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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. So is it WAY better than the first one? I guess I better watch reviews.
  2. Press X to Not Die. It's a stupid game probably best played when drunk... or sleepy. Man if the acting or script was better it would have been really fun though.
  3. There is a mod for controller support for Mass Effect 2... Yes... time to get it on PC then.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      The lack of controller support and the frankly ridiculous price of the DLC is what's kept me from getting the ME series on PC. Seriously, they just need to release a damn complete pack.

    3. Eleven


      What about the trilogy? Doesn't that have the DLC?

    4. TheMightyEthan
  4. Been testing my PC out this past few days by playing Witcher 3 at mostly max. (RAM actually arrived on Thursday so I got to build it early). Runs pretty well. CPU temp at 50C max under load. GPU reached 85C but noticed my fan was only running around 50%. So I got Afterburner (whose UI needs to be cleaned up, seriously) and set a custom fan profile. Ended up running fan at 70% when temps at 60C, 75% at 75C and 85% at 80C to keep it down. Now I can keep it below 80, max was 77C so far. My PC is under my desk so I can hear it but I don't mind. I'm mostly going to be wearing headphones anyway, especially at night (gotta keep the neighbors happy). Running at around 220W while playing Witcher 3.
  5. Eleven


    LOL. I must have clicked something there. I'm blaming it on touch screens.
  6. Eleven


    What's up with the View New Content? It always had something for me, but lately it's been blank.
  7. Steam ID/Wishlist/Country (in case of regional restrictions) franc0pirate / Wishlist (check back later too!) / USA General criteria Single player with a story. Maybe something I can finish over the break, while not playing FFXV. Not into puzzles really (unless a specific puzzle game is on my Wishlist). No to racing or sports games. I do like 3rd person action games, arcadey beat em ups (not fighting games). What are your favorite genres? RPGs, action games, beat em ups. What are your favorite games? Recent favorites have been Tomb Raider (2013), Witcher 3, Life is Strange. Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? As long as it's a PC game I guess it's ok. Will you take games not on your wishlist? Yes, but maybe check my trophy list (PSN: franc0pirate). I might have played it on the PS4. Any other information you think relevant? As I mentioned, it looks like I'll be playing FFXV over the holidays, so I'd appreciate something I can squeeze into that schedule. But hey, I could always play them later. Edit: GoG versions are better but if it's cheaper at Steam (or anywhere else) then yeah go ahead, no problem.
  8. That's pretty cool. And pretty accurate for me. I don't like planning and thinking too much at all! My strategy when I used to play strategy games was always amass huge number of close combat units, some long range units, attack. Pretty much works all the time anyway. I don't care about mastering games, but I do like achievements though, and as the description says, even if I have to grind for it. I just did that with AC Syndicate's "Without a grudge" trophy. It was the dumbest achievement trophy ever. A grind for absolutely no reason.
  9. Chrome always asks me this on a few sites I visit, and I never click allow or block (i click the little X in the corner)... I can't make that commitment, I may want it someday and I don't want to dig around the settings... I guess I should just block it cause I never seem to need it anyway.
  10. I was going to post on the other thread but it's not built yet. Motherboard Gigabyte Mini-ITX CPU i5-6500 3.2Ghz GFX Card Asus GTX 1070 Turbo Memory 16GB Team Elite And this is my case: SilverStone ML08B-H 450W PSU I posted earlier
  11. Thanks!!! Almost done, but man... I should have ordered those RAM sticks from Amazon... It's the only thing missing from my build! Estimate on my Newegg shipment is next week, I wouldn't mind spending $15 more to get it on Wednesday...
  12. Help! So is there a proper orientation for the fan? I've read there isn't but... should I install the thing so that the wire has the most slack?
  13. Audio pass-through works if you use Sony's DS4 adapter! Pretty cool.

  14. Hmm... now that you mention it. It's a small form factor PSU. Maybe this is so I can install it to a bigger/regular case so it matches the holes?
  15. What is this thing for? I got this with my PSU. I've never seen it on my other PSUs... This is my PSU: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008VQ2Y4K/
  16. I finished the new game (new for PS4 at least!) recently and I find that I didn't enjoy it as much as I was expecting I would. It's weird because I really enjoyed the 2013 one, played it 3 times and on 2 platforms. But this one I couldn't even be bothered to go back and collect stuff. I think the fact that here Lara doesn't really talk to anybody else except Jacob makes it boring for me. And I feel like there is no character development at all. Just her finding out secrets about her life but the Lara you see at the start is pretty much the one you see at the end. And the events pretty much happened the way you would think it would. Chasing after a magical artifact can only really lead to disappointment as games like these, based on reality with some supernatural elements, never really go with the supernatural ending. They kind of just reset everything and nothing world changing ever happens. Also, the map for the first game was smaller, but I thought it was better. The map for this feels like an open world, I would have preferred a tighter, smaller map like the first one, or like the first Batman game seeing as both are supposed to be metroidvanias. Also, snow is so damn boring. I think that also played a part in my dislike of the map. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I'm in this year. I don't have a PC yet, but it's coming!
  18. FFXV should have come out this Tuesday... Would have loved to just play it over this 4 day weekend...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TCP


      FFVXIII is FFXV though, they just changed the name.

    3. deanb


      and the engine, director, story, bunch of the characters, etc. Not much.

    4. TCP


      Yeah games change throughout development, it's pretty normal.

  19. The PS4 Pro is so fucking dumb. So I got one. I figured what the hell get in early so I can actually take advantage of the improvements on games I play like Rise of the Tomb Raider and later on FFXV! Also due to SATA III load times seem to have been improved for SSDs, hopefully even SSHDs have very noticeable improvements in speed. Not that I would notice it since I'm putting the SSHD in day one. Gonna get back to playing Witcher 3 on it, maybe do another full run (who has the time???) so improved load times would be a huge help.
  20. AC Syndicate. Also, have to remember to look up the whole modern storyline after Desmond. I really want them to continue it in a game properly.
  21. I think Gamefly took pity on me that they shipped me the last copy of Rise of the Tomb Raider that they had (Very Low Availability), instead of shipping me Remember Me, which was Available Now.

  22. Because its the best Tales game ever. And, uh, I had to buy a 360 as well just to play it again. If this game gets XBONE backwards compatibility I'm gonna punch someone. So now that I have a 360 again, any other 360 games suggestions?
  23. How does games with gold work on the 360? Is it like PS+ where you have to have been a subscriber to get the previous free games? And you have to keep the subscription to continue to have access?

    1. TheMightyEthan


      On Xbox One it works just like PS+.


      On 360 you have to have been a subscriber to get the previous games, but once you do get a game it's yours forever, it doesn't expire with your sub.

  24. I know I'm probably the lone Apple fan here. But... I think the AirPods are finally what I want from a wireless earphone. No wires at all! While I'm happy with the quality of the EarPods, this one's kinda expensive and easy to lose.

    1. Mal


      It's neat but there was no need to get rid of the audio jack. I never thought about Apple this way but they're the king of dongles.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      "kinda expensive"? It's $160! For fucking earbuds!

    3. deanb


      The bin Mac Pro was one of the first signs they were up with getting rid of as many ports as they could.

  25. I'm not saying it's a bad design, but that look just made me laugh. They added another layer to it! I bet PS5 will have a whole new layer!
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