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Everything posted by SixTwoSixFour

  1. Their servers are swamped, Malicious. A lucky few are slipping through, but that's it.
  2. Man, this Killzone 3 beta would be a ton of fun IF I COULD GET INTO A MATCH. Work out your damn servers, Guerilla.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      I hope you two want to start late because I want to get a few rounds in tonight... if we can get on. :\

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I gave up on playing during the day. I am going to try a few late night games later and hope it's not as congested.

    4. CorgiShinobi


      Late night is kinda the only way now. Tried during the day earlier, and if you get in, STAY IN because there's less a chance you'll get back in.

  3. One good way to find out, Dean... just keep shootin'. Having some weird connection issues... can't seem to get on.
  4. So, do we want to plan an actual meeting of minds here? Some hour at which we will all play?
  5. Pacter talks out of his ass with alarming frequency. My theory is that GT just keeps him around because they like the idea of having a pet analyst, even if the reality isn't so great.
  6. True. The person below me realizes that waffles are inherently superior to pancakes.
  7. I'm in like Flynn, yo. And I think it really is just this weekend, but I'm not positive. It's just a stress and balance test, after all- they don't want to give people a free game.
  8. That had to be the most stupidly hilarious ranked fight I've ever had. Bison vs. Bison- trading blocked LK Scissor Kicks all day. He LK Scissors, I block and then LK Scissor, he block that and so on and so on... Time Over, all three rounds.

    1. SkyGriever
    2. SixTwoSixFour


      He did, but only barely... I slipped up, did the MK Scissor, which has some recovery time... so I wasn't able to block one of his LK ones, and that made all the difference.


      Still, retarded match, very funny.

  9. When I first started watching their reviews, I enjoyed them for the fact that since it was video, they actually DEMONSTRATED what they were talking about- if they said something was bad, they showed it to you. If they said something was good, they showed it to you. Then there were quite a few noticeable examples of GT just straight out lying- doing console comparison videos of multiplat games and intentionally tweaking settings on one console or the other to make it look worse (sometimes even showing the same console side by side and claiming that one is PS3 and one is 360 just to start flame wars and get hits). So yeah, it's a useful site, but their editorial staff is total scum.
  10. Is this top 5 FAVORITE, or top 5 BEST? Makes a big difference to me. But hell, I'll go with favorite until told otherwise. 1. God Hand 2. Devil May Cry 3 3. Zone of Enders 2: The Second Runner 4. Kingdom Hearts 5. Dark Cloud 2 Wow, that filled up fast.
  11. Oh god, I remember that. I was playing FFIII, Sabin's turn rolled around, and I put on my trollface, and hit the Blitz input... and then he actually DID IT! I expected like a "invalid target" message or something, but he totally wrassled the fuck out of that train.
  12. I'm not sure how you guys remember and have links to all of these- I would have to spend hours looking through my commenter page to find the true gems. I might do so once I have nothing else to do, though.... I suppose I'm proud of all the shit I did to get my Dangeresque account banned... like figuring out how to bypass disemvoweling =)
  13. It's, uhm. It's "wax on, wax off." As in Karate Kid. Sorry to bust your bubble. Gene is pretty badass, though. I think the spank is the one move that really gives him the edge. Anyone else on this list ever spank a woman to DEATH? A demon woman, even.
  14. Kazuma... that's a good one. Dude is a fuckin' badass. When you're manly enough to hang out with little girls while beating people up with a bicycle, you're hardcore. War was pretty good, but he was a little too whiny, I think. And Nightmare wasn't even close to human, he doesn't count =P Though I do think it's surprising that no one has mentioned Guile. I suppose it's up to me, then.
  15. Duke always felt like he was trying too hard. Maybe it's just me that thinks that, though. And Cloud? He's a good character, but little pretty boy is NOT among the manliest in gaming. Side Note: Is it possible that I inspired your SF3 sig, Shepard? =3
  16. So, gaming has a lot of manly men (who do manly things), but who is the most awe inspiring? Captain Falcon, Shishigami Bang, Zangief, Marcus Fenix... just remember, they have to ooze machismo from every pore. Dante's a badass, but he does not qualify, for instance. I think Bang has the best music, Falcon the best punch... and Final Fight's Haggar the best pretty much everything else. Dude piledrives a SHARK. You don't fuck with a guy like that.
  17. Bang Install is the theme song of manliness. Give it a listen, and weep tears of joy.

    1. excel_excel


      Is that the guy who sings Head Chalala from Dragonball Z?

  18. While that may not be the case, it's a fact that piracy is far, FAR more of an issue on PC than it is on consoles. PCs, it's as simple as downloading some stuff. Consoles, you have to do some real work to pirate- work that a lot of people don't know how to do.
  19. Vanquish = Are you a Bad Enough Dude to rescue AMERICA? I love it.

    1. Pirandello


      Egghead in an exosuit.

    2. Mal


      Truly an American game! (As with Metal Wolf Chaos)

    3. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      Space Russians take over Giant Microwave Death Laser station leading to a siege with space battleships and lasers, average citizen still drives a fossil-fuel powered car. FUCKING CAPITALISM

  20. Why are quesadillas so gooooood?

  21. I like it, Frosted. 'Course, I'm a sucker for "not-really-villains", but I like the subversion of classic black and white video game evil. Hrm, I may do another boss now... I had a ton of fun writing my first one. I'd need an idea, though- the first one came very quickly to me, but I'm gonna need more time to think of a good second one.
  22. The reason I like it is because it just... I mean, it's not beautiful. It's not elegant. It's quintessentially Duke- big, in your face, blatantly sexual, and colorful. It's a pretty accurate representation of what is inside.
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