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Everything posted by SixTwoSixFour

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BBQ2mflwnEU Now you'll see why they call me "revolver...."
    1. FMW


      I've never played a Metal Gear game. Upon viewing this video, I understand why so many complain of indulgently long cutscenes in the franchise. Why on earth was that so long? I got the point after 4 seconds.

    2. Harri


      **Misfires** And that's why we don't disregard gun safety and COMMON sense.

  2. No particular order here... and these aren't all milestones, I guess, just movies I really think you should watch. Escape From New York Great Mouse Detective The Usual Suspects Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs Dr. Strangelove (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [The others are good, but Last Crusade is the best. Skip Crystal Skull if you decide to watch the others.] Star Wars: Episodes IV-VI Ferris Bueller's Day Off Blade Runner Wayne's World Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime if you prefer) Spirited Away Casino Royale Duck Soup (1933) Street Fighter Plan 9 From Outer Space Henry V (1989) God, this list is so incomplete. But it's all I can think of right now. I'll try again later.
  3. I'm not the first to make this point, but... it's the Legend of Zelda, gentlemen. It's a legend. Every release is a different version of the same story, and through thousands of years of translator telephone, small elements have changed in various versions until only a few core threads remain the same- Ganon, Link, Zelda, the magical sword, the temples. The legends bleed into each other, details exchanged, references to each other. That's what I think.
  4. Public service announcement: PS3 owners, get God Hand from PSN, only 9.99 USD, OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Stupid name. Game must be terrible.

    3. SixTwoSixFour


      THIS... is God Hand.

    4. ChiltonGaines


      Man, I don't even care what the reception to this comment is. THIS is the best descriptor of God Hand, a game I've never played:

  5. *Plays "Clampdown" on the sound system at work, gets uneasy looks from boss*

  6. Longest post I've ever made here. Longest post anyone has made here? Probably not, but it's probably up there... http://forum.pressxordie.com/index.php?showtopic=1382&view=findpost&p=63027

  7. I would be interested, though consider me a reserve. My skills are not high enough for me to be a priority for this match. And if anyone tries to take Lux I will stab you until my knife breaks.
  8. People who say "I could do that" when they see a pro gamer are people who don't realize how great the gulf between them are. You can play a game. You can play a game well. You could probably not be a pro gamer. Okay, maybe you could, if you played that game five hours a day every day for a year. But you aren't willing to do that. That's part of what separates you from them. Brain and I play fighting games all the time, and we're not incredible, but we're pretty solid players. When Brain went to PAX, he had a chance to fight Justin Wong, a pro player. In two rounds, he landed one blow. The difference is bigger than you realize.
  9. It is better to light one candle than curse the darkness. Silly it may be, but it's better than doing nothing. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Self-flattery- I'm hardly a good man, and Ubisoft or whatever company as "evil" is excessive, but you get the idea.
  10. Sooooo... you're against systems that waste your time with no challenge, but you use mods to force yourself to take long, empty walks through unpopulated countrysides. Okay. What?
  11. A fair stance. 4th made a looot of sacrifices to cater to a less experienced crowd, and I can certainly understand why many think it wasn't worth it. But yeah, Pathfinder is a 3.5 variant system. Irons out some stupid things, and then manages to make the game even MORE complex. Because if there's one thing we pen and paper gamers like, it's complexity. (Eyes his copy of GURPS 4th)
  12. Oh, not much more annoying than core 3.5. It irons out a lot of the illogic in 3.5, actually. If you want something easy for newcomers, try 4th, but a lot of classic players really hate 4th.
  13. I'm surprised that you run 3.5. Have you tried Pathfinder? Very similar, but I personally find it superior. Obviously, it's all up to the individual, I'm just curious.
  14. Attention new- no, that's been done. Attention old- shit, that's been done too? Uhm. Attention NONMEMBERS! Yes. Quite. Uhm... become members. That is all.

  15. The Third Strike is the one that counts.

    1. Yantelope


      I loved the original SF3 too. Such a good game.

    2. SixTwoSixFour


      I only really got into the scene a year ago, so I kinda missed that whole phase, but this game is fuckin' awesome.

