Religion is not the only reason to celebrate something ever, and saying so is a pretty dumb thing to say. Had to get that out of the way before the start of my rant.
The whole "War on Christmas" thing that the Christian right has going on is absolutely ridiculous. If there is any kind of resentment, or resistance, of Christmas, it is because the Christian right jams it down our throats 'til we choke. People boycott stores for saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." BOYCOTT them for acknowledging that there is more than one holiday, that more than one religion deserves to be represented in a land founded on the idea of religious freedom. Any "war" going on here is one that they have started.
Fox News lambastes the current Rhode Island governor for advertising the tree in the Statehouse as a "Holiday Tree" rather than a "Christmas Tree," as though this were some kind of atrocity. 3,500 protesters. Over "holiday" versus "Christmas." And contrary to Fox's reports, the governor before him (who, incidentally, was a Republican, while this one is a Democrat) did the EXACT SAME THING. He called his tree a Holiday Tree too. And nobody marched on HIS house.
And for anyone who suggests that it's about "remembering our history" and "the pilgrims" and "the founding fathers", go read a history book. The Founding Fathers kept the Continental Congress open for Christmas like any other day. The pilgrims actually outlawed the celebration of Christmas, and put a fine on anyone who said "Merry Christmas"! It's not about the past. It's about you shoving your religion in other people's faces.
I'm a deist. There are no "deist holidays." And I'm not going to insist that some are created. And it disgusts me to see Christians taking a land founded on religious freedom, and trying to turn it into another Christian kingdom. Fighting gay rights, not on any real principle, just because "the bible says so" and because you have an icky feeling. Insisting on "one nation under god" and "in god we trust", trying to force prayer in school in a complete lack of respect for people who are of a different faith. Trying to put your religious quotes in courthouses, in buildings of government and law! And yes, making us all choke on your idea of what Christmas should be.
Especially ironic since, according to your own scholars, Christmas isn't even the birth of Christ. It's just the celebration of it, moved to winter so that you can steal the spotlight from other religion's holidays, especially Winter Solstice.