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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Is anyone else tired of the double screen thing on their handhelds? I think theyve gone with it as far as it can go. Tons of games dont use it aside from a map on 3DS. Seriously. Even Nintendo themselves gave up on it being anything vital. There's a discussion on another forum about whether a system has ever stopped you from enjoying its games, well honestly, Ive sold my 3DS twice now and I wonder why that is, and I think I know why - it's kind of crappy. It's not comfortable and its cheap. It has one analog, the screens suck, and the 3D is pointless. I really think they should offer a premium product for people willing to spend more. Better screen, better form, better sound, whatever. Also, the Wii U gamepad screen sucks too. Im seriously surprised when people are so aggressively picking apart phones and tablets about resolution and ppi or whatever and the gamepad/3DS is just totally cool with them. I can only assume that since the systems are cheap(compared to tablets and phones), people just accept it.
  2. Apparently there isnt a lot of story either. I would kill for hours long cutscenes in this game. Has anyone even said if the timer counts the cutscenes? Is the game 1 and a half to 2 hours WITH or without cutscenes? If its with...ugh.
  3. I havent played the game yet, but is the game as referential to pop culture as the show is? The best thing about the show(and some would say the worst as well) is that it can be made in less than a week before it airs, so it's recent to what's happening in the world. But this game was supposed to come out almost a year ago, and it being a videogame, it was probably written at least a year before that. So I really hope the game doesn't reference things from 2-3 years ago. Thats just awkward, and very anti-South park. Thats really why shit like the Simpsons and to a certain extent Family Guy gets mocked nowadays. theyre always late with their references, they beat the horse after it died. And theyre also terribly unfunny, but thats a whole other thing.
  4. Honestly, it's almost exactly like Human Revolution. The only difference is that I felt the AI was dumber, I guess to make up for the difficult touch controls. It balances out. Otherwise everything HR had is there. Even the graphics are kind of close to HR. Items, datalogs, upgrades, animations, its all there. I miss Jensen though. The new guy is kind of dull. I havent finished it, but I assume that if people are going to be disappointed with anything, its going to be the story. Like i said, I havent finished it so maybe it gets better, but yeah. Also, from what I remember, theres supposed to be more parts to it, its not a complete game. I wonder if thats still the case.
  5. I wish I wasnt such a slave to the MGS series. $30 for Ground Zeroes is a really hard pill to swallow for me. Im usually the first guy to champion quantity over quantity, but this just seems way too expensive for 2 hours of game. In comparison, TLoU is about the same length, was amazing as hell(probably the best dlc Ive ever played) and was half the price of GZ. I know that dlc tends to be cheap because of reused assets, mostly because developers already have the engine done with, but this is kind of the same situation with GZ. Theyre going to reuse it to make Phantom Pain. Theyre going to make their $60 off their work eventually. This is pretty much the completely opposite of what other games do - dlc first, main game later. So yeah. I dunno. And its really not about the money to me personally as it is about not wanting to encourage this sort of thing. Just feels wrong. The funny thing is that Kojima has said that he didnt want to release GZ separately, but MGS fans dont want to wait another year or 2 for more MGS. So he decided to split it and offer GZ sooner. I suppose thats the price to pay for super fans of the series. Honestly, if youre not cool with this whole thing, just pretend this didnt come out and purchase it when it goes on sale, probably when PP is about to come out.
  6. Well, im going all digital with my PS4 games from now on. I dont see the point in buying discs when the game installs entirely to your HDD anyways. I just hope to god inFamous SS will be available to preload. GTA5 was.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strangelove


      ...can tell, most downloads dont include that stuff.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I still like having the disc, if for no other reason than that I have something I can lend to people or sell if I don't want it anymore.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I can totally see the advantages of digital-only though for remote play.

  7. I noticed that. He never needs to recharge and Delsin just seems more powerful than in the other trailers. Personally, I never had a problem with recharging in the other games, so thats a non-issue to me. That being said, headshots seem to be extremely powerful and from what i could tell, there seems to be some sort of chain function, if you keep getting good shots in a row, it seems to make you more powerful. at least thats how it looks to me. Overall, if the neon power is one of the powers theyre ok with showing off, im really excited to see the other ones. The neon power is extremely flashy, im a big fan of that. The tornado move in the other inFamous game seemed to be the flashiest move in the game and the neon orbital drop just decimates it, so im eager to see how far theyre willing to go now.
  8. Anyone watch this video yet? Its 12 minutes. It basically shows how a good inFamous player would play the game. Or a more interesting person who doesnt want to play it as a pure tps. Looks damn good.
  9. Im waiting to see if W&S saw the 300 sequel. He saw the new Robocop, so I figured he'd watch this other homoerotic piece of originality too.
  10. I like watching this every once in a while so I can have a good laugh.
  11. The story seems pretty cool, but is the game like GTA with booby traps and shit? And maybe a hacking minigame. Sure looks like it.
  12. ...Still no idea what this game is about.
  13. No, its bigger than usual. I just switched over to RE6 and it's almost nonexistent. I also tried to download a save file from gamefaqs so I could play it over with all the nice overpowered weapons(this game doesnt have an easy mode for some reason), but it doesnt allow me to save. Makes no sense. Disable trophies all you want, just let me play the game.
  14. I just tried to play RE4 again on PS3. I just cant do it. The controls are terrible. I just cant aim with the same analog stick that I use to walk. Its so weird. Not to mention that there's a huge deadzone in this version. Its really inaccurate. Goddamn, I hope they remake it someday. Same game, just with updated controls.
  15. So many goddamn PS4 ports, yet we can't get TLoU. It would sell so damn well. Just 1080p and 60fps and youre done. Double dippers and new gamers alike. Damn them.
  16. Really? Uncharted dialogue is mostly about humor, TLoU had some pretty funny parts, most of them(if not all) Ellie's dialogue. The dlc kind of cements that they can write lighthearted dialogue. I think theyre alright.
  17. That really sucks. And not to take anything away from her, but she didnt write TLoU, their best written game. She also cowrote U2 with one of the guys who wrote TLoU. But she completely wrote U3. So yeah. I think ND will be fine. And Im sure she'll be fine too.
  18. No last gen version of Arkham Knight. Thank friggin god.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I heartily approve ditching the PS3 and 360 as long as there's still a PC version. And there is. SO I am as happy as a pig in shit.

    3. staySICK


      I was contemplating Origins still until the news about them passing on bug fixing to focus on dlc passed. screw that.

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Origins is entirely skippable. Like an expansion pack made by people who don't grasp what makes Rocksteady's games so great.

  19. I played RE4 when it was ported to PS2 and loved it. Played it multiple times. I also bought it again when I got my Wii and to me thats the best version. I tried on PS3 and my shooting was so bad. I just couldnt get into it. Maybe I should try it again. I really wish it had Move controls.
  20. Yup. All the cool stuff i got from my Infamous 2 Hero Edition was also free about a year or 2 after.
  21. Has that actually EVER happened? All dlc eventually goes up for sale. I think the only one that never did was the Casino stage for Sonic Generations. Plus, I really dont expect much from this dlc. I assume it's something similar to what Black Flag did with the Aveline dlc. It wasnt bad, but I cant say I would have missed it if it wasnt there. I dont expect much from preorder/limited edition story dlc.
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