOT a pedophile.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRevanchist
    3. TCP


      You dirty, Ethan. Aren't you like 40?!

    4. Vecha


      *dials the police* "Hello? Yes, someone on my gaming forums is married to a younger woman!" -clicks- "hello?!"

  3. Im never going to even try Grounded. Thats where I draw the line. Ive never been into the extreme difficulties. On another note - I love taking photos in this game.
  4. Has anyone played this on Survivor mode? After beating it on hard, this isnt actually that bad(with new game plus of course). The enemy difficulty seems to be about the same, except that the infected detect you way easier this time. Aside from that, your supplies are ridiculously low compared to hard. Id say it's cut in half or more compared to hard mode. Im lucky to ever have a shiv or a medpack at any one time. The only thing thats helped a lot is that your partner will give you ammo or a medpack when you need it. Though it seems to be once per area. Was that a thing before survivor? This is the first ive seen this aside from Tess giving you one at the beginning of the game on the other modes.
  5. What Thanos looks like in Guardians... I think thats pretty badass.
  6. I imagine they get more money from Sony buying the rights for those games to be on Plus than from anyone buying the games on sale 6 months after they've been out. Statistically, don't most games sell the first month more than any other month? And I dont mean it slowly erodes, it just completely drops off after the first month. I think the only people that can sell videogames slowly is Nintendo, other than that everyone else has to sell their games as soon as possible if they want to make a good profit.
  7. The ship in Uncharted 3 is the best part.
  8. It's impossible to kill a clicker with one headshot and as far as i know killing them with a brick or a weapon doesn't count as a stealth kill, so if you dont have a shiv or a bow and arrow, I guess its not possible.
  9. I don't think its possible. When you get to the door, theres a heavy thing with wheels that you have to pull and then hold til Tess helps you with it. But I dont think Tess can show up until all the infected are dead first. You cant even use your shiv to kill clickers yet. Do you even have a shiv during that part? I dunno.
  10. There is literally one single hallway in TLoU, you know...the hospital hallway. Every single level in that game is wide open with tons of places to hide and different ways to approach the enemy. As for the times youre forced to fight, I don't see how its any worse than any other third person shooter. Ill agree that Uncharted relies too much on making enemies bullet sponges, but TLoU has none of that except for the end when people in riot gear start showing up. But by then you should have at least one weapon maxed out or close to it so you can deal with those guys fast. Besides those guys and the bloaters, most enemies die in about 2 or 3 shots. Maybe its just me, but head shots are ridiculously easy to get in TLoU. And beside Uncharted 1, I wouldn't classify Uncharted 2, 3 and TLoU as cover or corridor shooters because theyre really not. Staying in cover is the worst thing you can do in those games. The games discourage staying in one place for too long, just waiting for a head to pop out from cover. Thats how I play those games. To me thats whats fun about them.
  11. Did everyone here die a few times the first time you had to fight a clicker? Well, it's 2 clickers and about 3 runners all at once. I died A LOT in that fight. I dare say that's the hardest part of the game to me for some reason. I could never completely stealth that part. I bring this up because I just finished a hard difficulty run and I STILL kept dying during that part, but I was fine in the rest of the game.
  12. August US Plus. It seems Ive been waiting forever for Dragon's Crown to turn up on plus. I gladly would have bought it if it had gotten a decent sale, but the lowest it's been has been $20. Thats too much when Im used to getting full Vita games for about $10 nowadays when theyre on sale.
  13. And you cant even skip the dialogue either. you have to hear it each time.
  14. Yeah, there's one on top of the helicarrier where you have to race Maria Hill on an ALMOST invisible road....goddammit. I hate it.
  15. Yeah I dont know what to tell you. The framerate has been perfectly stable til now for me.
  16. Im up to meeting Marlene and I havent seen any dropped frames. And from reading DF, dropping below 60 is rare. and even then its only about 54 or 55. The most it ever drops is 46 when you first fight the bloater and thats about it. Im not as sensitive as you or other people are to frame drops, but I can see them. I dont see them here. Not yet anyways. On another sort of related subject, the cutscenes and gameplay have become almost seamless if it wasnt for that minuscule prerecorded look to some of the cutscenes, which is really rare. A lot of scenes that used to be prerecorded are now done in-game using the same models. Its fantastic.
  17. 60 fps is so nice to have. Feels good. Photo mode is also pretty rad.
  18. I always preferred Battle Arena Toshinden.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      Strangelove posting a vague/confusing status update and then not explaining himself when he's asked about it. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS AND UNHEARD OF.

    3. Strangelove


      Early 90s 3D games. I always preferred Toshinden to Tekken or Virtua Fighter.

    4. Baconrath


      I've only played the Gameboy version a little. I think Mondo was my favorite.

  19. So uhhh, Im still playing Lego Marvel and I was trying to do a side mission that takes place on a roof and you have to race remote controlled cars....what the fuck is this shit? Is there something Im missing about the controls? They seem really really bad.
  20. Jesus, Zelda's finally gone full retard(full anime).
  21. Besides the bosses, the game only really introduces 2 new things - a new enemy and a new weapon....a weapon that was actually in the Wii U version of AC. Everything else is more or less reskinned Arkham CIty assets. The boss battles are seriously overrated in Origins too. Theyre not any better than the other 2 games, theyre just flashier. Specifically the Deathstroke fight everyone seems to love. It's a qte with cool looking fight choreography. And even the last boss fight is a reskinned fight from City as well. On the other hand, I think Origins has the superior art direction and character designs. Origins easily has the best Batman costume in any Batman videogame. For the most part, they really didnt fuck anything up that City did. Im not expert though, so maybe Im wrong on that. And I will say the the story is better written than either Asylum or City. Its nothing too exciting though. I was just numb to most of the game. It's not bad, but it didn't really push the series forward either. I know it's made by a different team, but even then that game made me feel Batman'd out. Im not super excited about Knight now because of Origins. I just felt worn out by the end of it. I was going to compare Origins to Assassins Creed: Revelations, but Revelations had a whole new city and new minigames. So I cant.
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