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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Im looking forward to Metro LL since Ive heard good things. Ive also wanted to try Remember Me. I like how it looks, too bad the reviews for the gameplay are so mediocre. Also, if you own a Vita you probably shouldnt buy games on release date unless you REALLY want it. Most games Ive bought have been free on PS plus. SFxT for example. Which is a fantastic port.
  2. 3 more hours awake and I will have gone 24 hours without sleeping. It's been a long time since I've done that. Dammit,

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      never gone more than 24 hours without sleeping. I've gotten close, maybe 20 hours? but never 24.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I've done three days straight. It was hellish.

    4. Pojodin


      I think I was in the 60-70 hour range once. Super extended gaming session as a kid. Couldn't do it now if I tried.

  3. I suck at this subject, but I feel like most people are just....pussies. Men and women. Very few are straight to the point, because they(as you said) don't want to "hurt your feelings." But I also have to say that just because someone constantly bitches about how being single sucks doesnt mean theyll settle for anyone. I know a lot of people like that. And social networks have really made this into a bigger problem than it used to be. It really sucks. But I guess its still up to each person. Wait around, try harder to get her to like you, or give up and stay friends. Or dont talk to her anymore. I dunno. Its up to you. I will say from what little experience I have that the worst option is the stay-friends-hoping-someday-she'll-magically-like-you option. Thats rom-com shit for the most part. Thats almost always likely to be a waste of time, and if you really like this person, itll eat you up slowly and painfully. It sucks. I don't know. Im 28 years old and I still struggle with the idea of girls liking me. They tend not to, so when it happens, it confuses me. Im self deprecating and have low self esteem, but objectively Im not good looking and Im a really difficult person to get along with. I dont have any interesting stories to tell either because I dont do much. From what I can tell, only reason I have ever gotten laid or have had a gf is because I was funny. Same reason Ive ever had friends too. And because the girls that liked me were fucked up in their own way. Not on my level of fucked up, but fucked up enough to entertain the idea of sticking around, enough for me to start being kind to them. I kind of work in reverse to everyone. I start out being kind of a dick and the more I get to know and like people, the kinder I get. Im not sure why I do that. Its counter productive to what I want to be like. Im an idiot.
  4. Well, theyre porting DS games to the Wii U. Thats something at least. No GBA, 64 or Gamecube though. Weird. In an alternate universe theyd port all that stuff and make them crossbuy with the 3DS. While DS games are cool, its not gonna help. To be honest, I dont know what they would have to do to make the Wii U sell. They cant drop the system and make another after such short time, they cant lower the price further, and honestly, I dont think ANY game would make it sell. I think people have too much faith in Mario Kart, Zelda and Smash Bros. Theyre all going to be bandaids on a deadly wound.
  5. When I die, I want to be buried in an orange zoot suit and covered in 15 pounds of vegan chili while they play DMX's "What These Bitches Want" in the background.

    1. TheRevanchist


      You are making way too many plans to die. You can do this with a retro boom box while hanging out in the park. You will either enjoy it a lot or realize it is a bad idea that you should have talked your friend into doing.

  6. Missing Link wasnt terrible, but it kind of lifts right out when integrated into the Director's Cut. And yeah, Im also not a fan of games choosing which way to approach a situation. The whole point of these games is to play it in whatever way you want. Dont force people to do stealth when theyve been shooting it up for the majority of the game. I imagine its no big deal if you never played the game before though. It fits....even though I just said it lifts right out. I guess it all depends if you played the original version.
  7. And theres more... http://www.reshareworthy.com/rejected-kitten-loves-golden-retriever/#kVVmmBFEU8lZGmYz.01
  8. Beast is just kinda lame in general though...
  9. I hated cat Beast from First Class. Probably the ONLY thing I disliked from that movie compared to the other Xmen films. Anyways, a lot of these are pretty bad, or just generic and boring. I could spend all my time nitpicking shit and at the end of the day Id say all of these suck because theres a few little details I dislike, but I wont. Most are actually passable. I hate that they changed Past Magneto's helmet and the chest piece looks a little too big, but its still a good costume. I can live with it. Same with most of these. I do like Blink though. And it looks like future Magneto finally got a real villain costume. Havok is just bad though. So is Quicksliver and the past Sentinel. Im hoping to god the future Sentinel is going to look badass, since no one has yet to see it. Im assuming the past Sentinel looks stupid because its new tech from the 1970s and the updated future version will look like what fans want.
  10. Apparently he's not really accusing anyone of anything, he's just curious how it got there, he doesnt care if it's stolen or borrowed or whatever. I also kind of believe him. He says he worked 2 years on AC2. God knows people in the game industry have to deal with repetitive bullshit all day. Im not sure if Ubisoft cares though. They just might.
  11. The Hollis Mason death scene is probably my favorite scene in that movie, it's so goddamn good. They shouldnt have taken it out of the regular cut. Anyways, I saw The Wolf of Wall Street. It was really good, though at times it felt like I was watching Goodfellas/Casino. Thats not a bad problem to have though. It was fantastic. To be honest, Im a really big fan of the Scorsese/DiCaprio films. I think my generation is supposed to hate DiCaprio, but I think he's a fantastic actor. I can always put on The Aviator or Gangs of New York and not be bored. Ive never seen Shutter Island though. Not sure why. I also saw all 3 Daniel Craig Bond films for the first time. I only intended to watch CR, but I got hooked and marathoned the whole thing. Didnt go to sleep til after 5am. Loved them. I hope theres a 4th Daniel Craig Bond in the works. Ive never liked any of the other Bond films very much.
  12. Downloaded DMC because of PS+. I kind of see why purists wouldnt like it because while theres a lot of old DMC stuff in here, but theres also a lot of new stuff that DMC has never done and most of the time its not for the better. The good thing about this game are the old things that used to work, the new stuff the introduced is inferior so far. I just dont care for it. That being said, its still DMC for the most part, its still fun to play.
  13. Goddamn, theyre so fucked. Im not sure why I find it funny, since I own a Wii U...
  14. They really should just drop making home consoles and stick to handhelds from now on. In all honesty, they should just have made an hdmi cable for the 3DS so you could hook it up to your tv and called it a day. Its basically what the Wii U is anyways. The 3DS already has a Mario Kart, a Zelda AND a Zelda port, and 2 Mario games which are VERY similar to the ones on the Wii U. Not to mention Smash Bros. is going to be on both systems. Sure, the games wont look as nice, but apparently Nintendo fans dont give a shit about graphics. So far every exclusive Wii U game could be perfectly done on a 3DS. It makes no sense to have both.
  15. I didnt know this existed. Awesome.http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/06/28/seth-rogen-plays-the-last-of-us

