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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. If there's one thing game nerds really succeed at, its having unrealistic expectations. I can't wait til No Man's Sky comes out. Im going to enjoy all the nerd tears.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      It's not infinite, TN! If you spent 1 second on each planet you could get through every planet in the game in only a billion years!

    3. Eleven


      What was that game where you drive for long hours? I forgot what it was called. But that's what I'm waiting for. If I can just drive for hours I'd be happy.

    4. deanb


      Desert Bus? Or The Crew

  2. http://www.hark.com/clips/vccpngwvxd-boo-button
  3. The look on his face confuses me Im not sure if hes scared, cringing, or determined lol
  4. That didnt work in the Blair Witch Project, it's not going to work here.
  5. I ranted a lot but I guess my point is that Im tired of sandbox and open world games being something you can put on the back of the box as a main feature. Its not special anymore. It used to be when it was new, but its been done to death and aside from Rockstar and the guys who make Saints Row, everyone else has fallen incredibly short. Other people can do it, but its just not special. Its nothing to be excited about anymore, unless developers not fully realizing a feature of the game is something people look forward to experiencing. The fact that people still see open world/sandbox as a "plus" of ANY game makes me shake my head. It has nothing to do with the quality of the game. It's no different than equating hours of gameplay to quality....which a lot of people fucking do. It's annoying and does gaming no favors. It makes people look less than intelligent. The messed up part is that developers keep trying to one up each other with these large games and just end up wasting tons of money and time...because people want to walk or drive to different missions and see stuff on their way, or just know that there are minigames out there for them to ignore...for the sake of their "immersion." It's kind of fucked up. I just think there has to be another way.
  6. Is anyone preordering Counterspy or is remotely interested in it? It looks pretty cool, reminds me a bit of Deus EX: HR. At least the 3D parts. I have such a bad record with indie titles though that Im really hesitant to buy this without trying it or reading review first. But if I buy it after its out I dont get the Plus discount...hmm...
  7. Yeah they were cool, but there were only like 3 or something.
  8. Thinking about it now, I dont remember shit about GTAV. Not in the way I still remember RDR. I finished the main storyline, which I wasnt impressed with and I never went back to it. Im not sure if its maybe a a handful of people who have totally gotten over sandbox games or if there might be some kind of big backlash coming soon. Im impressed by the work that went into the city in GTAV(hands down the most "alive" city in any game Ive played), but Im completley neutral to the thing. It could have been twice as big or a fourth of what it was and it wouldnt have mattered to me. QTEs and sandbox games as we know them now grew up together and people hate QTEs now because they added nothing to the actual game and proved to be very boring. I feel the same way about sandbox games. Watchdogs really puts into perspective how samey these things can be. "Just another fucking sandbox game." I like big open cities as a way to feel immersed in a living world, but I hate that developers have to come up with dumb shit for players to do in it. I doubt they really want to do it. They do it because its expected, not because they were overflowing with gameplay ideas and the only way to express them was by creating a huge ass city. And you can tell. Thats why Ive always been a huge fan of the inFamous series. It always takes place in a big city, but its not a sandbox, it's open world. You can run, fly or grind rails around beating the shit out of enemies, which is the main and often only type of gameplay. Just traversal and combat. Those games were always so refined and smooth compared to any other series with big cities in them. To a lesser extent, Assassin's Creed does the same thing. The cities are a singular tool to create immersion, nothing more. Its a stage. I hated GTA4 and really liked GTA5 for being so different from it, but I think the only things different was that GTA5 had fun driving and the game had an old school GTA sense of humor. I think thats what really saved it for me. Otherwise theyre about the same. I wonder how the remaster will review or if itll make anyone second guess all those high scores it got the first time. RDR is Rockstar's best game and it just might be because compared to the GTA series, there's very little to do outside of hunting and poker.
  9. AIDS, crack and hair metal. Thanks a lot, 80s.

