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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Unlike the game itself, FFX dialogue has not aged well....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FMW


      FFX dialogue was never good. A lot of us were young when it came out though. It got a lot of slack for being the first JRPG to work with voice work and lip syncing.

    3. FMW


      And for what it's worth: It still stands head and shoulders superior to Tales or Hyperdimension Neputunia or whatever other modern anime JRPGs are happening.

    4. Pojodin


      As FMW pointed out, I've always felt that the game was the voice acting experiment. Being a bit of a pioneer for it at the time, it seems like the focus for the dialogue was just making it work, even if it was pretty bad. There is plenty of room for improvement, but they had to start somewhere.

  2. Americans hate the French because we tend to view them as pussies and fancyboys. Honestly, if I ever make fun of the French its because of the Simpsons. Same thing with the Irish. The Simpsons loves poking fun at the French and the Irish.
  3. ....And you made fun of us for buying MGSV:GZ... pfft.
  4. I think Sony is trying to make it a "thing." Giving the option to completely turn it off would mean that a lot of people would never notice how different games use it. I think Sony wants the light to be a trademark of the DS4. It sets it apart. Personally, Id never turn it off. Its cool for stuff like Sound Shapes and Killzone SF. Id dim it though. I think most would agree it's too bright as is.
  5. That actually makes sense. I guess I just dont play games that do it so blatantly. Anyways, Im running through FFX as fast as I can just to get into FFX-2. Hate to say it, but it's the better game. Stupid story, but awesome gameplay. Im going to try to get the plat for it.
  6. Thats tough. All the characters in GZ are straight from Peace Walker. Its a direct sequel. I felt like that didnt matter too much though. I personally didnt care about them. The story works in spite of those characters. Id just have them read up a PW summary and then go from there. I assume The Phantom Pain will be a whole other thing though. I expect it to reference all the other games quite a bit.
  7. I really hope they get rid of most of the Peace Walker references in the Phantom Pain. Hopefully Ground Zeroes closes that chapter up. I personally didnt like the story and I dont think a lot of people have played it. The only worthwhile things it did is introduce 2 new characters(Huey, Strangelove) and one returning(Miller). They need to keep those and let go of everything else. Dont retcon it, but dont make it important to PP. If anything, I hope there's a lot of MGS3 story extensions here. It needs to be more of a sequel to that game than PW. Theres no reason not to since thats everyones favorite. It'd be a million times more shocking and interesting to see Volgin return than fucking HOT COLDMAN. THATS HIS FUCKING NAME. HOT. COLDMAN. Or that guy with the robot arm.
  8. I really would have preferred R. Mika.
  9. FFX on Vita looks pretty sweet. Its not native resolution, but it still looks great. Also has fast as hell loading and so far no hiccups of any kind. Anyways, I got a question that I hope someone can finally answer since it's bugged me since FFX originally came out in 2001 or whenever: Whats the point of this? Having the different faces/character models? They use the shitty ones when the camera is far away and they use the nice faces/models for close up cutscenes. The shitty face doesnt animate, all it does is blink and the mouth kind of moves. Cant they just do that with the better looking faces? It'll look out of sync either way. Is it some sort of processing power thing or something? Like it needs to be downgraded for most of the game? It doesnt bug me so much because its a thing, but because I dont see the point of it.
  10. FFX disables background downloading on Vita, so you cant play FFX while downloading FFX-2. FFX, you cruel bitch.

