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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Did anyone give "Remember Me" a chance? I got it for free on PS+ and it's actually not that bad. Great art direction and graphics, good voiceacting and music, and a pretty decent premise. The fighting does kind of suck though, but its not bad, its just mediocre. Like, "Enslaved" mediocre. I let Enslaved slide for the same exact reasons as RM, so I think Im going to try to finish this one too.
  2. Holy shit, "Lucky Louie" loves using "fag" more than Scorsese loves using "fuck." That's a lot of fucking fag. Its a little weird to see a show by Louis CK be so politically incorrect. There's even a whole skit about one of his friends acting like a retarded person so he can get free pizza. I dont feel like you can make fun of that stuff anymore nowadays. The show is also very by the numbers plotwise. Its like any other sitcom, but with hilarious dirty jokes. If you like CK, its totally worth watching.
  3. They Came Together. I'm not really a fan of spoofs when they run this long. I don't think Ive ever liked that genre of comedy, so this one was no exception. I just think it gets old and becomes unfunny. The funniest parts are the ones that arent spoofy. Anyways, overall the cast makes it worth watching, sorta.
  4. Star Wars: KoToR. Great game, though I kind of stopped caring about the story once the twist occured. Everything afterwards went by the book.
  5. God, I want a new Fallout. I'll probably replay New Vegas soon.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      TES and Fallout scratch different itches for me. Overall I probably like TES better, but I wouldn't want them to stop alternating.

    3. TCP


      Same, I just wish they had hired Obsidian or someone else to do an Elder Scrolls spinoff in the vein of New Vegas.

    4. TheMightyEthan
  6. KoToR has consumed me. So I just finished the underwater part...Bioware pretty much sucks at anything that doesnt involve rpg stats or dialogue. Looking back Im surprised how decent the shooting in ME2 and 3 were. In hindsight I can understand now why this company thought The Fade in DA:O was a good idea.
  7. I wouldnt mind something like what Mass Effect does, one male and female voice, just make the character more customizable. Not just different armors.
  8. Godammit, I'm hooked on KoToR. Played it for 6 hours straight. The iPad port is awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Strangelove


      I just left that planet. Im in Manaan now.

    3. TCP


      Never played it, I will hold out for a console or Vita (ha!) port of the iPad re-release. Unless the touch controls don't suck..?

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I wouldn't wait too long for a console port Cowboy. I can't remember the last time somebody rereleased an xbox gen rpg and brought it to moder consoles. Not to mention Vita which they've all but made clear is now running on indie titles

  9. Soul Sacrifice. This is my second time starting it up and I think I finally got it. It's kind of fun once you understand all the shit they feed you in the first 15 minutes of it. But this is a Japanese game, so Im just going to wait til the difficulty increases drastically to the point that I just give up. That train is never late. And I bring this up because im also playing Hot Shots Golf and I had forgotten that I never finished it. It gets ridiculously hard. Same thing with Sonic Kart Transformed. I still have a lot of characters that I am never going to unlock. It pisses me off.
  10. Am I going crazy or was there a separate section on the Vita PSN store for PSX games? I cant find it. Ive found some PSX games, but theyre scattered all over the place and its definitely not all of them either. I had to use search to find some of them.
  11. You know how we do this. I honestly haven't played many games this year at all. inFamous SS is really the only one close to GOTY and the rest of the year doesnt seem so great either. MGS5GZ was rad but too fucking short. I have a feeling Id really like the new Wolfenstein, but I havent played it yet. Maybe Destiny or Dragon Age Inquisition if Bioware gets their shit together. Hopefully Assassin's Creed Unity is good too.
  12. Being able to create your own character and still having them have a voice and their own personality. Saints Row The Third(and to a lesser extend Bioware games) did this and I really enjoyed it. I think all or most open world or sandbox games should have this.
  13. I knew about the PS4 and even if it wasn't there, I have so little that I pretty much know what I have off the top of my head. And the download list on the website has all of them together. I don't see an option to separate them. And Ive been using that website for a long time.
  14. I wonder if we'll ever get actual list options for our downloads list. Its been over 1,000 items for me for a while. Ive gone through all my disc games so I want to start playing my PS+ PS3 games, but its such a hassle to look though my download lists. PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, AND Vita downloads. There's no reason we cant separate all these.
  15. This happened days ago, but the game price was dropped by $10. Its $49.99. I think thats pretty good for a remaster with all the dlc.
  16. Thats not going to happen for a while, and itll definitely be the launch titles. Probably Knack, Injustice or Killzone.
  17. Shit month for me as well. I own all the good ones already.
  18. It's weird that the PS4 version of AC4 or FC has never ever been on sale on PSN.
  19. It's a strange movie to recommend to people. It's great, but it's only going to depress you. The only film outside of the horror genre where shit just gets worse and worse and never ever lets up. There is no hope in that movie whatsoever, no highs or lows. It just plummets from the start. The movie basically just shits on you.
  20. World War Z. I dont get the hate. Its a decent zombie movie. must be a raging nerd thing.
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