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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. So as a PS2/PS3/PS4/PSP/Vita/WiiU/Macbook/iPad owner, there's no way for me to play the first 2 Deus Ex games. That's fucking crazy. I can't believe no one wants them for any of those systems. Anyways, how good are they? Most importantly, how similar are they in gameplay and storyline?
  2. From what I played, Neon is the best when youre "good", but video is better when youre "evil." If youre evil, slowmo aim is locked out, so that changes the game up quite a bit for people who rely on it. Like I did. But when youre evil, the upgrades for the video power make it seriously powerful and fast. I also feel people didnt give the "invisibility" skill a fair shot when they played Second Son. Its a damn good skill if you upgrade it fully and know how to use it.
  3. New game + is awesome. Having all your hacking augments to their max really changes up the game a bit. Not to mention having money to spend on other stuff like weapon upgrades is awesome too. I used to spend all my money on praxis kits, but with NG+ I was already maxed out by the halfway point of the game, so I have a lot of money saved up. And praxis points. I have like, 13 that I have no use for. That being said, The Missing Link dlc being integrated really kind of kills the pace. It fits perfectly in there, but the chapter is just way too long. And im just not a fan of game that take all your shit away from you.
  4. Oh Ted Mosby, you bland sack of crap.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TCP


      What they should have done is shoot a few different endings with the kids so they didn't paint themselves into a corner like that. Or, you know, end the show at season 5!

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Ending at season 5 I totally agree with. Also, personally I always wanted Ted to get with Victoria. She was my favorite of his girlfriends.

    4. TCP


      Agreed Victoria was clearly the best. THOSE BOOBS!!!!!

  5. Anyone know why in HR only 2 battery icons get recharged and the rest dont? I have mine maxed out, but when I run through them only the first two recharge? I dont see any kind of upgrade for that. is that just how the game is?
  6. I might give it another run. The Director's Cut has a new game+ option. This time Im gonna totally murder everyone.
  7. Ive played the game twice and she always died. First time I didnt know it was an option, second time I tried several times to save her, but I gave up. You need to be really fast. I just couldnt keep up.
  8. Yeah, this actually seems legit. It just seems like too much work to fake it. I do like that bag though. It seems almost exactly like the inFAMOUS 2 Hero Edition bag. That bag was awesome and really well made. Been using it for years...well since inFAMOUS 2 came out.
  9. Finally got my my platinum. The last two missions were definitely things I never would have done on my own(the comet drop from the tower trophy and the 3 powers on one enemy trophy).
  10. This Stephen Colbert thing just proves our education system is clearly a failure. Dum dums.

  11. Started FFX-2 yesterday. I forgot how much content it has. Lots of stuff to do. Also,the new(to me) psychic dressphere is awesome. Its basically my main one right now, at least til I get dark knight. The Festivalist one isnt that great though. I just dont really like it. Also, the creature creator just seems like too much. i think Im going to ignore it completely. Anyone who has played this think its worth it? I know you can play with some pretty cool characters from FFX, but...eh. Also, I find it funny that Yuna gets treated only slightly above a regular person. In comparison, maesters seemed to be treated better in FFX, with more reverence. It's in her character to not want special treatment though, so I guess its not a big deal. Honestly, the FFX party should get WHATEVER they want. They should be set for life. They saved the world by stopping a thousand year old enemy. But in FFX-2 some people still tell Yuna they cant go somewhere or do some things. Its ri-goddamn-diculous.
  12. I kind of miss Jensen. I didnt finish The Fall because I wasnt a fan of the new guy. I know Jensen didnt have much of a personality, but he looked cool and sounded cool. More importantly, the supporting characters were memorable and the city felt alive. After the Fall Im doubtful if they can pull everything off a second time. Im hopeful The Fall was worst because it was on mobile and the developers still know what theyre doing. How successful was HR anyways? It was my first DE game, which I bought because it was recommended, mostly here. I hope a lot of people bought this. And hopefully this time around they get a bigger budget. HR is rough around the graphics and animation dept. Normally I dont really complain about stuff like that, but HR was close enough to AAA than AA, that it seemed off.
  13. For the Jecht sphere youd have to walk all the way back to Besaid since the Jecht spheres dont appear until after you get to Macalania, which is way before you get the airship. Macalania to Besaid on foot? I wasnt about to do that. And you can buy items or learn an ability that makes enemies drop a particular sphere(mana, power, ability, whatever). In the US version youd run out very quickly.
  14. Its just the word I dont like. Its a bit too "cute" for me. Gay gamer works for me. Or if theyre trying to be cool, gagamer. Though might be misconstrued as some sort of Lady Gaga thing. Maybe Ga-gamer. I just like saying it.
  15. The sphere distiller items and abilities are really useful. You dont have to run out of spheres so often. I chose expert grid, but I think it was too much for me. My characters were all over the place. Its too unruly for me. Not a fan. Dark Aeons are a bunch of bulls**t though. Not because theyre difficult, but because they placed them in the most random yet inconvenient of places. The one in Besaid for example will lock you out of a Jecht sphere and a destruction sphere(if you didnt get it the first time). Luckily I was able to Yojimbo his ass. Its just annoying that you dont even have a choice to fight them. You either walk in to a new place and get challenged or you talk to a stranger and get challenge. They dont ask. Other than that? Its pretty cool. Its about the same really. Doesnt feel that different.
  16. All the bosses were awesome in SS. And honestly, bosses are dying out as a result of games trying so hard to be more "real." Id be pissed if a superhero game didnt have bosses in it. Its practically a requirement. And I didnt find the bosses any more difficult than any other bosses from any other game. Itd be like if the Batman games didnt have bosses in them. Which reminds me, aside from Freeze and Scarecrow, that trilogy did not have great bosses either. Just long drawn out patterns.
  17. "Gaymer." What a stupid word. I like gay people well enough and I also like people who play videogames, but...come on. Shut up. And as an extension, Im still not used to being called a "gamer." I cringe a bit when I hear it. Id never describe myself as a gamer, Im just a guy who likes to play videogames. Thats what I do. Unless Im a shitter and a pisser too.
  18. Have you played it before? Its an awesome game(especially on Vita), just dont do the side quests. Just play the storyline. Plus, FFX-2 is a lot more fun. Ive moved on to that one.
  19. Castle of Illusion seems like the only one Id play. And Mercenary Kings, though I have no idea what that is. Aside from Dont Starve, Ive enjoyed all the Plus PS4 games so far. Good job.
  20. I wasnt a big fan of all the bosses being in small closed off places. That was a bit weird considering the other inFAMOUS games had bosses out in the middle of the city. I dont think it was done completely on purpose though since this Seattle has almost no open places where these gigantic bosses would fit.
  21. Anyone get an email about it today? I got mine. They should be sending me a voucher...soon. The email made it sound like the beta is PS3 only, which sucks. I really wanted to see this on PS4.
  22. Naw, I think everyone is just messing around. We all know Joker is going to end up being the Batmobile. Built in like Siri.
  23. First Michael Myers and now Predator? And doesnt Battlefield have dinosaurs now too? If I was an optimist id assume people were getting bored by the current military setting.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Honestly, I think this kind of silly shit is the best thing they could do with the series at this point. I kinda wish they'd just embrace it and make the main campaign ridiculous like that.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      We'll probably end up with fantastical shooters being standard for the next 10 years until people get bored with that.

    4. Strangelove


      Fantastical can be a lot of things. Halo, Timesplitters, probably Destiny and Titanfall. On the other hand, military is always military.

  24. Do you think the Joker is actually inside the suit or is the suit a robot that Joker controls remotely?
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