  11. MGSV: Ground Zeroes. It's totally worth it. Took me a little over an hour and a half to beat it, I didn't do any side stuff either, I just wanted to get to the story, but kind of lost direction for a while. The base you play in isn't huge, but its dense as hell. Honestly, the game is kind of a big sandbox. Theres just lots of stuff to do, lots of ways to handle the enemies in the game. Theres a lot packed in here. Also a really good chunk of MGS story.
  12. Well, were console owners. Its what we do. we get ripped off on inferior machines. Seriously though, we've been without a new MGS game for over 6 years. Thats the longest gap between MGS games theres ever been. We need our fix.
  13. Jesus Christ....we got a lot of addicts here. As long as you didn't have to give any blowjobs for it, it's not so sad.
  14. Well, I downloaded Injustice and was able to play some of it maybe 20% into the download. Not that it was worth it though, I could only use a handful of characters and training or vs only, no story mode.
  15. Im just a hater I guess. But honestly, as far as game merch goes, the japanese are way better at it than all the other countries. Maybe it's because japanese games seem to always be tongue in cheek or they always seem to not take themselves so seriously, but they can get away with almost anything. In comparisons are those stupid Mass Effect hoodies. I have no idea if they even came out or not. Just terrible. As for cosplay, I guess its a sense of humor thing for me. I dont find cardboard boba fett funny at all. If you cant do it right, leave it alone.
  16. I just like having access to all my games at once. And PS4 games all install entirely to your HDD, so it's still taking up space. Might as well not have to deal with discs. The Vita and the PS4 just made switching between games and media really smooth and fast. In comparison, Id never do this on PS3.
  17. But that's all Lego is now. If they couldnt crossover, theyd be out of business. You basically hate Lego now.
  18. Downloading this friday. God, I hope it lets me preload it. Otherwise Ill probably end up playing it sometime around saturday night. Hopefully. Downloading this too. Im an idiot. And this might be my last physical purchase, excluding collector's editions(which I hardly ever buy) or a seriously ridiculous sale on a physical game). I was going to get this off PSN too, but I decided I should have at least one cartridge in my Vita. God knows I have space issues as it is. Oh and also this, for when Im on the toilet. $16 on Amazon and it's 300 pages. Sounded good to me.
  19. What's the consensus on gamers being almost completely devoid of creativity when it comes to their hobby? Lots of people bitch about game covers, about tshirts, about the way characters look, but when they try to do their own version, its just as bad. A lot of clothing that gamers make for other gamers tends to be absolutely terrible, but it seems people just like it to support the idea, not because its good. Lots of terrible fanmade tshirts out there on the internet, just bad. And even worse game covers. So so bad. The FFX cover I just posted is actually one of the better ones. Anyways, I just kind of hate when gamers try to make their own version of shit. Also - gender switching in cosplay. or when they mix 2 things together. I hate it. I hate Hello Kitty Darth Vader as much as I hate female Ryu. Just don't fuck with it. Its difficult enough to make an accurate costume and be the shape and size for it, you dont gotta fuck it up with your shit too. The funny thing is that I dont mind this sort of thing if its somewhat official, like Lego Marvel or something like that.
  20. Honestly, comedy is probably my favorite genre of film, but I really dont often laugh out loud. I can find a lot of stuff funny, but I wont laugh audibly. I dont know, I just feel that theres different kinds or levels of funny, but one isnt worse than the other. Kind of like wit or slapstick, both types of humor, but very different. Slapstick will make your belly hurt, but youd be hardpressed to find someone who thinks its better than a clever perfectly timed joke. Ill laugh out loud to early Simpsons episodes, but I hardly ever laugh out loud when Im watching Arrested Development. Unless it's Gob. But theyre both great shows. Theyre both good. That being said, the only movie that Ive ever seen where I laughed loudly like a maniac constantly was Borat. When it came out I thought it was the funniest movie ever. Clever in it's stupidity.
  21. Im totally a sucker for Metal Gear. ive already made up my mind and Im totally getting it.
  22. Also saw Anchorman 2. Its about as good as the first one. These movies thrive on repeated viewings. Give 2 another year or 2 and people will say its just as good as the first. Anyways, I really enjoyed it, but I have to say Im kind of over famous actor cameos in comedies. That last part was kind of boring. I didnt mind Ford because he actually played a character, but the rest was too much. Dont get me wrong, walk on cameos used to be awesome(Adam Sandler's movies seemed to revolve around them honestly), but Im over it.
  23. Sometimes I forget there's 7 main Assassin's Creed titles.(I count Liberation). Ubisoft sure has gotten good at cranking these out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      A video game mill.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I would say 6, but yeah, it's pretty nuts.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Isn't it 3 studios/teams though? Not that crazy when you think of it that way.

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