  10. I have over 7,000 unread emails on mine. It bothers me a bit, but not enough to do anything about it. Last time I had this many, I just plain deleted my email address and got a new one. There's just too many to go through. EDIT: well Ill be damned, theres a way to mark them all as read at once- http://lifehacker.com/5916375/how-to-mark-all-emails-as-read-on-your-iphone-with-one-simple-trick
  11. I don't mind that at all. Kratos was awesome in MK. I figure if a developer wants to add it and if a console maker wants to pay for it, go for it. Then again, Sony and Nintendo have way more exclusive characters than MS, so I'll benefit most of the time. You know what was stupid though? Soulcalibur 4 and it's stupid Star Wars character thing.
  12. Im so sad about Robin Williams death his family are in my prayers lol
  13. I cant believe Im actually talking about Madden, but this awesome commercial just came out for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DL0W9AUCuY I wouldnt mind commercials if they were this entertaining.
  14. People who end their sentences with "lol" and no period need to die. Fuck off. It makes what you say completely pointless. Its like saying nothing at all.
  15. The AC series is weird. I have a feeling thats because of so many employees and teams working together, a lot of the tone and focus changes almost every game. AC1 and AC2 are very different. Brotherhood is a lot like AC2, but Revelations is kind of clusterfuck. I dont hate Revelations, but it feels like it's by far the laziest game in the main series. From there on out it's anyones guess. All the games somehow have the samey feel because they reuse a lot of their assets, animations and engine, but the stuff they change jars with it. It feels like theyre usng the same engine from AC1(a game that came out in 2007), but just plastering shit on top of it. Pretty much like a weird Star Wars situation where these "enhancements" just dont fit right with the old work. Not to take any credit away from Ubisoft because every single AC game Ive played has been great to competent, even AC3 which gets a lot of shit isnt really a bad game, just a dull, misguided one. Every new game always has a huge new highly detailed city, a new sizable piece of story and lore, fantastic voice acting and introduces some pretty decent new mechanics that range from shitty bomb making to actual multiplayer. But I think Unity is the first game that seems a lot different and modern. I imagine they completely redid everything and are using a new engine. Thats why Im very excited for it. On the other side of the spectrum is Capcom and Resident Evil 6. They developed it with god knows how many people from all over the world who apparently had very little communication and the game turned out a weird disjointed amalgamation few people liked. You can TELL it was made by a lot of different people with different idea of what the game should be. And it wasnt a good thing.
  16. Looks like somebody likes you.
  17. Man, Tales games have some of the blandest character designs ever. And that's considering all of the jrpg spectrum. At least no dude in Symphonia is showing off his midriff...yet.
  18. I dont know all the details, but I feel like Bungie making Destiny outside of MS was the reason they probably left MS in the first place. MS probably pressured them to keep making Halo games. Had they let Bungie make Destiny, had they never thought about implementing their drm bllshit, and had they let the Kinect be optional so the console could have been priced the same as the PS4, we would be in a very different situation right now. Most 360 owners would have stayed with MS, and MS would have Titanfall AND Destiny as exclusives. It really would have changed everything. Destiny is going to be huge. I think everyone knows it. I imagine "going after CoD money" is going to change into "going after Destiny money" eventually. All because they wanted to do what they wanted to do instead of catering to the public's desires. Just plain stubborness.
  19. Checked to see if there were Robin Williams comments. I was not dissapointed.
    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      That Bud Light Platinum ad really set the mood, too.

  20. Im pretty sure I played it for about 3 or 4 hours last night and I just eventually gave up at the last puzzle. I dont care that I personally couldnt figure it out, but Im curious as to what the method to finish that last puzzle is. I really doubt it's random. Kojima needs to speak up.
  21. They could have saved themselves a lot of hate had they just admitted it when it was announced. I wonder if it's 6 months or a year exclusivity though. All you really need is 6 months to steal sales from everyone else. I also just realized that its coming out on 360 in holiday 2015. Thats either going to be a really buggy game or the current gen version is going to be neutered to hell.
  22. FFX is just fun to play. The battle system is awesome. I will admit that the game only has 2, maybe 3 legitimately good interesting characters, all of them the "older" characters of the game. But what's great about FFX are all the places you visit. Theyre just beautifully realized. The world and it's lore are really well established. It feels like its a living breathing thing. The relationship stuff is pretty bland and sometimes cringeworthy, but I think the overall story is really cool. The themes it touches are tropes from older FF games, but expanded a lot more. Plus, the game can be depressing and dark as fuck sometimes. Which you wouldnt expect considering the whole tropical and carefree marketing it had. But who knows. it could all be nostalgia. I played it when it came out and replayed it when it came out in HD and I still think its fantastic. It also holds up incredibly well. Though thats a mix of FFX being ahead of it's time technologically(it looked and sounded fantastic back then and it still does now) and jrpgs not changing much since then(there are actually jrpgs made now that look WORSE and have WORSE voiceacting). To me every jrpg that came after seems to try to replicate it, but cant.
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