  16. Tales of Xillia. It's surprisingly good. The story is decent enough to interest me and the battle system is a lot of fun. It has towns and shops and people and side missions. Im also surprised by the dialogue. A lot of it is pretty good, especially for a jrpg. Its also ridiculously easy. Ive been playing it for about 10 hours and Ive yet to die. That being said, it still has the same problems every other so-so jrpg has had in the last 10-15 years. Big empty boring fields for battling inbetween towns. Having a little girl with magic powers in your party. Having a wise old man in your party. Awkward physical Japanese humor. Overly complicated battle system that at the end ends up being as simple as any jrpg from 1991. Thats debatable if its a bad thing though, since there is that option to be a total badass if you learn all the ins and outs of the battle system. So far Ive had no need for it. And enemies who loom around and act all mysterious and say vague shit during cutscenes. Sometimes they attack you, sometimes they dont. Other games do this too, but jrpgs almost ALWAYS have to do this. I think the Japanese think that mysterious villains saying vague shit is totally going to get me into the game, its going to drive me forward and Im going to wanna die to find out whats going on. Its not. Its stupid.
  17. If I die in the next 5 years, someone make sure they play Lou Bega's "Mambo #5" at my funeral. And make sure they bury me in my favorite pair of JNCOs and Vans. That's all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      I'd prefer "I Just Had Sex" to play at my funeral. Mostly because I probably went out making love.

    3. Strangelove


      I actually did think about "Wild Wild West", but I thought it was too obvious. Honestly, it was between "Mambo #5", Nas' "Hate Me Now"(including the video being shown) and Busta Rhyme's "What's It Gonna Be."

    4. toxicitizen


      Another good choice is Who Let the Dogs Out. Guaranteed to annoy people.

  18. Pacific Rim. It was rad as fuck. Im not sure how stupid it is or about plot holes or whatever, but I was glued to my seat the whole time. I kinda of loved it. Its just goddamn fun to watch.
  19. I bought Rain and Tales of Xillia off PSN. This is going to be my first Tales game. I hope it doesnt suck. I always avoided the series because it looks generic as hell. Goddammit, dont suck.
  20. Just had an interview at Starbucks. God, I dont want to go back to making coffee, but there's a lot worse jobs out there.

    1. Dee


      I sometimes cringe knowing I work retail, but I get paid slightly above minimum wage and it's giving me experience and a work history. I love the team I work with, so that makes it even better. I mean, sure it's not a special job that only *I* (or a limited number of people) could do, but it's a job and it helps pay the bills. You gotta do what you gotta do!

    2. TheRevanchist


      Yes, there are worse jobs. But, by being here, you can pass along stories of dumbasses that we can all laugh at. I would enjoy that.

  21. I prefer the first one because it looks a bit more animated and cartoony(Like TLoU), the second one looks more realistic to me(Like Beyond). Maybe its modeled more closely after the voice actress? Thats the only thing I can think of.
  22. Her. Fantastic. Even if I am starting to view these "precious" type of movies negatively as I get older.
  23. Id still rather have a port of TLoU.
  24. I still think its weird to advertise their game with a console wars 3 parter when their game isnt even going to be on the next gen systems. I wish it was.
  25. Did you not have the super jump? I hardly ever need your bat form if you have the super jump. Makes the game extremely easy to navigate.
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