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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I only take a film as seriously as it takes itself. I assume a lot of people are that way. Thats why Nolan's Batman films get ripped to pieces. And honestly? Im there too. I agree with most of the hate they sometimes get. I like those movies as much as anyone else, but they take themselves so seriously and tries to explain every single aspect of it's universe that when it fucks up, it really stands out. Thats why I prefer Begins over the other 2 movies as well. There's a weird SUPER UNREALISTIC hallucinogenic plant in Begins. Thats good enough for me. Unlike the other 2 that have a shitload of complicated twists, technologies, and just extreme suspensions of disbelief....in a supposed real world. Let's just go back to strapping little penguins with rockets please.
  2. I just always enjoyed the simplicity of the Spider-man trilogy basically over every other superhero movie. Well, the first 2 movies anyways. Same reason I like the Burton Batman films over all the other ones. They don't take themselves so seriously. Even when they may deal with serious issues. Ive always been kind of the anti-nerd though. Ive never been bugged by things not being completely explained. Im ok if things get left out. Im more about how films make me feel than what they make me think. On the other hand, there are tons of people, really analytical people who will lose their shit if something gets retconned, goes unexplained, or never gets addressed at all. A lot of people will say they just need some consistency in whatever universe the character lives in, but even that is just too much. I dont understand that type of obsession with tearing these films/comics apart. But I think that may be my own personal thing. Im obsessive about a lot of other things. I guess in short - Peter Parker got bitten by a radioactive spider and got spider powers. That is absolutely fine to me. Yeah, theres lots of question you can ask, almost infinite questions, but why would you? The idea at it's root makes no sense. Leave it alone. Have fun with it.
  3. Are the new Spider-man movies popular? I never hear anyone talk about them, even here. My friends dont mention them and a lot of people on forums seem kind of neutral about it. I personally never saw the last one and Im not seeing this new one. And its for a silly reason too. Spider-man has been my favorite superhero since I was a kid. I grew up with the cartoon and the movies came out during my teenage years and I loved them, even the third one is ok in a ridiculous way. That being said, I felt this new series of films came way too quick. I know why they did it, but its still too soon. I figure Ill catch up on these in a decade, when they should have come out. Anyways, do people anticipate these new Spider-man movies like they anticipate the other Marvel movies? I feel like they dont, but it could just be my own views being projected. I geek out over Avengers, Xmen and Batman stuff. I think a lot of people do. The funny thing is that if McGuire, Simmons(I find him to be essential to the franchise) and Raimi came back, id be all over it. Despite Spiderman 3.
  4. rpgs that force you to play their minigames to get items that are useful outside of those minigames. Essential even. Goddamn stupid choco race...
  5. Isnt that what balance is? Each power has it's advantages and disadvantages. You can pick whichever you want, but none of them eclipse the others. It really depends on how you want to play the game.
  6. Seriously? The cartoon is like 5 frames or something.
  7. I said I wasnt going to do all the FFX side stuff, but I totally am. I really shouldnt. At the end of the day, its all just a bunch of grinding. Beating all these "tough" superbosses isnt really an accomplishment because these fights tend to be extremely cheap. Each boss either has some sort of weakness to exploit or they dont and the only thing that makes them a superboss is their huge amount of hp. The battle takes forever. Thats basically what makes it a superboss. And doing all the side stuff to get the celestial weapons? The monster arena? The chocobo race? 200 Lightning dodging ?Blitzball? Its not even fun to do. Its a total pain in the ass. (I actually do like blitzball, but you shouldnt be forced to do it. Im not sure why Im drawn to such empty shit like this.
  8. Aside from laziness or maybe indifference, is there really a good reason for developers/publishers not to port their PS3/360 games to the PS4/One from here on out? Im not talking about older games, I mean current ones. You could port the new Blazblue or South Park: Stick of Truth as is to the PS4 and it would sell. People wouldnt expect more frames or better textures because those games are made to look the way that they look. They cant look any better. Aside from the actual port job, youd have to do no additional work. I just dont get it. If stuff like Sound Shapes and Fez can be ported so quickly, i figure publishers with a bigger budget could do it almost instantly. Im not sure why they wont. Theres money to be made here. Some people sold their old console and some just want to use the new hardware.
  9. I love when FB buys shit. Pisses so many people off. Ha.
  10. Honestly, 2 or 3 more mission with each of those characters would have been nice. You got to know the 2 chicks from inFamous 2 way longer, though they were way more bland. So I guess its a trade off. As for the map, Id add at least two or 3 more "areas". Thats about it. I hate big maps for the sake of being big. Ive always been more of a Vice City fan than a San Andreas fan. By the way, someone had to point out some stuff that was missing from the old games. Besides the grinding on the powerline, I forgot about stuff like lifting cars or having a shield. To me it just shows how much those things werent necessary in this one. All the new stuff Second Son does is way better than either of the past games. I wouldnt say it's "less." I also feel that this is the game that cements Sucker Punch as someone Ill be highly anticipating each new game they make from now on. Some people may have felt that way already since theyve made a lot of good games(Infamous 2 is one of my favorite games from the PS3), but I think Second Son is really something else. Theyve set themselves apart. I wouldnt put them up with Naughty Dog or Kojima, but Id put them up there with Rocksteady and Platinum. Thats just my opinion of course. I know tons of people would put Platinum above everyone else I mentioned.
  11. So everyone seems to be picking this game apart, at least on the innernet. Mostly over the length and that its not GTA big and varied. That stuff doesnt bother me. There's only really one thing that stood out to me that I thought was lame, and those were the comic book cutscenes for Fetch and Eugene. I liked the look, but I hated the stories. basically "drugs are bad and nerds get picked on mkay." Their backstories were so tropey. Like something D.A.R.E. wrote. I just didnt expect that because the writing for the rest of the game is pretty solid and those characters are actually pretty interesting. if anything, the game needed more interaction with those characters.
  12. Motivational pics on Facebook. Stop it. Or pictures of Will Ferrell or Zack Galifianaikis with a quote they never said. And I used to like Buzzfeed, but Buzzfeed is also becoming annoying on FB. I guess it's really just FB.
  13. Anyone recommend Fez? It must be said that Im not a fan of gimmicky indie platformers though. Id rather play Mario and Rayman than Limbo or Braid. I hope Fez has more going for it.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. toxicitizen