    3. Yantelope


      I played it in the Arcade all the time. The only way I could beat the last boss was to just block until he got too close and throw him that way you could win with time out and not have to KO him.

  16. As the foundation to this little rant- I don't like the always online drm, or the Auction House. I was interested in Diablo 3, but I'm not a big fan of the series, and to me, those two were enough to be a dealbreaker, because I wasn't big-time into the product to begin with. That said.... Looking at the Auction House by itself or the Always Online by itself will not explain this story. The two are woven together like any fabric, they are tangled together, they reinforce each other. Take Diablo 2. I wasn't big into the game, but there was a fair bit of cheating, is my understanding. A fair few hacked items and things. I don't know how these were distributed SP vs. MP, but I know they were there. Now, take the Auction House. What would happen to the prices of these sold weapons if you could just hack a weapon for yourself? If you could simply tweak the code for a fantastic weapon? Obviously, the AH would collapse. And that would destroy the economy of the game. How do you keep this from happening? Make the game require a constant internet connection, so that no one can cheat the system. So that you can always monitor that shit. Now. The real question comes in as "why not have a separate SP mode that doesn't require internet, but can't be used in multi?" And that is where it gets more dark, in my opinion. The AH, as an existence, could feasibly just be to satisfy players. Sure, Blizzard is going to take a cut of every auction, but it'll probably be a pretty small cut. They'll make a profit, but no big deal. The big deal is that they're trapping SP players into this system as well. If there were an offline SP mode, then they wouldn't be able to sell AH items to those offline players- again, they would probably just hack for them. This is not speaking in absolutes, sure some people would still pay- or more likely, just not use the AH or cheating- but a good number would hack. And that number is a group of customers that they missed. That is the reason for the Always Online- so that they can FORCE people into using the AH if they want items they haven't had drop.
  17. I need to stop using any one character for too long in Street Fighter- I start wanting for them to be my new main.

    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I always thought Makoto was your "Always" main o:

    2. VicariousShaner


      It changed to Sakura, then Seth and apparently someone else now.

    3. Baconrath
  18. So seriously Omni. Why is it that you're only willing to play games with me at the time that ISPs do their maintenance, and thus service is super unreliable? Bad plan.

    1. Omnimon


      Yeah, cuz that was totally my plan. To get bodied by you and an ISP. Yep.

    2. VicariousShaner


      You have bad plans.

  19. (Sighs) Deadline coming up. Off work in two hours, then I need to shut off my internet for the night, no games, no TV, no books, just writing and any consumable substances required to fuel this marathon. It'll be... fun?

  20. Ecks-Talk. Gonna miss having Two Talis grace my visit, but this is awlright.

    1. Enervation


      You can still set that theme at the bottom of the page.

    2. SkyGriever


      Ohhhh yeeeeaaaah, thanks man.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Heh. A friend of mine who saw me checking the old site called it " that robot lesbian forum."

  21. Another podcast development- we're gonna do an E3 podcast! Interested? Contact me or Harri!

  22. Alright, folks! We want to do an E3 podcast, to talk about all the E3 stuff, in this upcoming week. If you followed E3, if you kept up with the news, have things to say about it, and would be interested in being in this podcast, please message me a copy of your availability for the following week.
  23. Potential SSFIV PC owners... rest easy. Capcom did the right thing. http://www.capcom-unity.com/sven/blog/2011/06/02/ssfiv:_ae_pc_–_drm:_we_had_it_wrong

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      That works, thanks. 's good they listened to reason. Though he came off as flippant with the whole "many folks ignored the goodness therein and zeroed in on the implementation of the offline mode and its limitations."

    3. SixTwoSixFour


      Well, frankly, they did. Many people didn't actually read the story, just started raging as soon as they saw the letters "D R M" grouped together. (Was part of the big forum discussion on the Capcom Unity boards)

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Oh, I get that. It's just like he was downplaying the blunder.

  24. Welcome to the trenches, Mister McGillis. May your visits be thought provoking and productive, and your loins filled with fruit.
  25. Chewie, I would straight up never put you on a podcast.
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