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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. I'm down to one last hope, and I hope! It's you! Though kid you're not exactly a DREAM. COME TRUEEEEEEEE~

    1. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I've trained enough turkeys, who never came through! You're my one last hope so you'll HAVE TO DO >:[

  2. Like I said that statement is entirely due to the characters. Favorite would probably be Wind Waker, OoT or Majora's Mask. And as much hate as it gets, I loved Skyward Sword for the story and characters as well.
  3. Started ALBW yesterday. I just got the three anal beads and the master sword. So far it's an ok game, I'm enjoying it as much as I enjoy your standard Zelda title. The 3D effects are kind of cool and the wall painting thing admittedly looks super sweet. But besides that it hasn't blown my mind. I still insist, unlike them nostalgia filled goggles, that the move to 3D really helped Zelda. Sure, one of my favorite titles is Spirit Tracks, but that's more due to it having the best Zelda/Link relationship. Not the camera.
  4. Eh. While he should have been higher, he crashed and burned when it mattered. Our defense didn't bring their A-game the whole fucking season so we had to depend a little too much on him. It's hard man.
  5. "This movie had the true spirit of Alabama" "You mean a southern state full of rich history, traditions and a charm unseen in other places?" "No I mean it was a safe bet until it crashed and burned at the last minute" DO HO HO HO HO HO HO edit: to those who don't get it, it's a college football joke.
  6. no matter how many times i watch the opening scene of Up.. I cry everytime.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danielpholt


      Didn't really affect me the first 3 times i saw it, but after watching it whilst my fiancee was away for a week, it ruined me.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      It doesn't make me actually cry, but it's definitely really sad and I get a little choked up.

    4. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Carl loves Ellie 5ever.

  7. I don't even know if I should bother saying hi, the last 3-4 people that joined left with a post count of 1.
  8. Fuck me guys. Horrible news. After I posted this on my deviantart, others pointed out that my original creation was being mass produced by every hack artist out there. I specifically posted "original character do not steal" but that did not dissuade every little piece of shit on the internet from copying my style. Listen I don't care if you take inspiration from me. At the least credit the fact you took what was mine, and I'll be cool with it. A quick google search revealed just how wide spread the issue is. My friend Blonic1996 had the same issue. He drew a great character called Blonic and Sega stole it from him. This is making us real artists look really bad.
  9. Hey guys I'm still a newbie but taking some harsh criticism to know where I can improve. I've defined my own style. I took heavy inspiration from artists such as Picasso, but I also feel it can be heavily attributed to Henri Mattise. Bob Ross is probably my biggest role model though, he brought out the artist in me. Let me know what you think.
  10. Today I met a lady in my uni group who was very friendly with me. She was pretty cute. She also had dem crazy eyes. Not sure if want.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Wait am I sober or drunk in this situation?

    3. TheRevanchist


      I don't think that is quite FDS. He would have looked at the old couple's phone and got pissed they use a Kin. THEN he would push them into traffic, but only for their own good, even if no one else realizes it.

    4. staySICK


      back to the topic at hand. "Crazy in the head, crazy in bed."

  11. you're missing out on what is probably the best jrpg in the 3DS. But all to you.
  12. I decided to start a new file. I still am gonna play on normal (easy). Even though I know I could do ok in hard (normal) I'm playing this primarily for the waifus.
  13. I can't wait to play this. Will make the PS4 purchase all the more worth it, alongside Dragon Age, Destiny, Watch Dogs, Infamous Second Son, and others. Sure most of those have a version in multiple platforms and sure the PC version will be superior, but I don't own a PC that can handle heavy games like these.
  14. So out of all my friends, I listen to the more family friendly music (they're all metal heads). We go to watch movie with friends and the dad of one of them. I put on some Roy Orbison. The dad looks at me and says "Wally world, I'm the oldest in the car and this is way past my generation put something better" :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      I like how according to your friend's dad Roy Orbison isn't good because he's old. What?

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Hey, everyone knows that music starts sucking 10 years after it's made. That's why no one likes the Beatles.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      He didn't mean it as it sucked, he meant it as it's too old sounding and he likes classic rock. I put some eagles funny enough Frosted lol

  15. do they have an estimated wait time before you should call? Like a week? I know that's the reason I don't like doing mail stuff much. Besides Gamefly and my amazon computer warranty. But they both have facilities in Austin, TX. So that means shit gets there within 2-3 days.
  16. ^ I started the Ys series with the Vita one, just finished it. 2/3 games right now on my Steam List are Ys games lol.
  17. Steam ID: StarkWinterLager (http://steamcommunity.com/id/starkwinterlager/wishlist) PSN: StarkWinterLager Country: U! S! A! U! S! A! But during the winter vacation I'll be in South America. Shouldn't be an issue in Steam. Favorite Genre: RPG's. Specifically heavily story based ones. I prefer those with party interaction and/or romance added. But those tend to fall for heavy story based ones. I have no preference whether it's western or japanese, but japanese tend to have the story based aspect down. What are your favorite games?: Persona 4 Golden, Fire Emblem Awakening, Witcher II, Mass Effect series, KOTOR series, Jade Empire. You thought I was kidding about the rpgs? Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts?: Not really. Right now I don't have that many games in my Steam Wishlist but the ones I have there (especially the first two) have gone on sale basically everytime. If by the start of the steam sale they haven't reached the recommended price I'll add more games, but those in there are basically the games I'm interested in right now. Regardless I'll add a couple of cheaper games after Finals in case my secret santa can't afford the $7-10 bucks these games tend to cost in sales. Will I take games not in my list?: Yes I will. If you know of a game that fits the criteria of my preferred genre and/or is similar to one of the games in my favorite games mini-list, then be my guest. If the game came out in 360 though and it's not a terribly recent game, chances are I already played it though. Like I said I'll try to add more games to my list sometime this upcoming weekend as I'm currently busy with finals.
  18. Oldboy (2013) As far as remakes go, it was pretty good. It loses some of its foreign charm so it's not as enjoyable. But it's pretty divisive as is. Twist is a bit sicker. But god damn the third olsen is HOT AS SHIT
  19. Witcher 1 is the weakest of the bunch in terms of.. everything really. But it's as RPG ans rpgs get. Witcher 2 was the attempt to streamline. I think for Witcher 1 they were using a Bioware engine, then they made their own for Witcher 2.
  20. Banderas and Doge give me cancer. The Joel one was hilarious, but everything else is overused.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      I'll cut you!

    3. TCP


      But then I'll take you to one of our Canadian hospitals and get you medical care for free, because Canada.

    4. toxicitizen


      Wally has cancer? It's a christmas miracle!

  21. Stttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan? STAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAHN

  22. A lot of people seemed to be turned off by chibi models. The guy who's making the jrpg for PC/PS4/Vita on Kickstarter originally planned to use chibi models. I think that somehow they're easier to render and more visually appealing for artists. When he noticed the majority of the complaints were on the chibi models, and by notice I mean supporters told him, he hired a new guy to make it into a fully 3d game with 'serious' 3d models. He got more sells that way.
  23. I really want to play it. Honestly Nintendo jerpegers are the only times I'm jelly of the Europeans.
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