      There is in-world motivation in FEZ. That world is pretty fucked, it's literally coming apart at the seams. You're trying to unfuck it. That's why you collect the things.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      *I have not played Fez, was just speaking generally.

    4. toxicitizen


      Well, I was also correcting Wally implying it didn't have any.

  14. So uhh....Thief is already $30 on PSN for PS4. That was fast. So is Tomb Raider DE.
  15. Im probably the least pickiest person on this forum when it comes to graphics, but are the textures on the PC version of Infinite just as bad as the console versions? It didnt bother me, but it did confuse me. The PS3 version has textures close to the quality of the original Bioshock. Just super blocky and fuzzy. Is there a reason why the game was made that way? It didnt seem like a very complicated game to run to me. I know the art style isnt lifelike, but thats no excuse. Cartoony games can still look good.
  16. Nope. its a good karma ability. And theres no evil substitute for it either. Also, when I was doing good karma, shooting people on the legs instead of on the head gave me health and good karma, is there an equivalent for health when youre evil? Im doing headshots, but Im not getting anything. Also, Im guessing enemies not showing up on your map is an expert difficulty thing? Because they dont.
  17. The only difference when you change the difficulty is the damage you and your enemies take. Youll notice it once you go up against one of the heavily armored enemies. Or a guy with a rail gun. But its really not that much more difficult, it just takes more time. Honestly, I hardly ever used by karma bomb in my normal playthrough, but on expert its come in handy just so I dont spend so much time chipping away on dudes. On another note - I had been abusing the slowmo power you get when you use neon, but when youre evil you dont get that. So yeah. Its been a bit tougher than usual. That power was great.
  18. I think the big difference between the last 2 games and this one is that Delsin is as powerful as Cole was in the end of i2 in the first hour. And from there it just gets better and better.
  19. There's an audio log in the game that talks about 2 other powers we didnt see/get in the game - http://conduitrightsleague.com has a few more too - I feel those could be pretty awesome.
  20. Theres a boss or 2 before Gagazet that are a bit difficult, but yes. Seymour at Gagazet is ridiculous. And the encounter rate is stupid too. Up to that point you can go through the game without grinding. Now they either force you to grind, or that you have all your aeons fully charged into overdrive. Or to have certain abilities already learned. Im sure there are a lot of people who didnt have trouble here, but if your characters havent learned the right abilities and youre not in the right level, its pretty much impossible. And from there all the bosses are difficult. Not so much in that theyre strong(though they are), but because they start using more and more status effects and counters. The game is just so easy before that. I had 99 potions, hi-potions and phoenix downs just saved up. From talking to people and enemy drops. Still have about 400,000 gil. I just never spend it. You dont need it. And then you do. That being said, Im not complaining. I just wish the curve wasnt so messed up. Also, the HD remaster doesnt have a cutscene skip function. God does this game need a skip cutscene function. Once the game delves deep into the love story aspect of it, the dialogue just gets longer and more groan worthy. Yuna's monologues are the worst. Theyre way more embarrassing than I remember them being. Thank god the battle system is awesome and the story for the most part is pretty cool too. Plus, Auron. Auron is awesome.
  21. Id say smoke is the best power for fighting and neon is the best for traversal, at least til the third power. Sucker Punch has gotten so imaginative with these conduit powers that they could make as many sequels to this game as they wanted, it could be a modern Megaman. I hope they dont, but they could if they wanted. I think most people have gotten a bit tired of elemental powers by now anyways. Im glad they went in this direction.
  22. FFX. Someone said it looked like a PS3 jrpg. Theyre all kinds of right. FFX looked fantastic back on the PS2 and sadly, Japanese developers havent gotten better since. Aside from FF13, PS3 and 360 JRPGS ALL look like hd PS2 games. Most Japanese games in general really. Anyways... This game is LONG. I forgot it was so long. The difficulty also ramps up in the last 4th of the game out of nowhere. Its still as fun as I remember it though. And normally Id stick around to do all the side stuff, but I really want to mov eon to FFX-2. Honestly, I might just not finish FFX at all and just go to FFX-2.
  23. inFamous: SS. Yep, unemployment will do this to you. Awesome game though. GOTY potential.
  24. Thats an easy fight, its just long as hell. If theres any tip I can give, its that you should spend most of your shards on getting more heavy ammo for whichever power you like the most. That being said, neon rules all. Especially in that fight.
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