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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Is there more than one safehouse per character? Can I buy more or is that it? Ive become kind of obsessed with my characters having the same outfit, but the game doesnt agree so I have to run home every time I need to change back. Kind of tiring. Also the question mark missions are kind of awful. Ive tried 2 of them and they were both for things I hated doing in the main game. Which sucks because the characters seem to be pretty entertaining. Oh well. So far the only side stuff Im doing is meaningless, its the random blue dots. I always stop to do those for some reason. I used to do the same in RDR though. By the way, Im running through the story missions. Im THAT guy. Ill get to all the other side stuff once the story is over. Ive played multiple GTA games and pretty much all of them have you use most of the game's good mechanics and see most of the map. I doubt Im missing a lot. I dont consider not playing darts as something I missed.
  2. Well, while everyone else was in GTA land, this happened...
  3. GTA4 was cliched as fuck. You had a retard cousin with a retard accent acting like a retard the entire time. Basically the way most Americans see foreigners. But GTA4 was awfully boring and bland too. Cliches and standards are fine if they are done in a novel way, GTA4 didnt do any of that. it tried to set its own path and it failed big time. Only retards or people who thought they were too smart to be suckered in liked GTA4. The game was boring. Ive taken watery shits more exciting than GTA4. A developer being too big for it's britches....nothing new. GTA5 is at least 10 times better. BTW Beyond Special Edition has another extra chapter, avatars, a dynamic theme and a steelbook case.
  4. So I got GTA5. I cant help but feel like a complete tool. And not because of it's popularity, but because I really hated GTA4. But I loved RDR. So maybe this one is more "inspired" than GTA4 was. Though, GTA4 was so bad you can really only go up from there. And I went to Gamestop to buy it. Though there was a benefit to it, I preordered the Beyond Special Edition, that is exclusive to GS.
  5. It varies. This update belongs to EU though. No comparison. But I think for the most part that while EU gets the better free games, NA gets the superior sale prices.
  6. TLoU is absolutely one of the only games worth paying full price for. Whether you value replay value or production or mechanics or whatever the fuck you value $60, it sends a good message to developers and what you want out of your videogames. It plays well, looks amazing, AND there's some kind of substance to it. But maybe youre just a shithead who will hate it. Then I suggest just ignoring it and never having your opinion heard. You dont matter.
  7. I think I may end up buying GTA5 out of boredom. Fuck.

    1. Luftwaffles


      Let's go bowling, cousin.

  8. Killzone Mercenary is fantastic. Im afraid the graphics hype is going to overshadow the sweetass gameplay. Its so fucking good. Singleplayer has been absolutely fantastic.
  9. The limited edition is pretty cool. I was going to stop buying physical Vita games, but from what I hear the game is 3 gb and then theres an over 1gb patch you have to download too. Thats way too much space for a game I will only play for the singleplayer.
  10. Where were you when the world stopped turning?

  11. Lil Bub is on Reddit answering questions... it's tearing my heart into little pieces!!!!

  12. Yeah, Liberation and Revelations are on about the same level, not for the same reasons though. Liberation is good because its still a very true to form AC game on a portable with a lot of new ideas, just not executed very well. where Revelations is very sleek and the gameplay is honed perfectly since its the third game in the same timeline, but thats also the problem. Been there, done that. Plus, the story kind of sucked for that game too. Good ending to the Ezio Ttilogy, but it could have been so much better. That being said, aside rom AC1 and that one PSP game, I have yet to play a bad AC game. I understand the bitching about the game being the old shit, but I kind of like when AC does the same old shit.
  13. So I got Hulu Plus a few days ago and I wasnt a huge Rayman Origins fan, but the commercial I keep seeing for Rayman Legends look amazing...fuck.

  14. Just like RE Revelations before it and countless others(most of the good exclusive PSP games), it bugs me quite a bit when this happens. People are so against buying handhelds that theyll play a blown up version on their big screen instead. I don't get the appeal of that, even if you use better textures and make it full hd, handheld games always feel like handheld games to me. Theyre made differently and they dont ever gel right with their console counterparts, as hard as developers want to try. Anyways, this is a really good game if you liked AC3, if not...then avoid it. Its about the same. The Vita version had framerate problems and the resolution was lower than it needed to be, but other than that it's still a very good standout title that now in HD will just seem like a lower budget AC3.
  15. I dont remember the first 2 or so hours of KH1 being nothing but fetchquests. Retarded.
  16. New 64gb card Announced for vita. New vita too. But most importantly, bigger card. I'd prefer 100 or 120, but 64gb isn't bad. I'm excited.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I know, it's just one of my pet peeves that people act like there's some magic DPI that's so high you can't see it, regardless of what kind of display we're talking about. Really we should be talking about pixels per arc second of vision.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Anyway, I realize 1080p for a handheld is about the upper limit. Notice I didn't say it needed a 4k screen. :P


      I can also tell you that the difference between my S4 with a 1080p screen and my sister's S3 with a 720p screen is definitely noticeable.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Implying the difference isn't from having a much less shitty subpixel layout more than anything

  17. I actually don't even remember any of the Hulk movies. Wish theyd make another one.
  18. My list. 1. Avengers 2. Captain America 3. Iron Man 4. Thor 5. Iron Man 3 6. Iron Man 2 7. Incredible Hulk
  19. This movie seems like what I thought Robocop was about when I was 6 years old. Just another action movie. Lame.
  20. Kick-Ass 2. Good, not as good as the first. Seemed kind of pointless really. Still liked it quite a bit though, if for nothing else than Hit Girl and Jim Carrey. Super. I'm not sure why people think it's so much better than Kick-Ass. All in all, its not. What Super has going for it over Kick-Ass is that when its really good, its REALLY good. Its way above even the best part(s) of Kick-Ass. But those moments dont come very often and makes the whole movie inconsistent, where as Kick-Ass is always generally good with a few above average moments thrown in. Super delves into mediocrity quite a few times. It was a "throw shit and see what sticks" sort of movie. Not really my thing. Still liked it though and Id still recommend it. Also, Matthew Vaughn is a way better director than James Gunn. Easily.
  21. Robocop...ugh...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FMW


      I think it looks like a good idea... and I think Hollywood doesn't do good ideas well. They're only good at bad ideas. Like Dredd. This looks WAY to ambitious for it's own good.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Wasn't Dredd so bad it was good though?

    4. FMW


      Exactly. Dredd was super dumb, but it embraced that and ended up pretty good. Robocop wants to be smart with man vs. machine conflict and corrupt govt vs good govt worker conflict. It's doomed.

  22. Yeah. Even Im not getting it and I have a Wii U and I like Platinum games. This one just isn't doing anything for me. Maybe once it's $20. Is anyone here getting it?
  23. Bought a used copy off Ebay. I hope it's in decent condition. Ive been meaning to buy it for years. Its my favorite rpg.
  24. So Kingdom Hearts 1.5 AND Killzone Mercenary are coming out the same day...shiiiiit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      Ugh I wish Kingdom Hearts would die a swift death.

      Killzone looks good though!

    3. CorgiShinobi
    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Someone was playing one of the Final Mix battles at PAX and I suddenly got really excited about KH1.5.

  25. When a game bombs. Ive usually noticed it on Neogaf and CAG. I think even people on Kotaku use it too.
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