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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. I hate the ones like at 0:32 of the video, where it asks you to click images with an x, whatever x is. Usually it asks to click on boxes with a sign or street sign and it's one big picture broken into parts and a very small part of the stop spills over a box so do you have to click that or not?? And those that ask to click on images of a storefront, or some other thing, and when you click the damn image in the box changes. Then you don't notice the verify box has appeared below, but you can still click on things, so you keep clicking even though you don't really have to anymore... very stupid.
  2. You guys going to try out the upcoming beta?
  3. I have no idea why it popped up on my YouTube, but Noclip has a pretty cool documentary about the death and rebirth of FFXIV. Parts 1 and 2 are out, you guys should check it out!
  4. Star Trek Bridge Crew is free if you get a Vive (steam code), but since I won't be playing it, I just want to trade it for a VR game on my wishlist. I would probably get more mileage trading somewhere else but I don't know of a place I can trust. So if anyone would like to trade for it here (or if you have a friend who wants it - and can vouch for him), let me know!
  5. Where is the sale?!?

    1. deanb


      40 mins from now.

  6. Lol. I ended up rolling because I tried to lean against a wall while crouched... but there was no wall. Good thing that wire is really long. And yes, I can't wait for the wireless receiver. I think there's one out now but I may just wait for the more official version. The wires are manageable, and a belt clip looks like it'll help a lot (I need to get one of those in the meantime), but pure wireless would totally eliminate the need to be mindful of the cord which I think would be really neat. Too many times I am reaching behind me to get that wire out of the way.
  7. I might have been crouching and rolling around the carpet last night, trying to hide from robot guards while playing Budget Cuts. It's still a demo, but if you have a Vive or Oculus, try that one out! It's fun. The movement mechanic in there (teleportation with preview), is pretty cool, and of course, you could always just lean and look around corners yourself. Also, landing a throwing knife for a stealth kill is so satisfying.
  8. I got the Vive... and played some Table Tennis.

    I think this is my game of the year.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Seriously, how is Bethesda dealing with the problem of FPS games causing nausea and other problems in VR? 

    3. Eleven


      Couldn't you teleport in Fallout VR?

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Never played it. Seems like it would break Fallout 4, though.

  9. Where is this game at timeline-wise? Was that his kid? Was that his wife? Didn't his wife and children die in the first game?
  10. I think Fallout VR is going to get me to buy a VR headset. But I kinda wanted the PSVR, and mods aren't that great on PS4... Hmm...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      How is Fallout VR going to prevent the barf-o-rama that free movement first person games typically cause in VR?

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Star Trek Bridge Crew is the game that makes me want a VR headset.  I'm holding out for next gen sets though, hoping they get better and cheaper.

    4. Eleven


      Well apparently Fallout4 VR is Vive only for now? I guess that narrows down my choices.

  11. Yeah. It looked like to me that he'll be joining you a bit. Maybe he's the tutorial for dominating orcs so he'll always be there. He has too much character to be left behind.
  12. I think I need a little more info before I can decide between this and Destiny 2. Destiny 2 has the lead since I'm already familiar with Destiny and I know I'll probably enjoy it, especially with their new additions in 2. Looks great though. Also it's a third person shooter, which I prefer, but I don't really like the space marine costumes. So boring.
  13. I was hoping they would say ALL XBOX 360 GAMES!! would be backwards compatible. But I guess XBOX games works as well.. If only Sony put in more effort with their backwards compatibility. People shit on MS for Xbox One but all the stuff they're doing (including their Download and Play subscription service and play anywhere) pretty much trounces what Sony does. Except for their exclusives, which is a shame... And I thought that conference was pretty good. If only I had an Xbox One... Maybe I shouldn't have gotten the pro...
  14. Is there a way to view new activity like in the old forum, where it only shows you topics and not every post in every topic?

    1. deanb


      There's a shit ton more ways to view stuff now, but I'll be honest depends on how you viewed stuff on the last post.

      Check that "Activity" tab up top, there's plenty pre-made options and you're also able to craft your own and save them too. Like if you want expanded posts, or want to include calendar stuff or just posts n so off. Which you can also click the tick and make it a "default stream" n it'll always show just below the nav bar one click away.

    2. Eleven


      Ah... I was able to do it but it's still broken down into time sections like Past Hour, Today, Last week, etc. I guess that's close enough. Couldn't find a way to eliminate those groupings.

  15. I think this has been the best deal for a PS+ in a long time? I'm waiting for my code, got an email from the seller that they're sending it digitally in 48 hours. Seems to be legit, as they did a previous deal according to the thread. Still not as good as the $29.99 deal like 4-5 years ago.
  16. It turned out I didn't need to go down the elevators. But I think there was still 1 red icon way down on the abandoned factory, and I figured that was it.
  17. I need a non-spoiler answer: There are doors and elevators, like in the factory, that are locked. How do I get them unlocked? I have a quest that asks me to go to the abandoned factory, and the thing might be in those locked elevators but I don't want to go back and keep checking when it's still locked. So do they unlock when the quest is available, or does it unlock as I progress the story therefore I need to progress far enough so I can do the side quest?
  18. You know what... that recap really makes me wanna play the game...
  19. Cool! I will watch it then. I do like seeing references between games so maybe it'll do me some good. I was also kind of interested to know what the deal was with that game (it has 2 versions!) but never really bothered.
  20. What's the connection between Nier and Nier Automata? Is it the same world? I haven't played the first game but I'm pretty sure they're human. I just started Automata and I'm sure I haven't seen any humans yet, except for that commander's voice in the beginning. Is it something you'll find out later, or just a little thing referenced that you'll see if you played the first game? Or maybe it's not mentioned at all?
  21. I think I'm going back, because of the guided games. Having a system purpose built for clans to guide other solo players seems like the solution to the LFG problem. The other thing they figured out is hopefully to let players continue raids where they left off. It's in Destiny, you get to save your checkpoints, but maybe improve on it. I finally found an LFG group I could play with, and I had to do the taken king raid multiple times up to the boss with the pool, but never made it past that. I got tired of it quickly and stopped playing... I did really like Destiny a lot. I wonder how grindy it will be... they seem to not want to make the game a chore, I wonder how they're gonna address that... It's an MMO after all... Oh and I would probably do PS4... I have a feeling the community would be better there...
  22. What's with the GameTrailers YouTube? Who runs it? I thought they were back but apparently the old staff made a different channel.

    1. TCP


      IGN bought the rights to GameTrailers after Defy Media shut the site down. They've been doing a good job uploading a lot of the old GameTrailers content that never made it to YouTube. The GT staff made their own Patreon called Easy Allies. They're fantastic and I suggest you check them out. Imagine Giant Bomb or Kinda Funny but not awful.

    2. Eleven


      Didn't realize Easy Allies was GT. I think I saw someone mention them here and I followed them cause I ended up liking one of their reviews. So maybe it's IGN that's uploading all those new videos on the GT channel then.

    3. TCP


      Yeah only IGN has access to the old GT accounts. 

  23. Finished the game, finally... after holding on to it for like 4 months. And I finished it twice (main quest only on the 2nd run, with me OP as hell at Level 99)! Anyway
  24. Saw this on reddit. I do this too but not as smooth like that. Mostly just turning the camera around slowly. This is pretty awesome though. https://streamable.com/i17lk Dude's twitter has other stuff too. Streamable doesn't embed?
  25. After finishing Horizon I wanted to play something simliar, so I started Tomb Raider 2013 again. 10 mins in and oh boy that made me so dizzy.

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