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Everything posted by Eleven

  1. Need more space! Was supposed to arrive on Wednesday, but apparently they lost the shipment. Called Amazon earlier today and they shipped me one using same-day shipping. Got it around 4 PM. Cool! I've backed up my PS4, now replacing the drive and restoring. 2 more hours to go! That backup-restore process is as slow as ever.
  2. That's what it says everywhere, but try it. Quit then quickly re-queue. It won't bite until 30-40 seconds... Never fails for me. I don't get any other negative effect except for that.
  3. I don't quit in the middle, though I "rage quit" after seeing Defeat when I feel like the other team is too strong or if I feel my team have no plans to cooperate (sticking to the same character, not grouping up, no desire to play support, etc.). There is a matchmaking penalty I think though, because every time I do this I can't join another game for like 40+ seconds, even if the estimate is like 7 seconds only (meaning there's a healthy pool of players). I always fear of being matched with the same people again, that's why it's taking 40 seconds, to wait for them to get back to the lobby!
  4. What do you mean by that last statement? In game?
  5. Iron Gally! They should make money by making it a PSN (and Xbox equivalent) exclusive pre-order bonus only, so that it costs the full price of the expansion (not $5) and there aren't any refunds. Edit: Also, we should raid already.
  6. Where do you guys watch these things (if not live)? On YouTube on their own channels? Used to watch these on Gametrailers but that closed down.
  7. $400-$600? I don't think that would even get you the laptops with good intel integrated chips (Iris pro or whatever it's called). Especially not in CAD I would think IMO the MBPs aren't really that expensive, it costs roughly the same with a comparable Windows laptop. I don't know about the Air or the new Macbook lineup, I think those ones might be expensive for the amount of power they have. But MBPs are pretty competitive if you have use for those specs. My Lenovo laptop is $500 (rounded up). i3, Windows 10, touch screen 15", Intel HD 5200. I put in my own SSD and it's pretty good for everyday stuff. No gaming whatsoever though, unless I imagine it's 8-bit indie games, but I can't really say I haven't even bothered to try. I wanted a 13" MBP, but since I'm not going to game on it or do video editing, then I couldn't justify it. The 5200 is a sucky graphics chip. I would say avoid Dell, because in my experience they kind of suck quality-wise (and that's the reputation they have). I'd stick with Lenovo. Probably their Yoga (consumer) or their Thinkpad line (for corporate use). Get Windows 10. For one, you don't have to deal with constant nagging to upgrade to Windows 10. And secondly, it's pretty good anyway, just gets a bad rap. Or build a Sager laptop with xoticpc... It'll probably cost you the same amount as an MBP though.
  8. I like how the colors all match up! What kind of chair is that? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I don't understand... People loved the Kaer Morhen armor, so they gave us the Viper Armor. Now they didn't even add an upgrade for it, taking it out of the options again. Why???
  10. The Flash. Heroes Reborn: Well, I don't blame NBC for cancelling this show, again, seems like this show has trouble keeping viewers interested. I tuned out while watching some of the episodes since it just got boring, but I thought it got pretty interesting once they started time hopping. Maybe it would have been better to be a 6 episode mini-series. I think they really need better writers to flesh out the episodes though. I dig the overarching plot, reminds me of Hope Summers, and I just naturally like the show anyway because I like X-Men type stories. Wish it was better. One thing I'd like to mention is that while I found Ren's storyline a little cheesy(?), he is basically living out his (and probably others') gamer fantasies, and I'm happy for him for that. Flash Edit:
  11. So time jump is 10 years? I thought it was 5 years, maybe that's why it never made sense to me. Anyway I looked it up and according to Tim Kring, Heroes continued in "real time", which means 10 years is from the first episode (and the first 4 years are the 4 seasons of Heroes), which makes this "Season 10". Plus 1 year jump after the incident maybe, or is the incident at Odessa at the 9th year? Doesn't matter I guess. So let's see, I thought Molly could not have been more than 8 years old when she first appeared. So that makes her 18. Still looks too old IMO. New actress is 22, so I assumed correctly that she's 20 something, but I guess TV-wise that means she's around 18. Though for some reason I'm not buying it. Maybe because of how she's initially introduced (working the casino), I thought she would have been older than 18. But looked up the actress for younger Molly as well, she was 11 when she first appeared, and she has no official age in the series. Which could make new Molly 21, 22 after Odessa. So it matches up. I don't buy that she's 11 originally though. Claire's twins are zero years old during the incident, they're only 15 because of Hiro so their age is out of whack with the timeline.
  12. Anyone here watched Heroes Reborn? Something confuses me. Why is Molly Walker so old? Well, not old, but looks like she's 20 something but in the previous series she was a kid. The time jump wasn't that long... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Ugh, Mei. I hate when she freezes you and she just stands there with her little spray looking you straight in the eyes until you die. Her invulnerability is so damn annoying too!
  14. Does the board not use daylight savings time? Or I just never see a new post within an hour of it being posted??

    1. deanb


      Board just uses Unix time, it's a per-user thing on timezone, click your name above n "My Settings" n Timezone is right there.

    2. Eleven


      Ah! I have the correct time zone but didn't see the check boxes for DST. That fixed it!

  15. Since Overwatch is down (on PS4), I'm playing Blood and Wine. Hurray CDPR for giving consoles love! Bigger interface, and they fixed that damn chaotic inventory. There's still too many fucking items but at least now segregation is better. Also turning off that damn fish-eye effect with Witcher senses. That thing gave me headaches.
  16. @Mal, do you guys play on PS4 though? I can only play on PS4 atm. @Dan
  17. Yeah probably. I'd take voice lines over poses any day though. Highlight intros though are really cool. Right now I really want that intro for Mercy (Battle Medic I think it's called?) where she switches from a staff to a gun. Too bad Mercy rarely gets play of the game. I've only seen it once when an opponent did a team/4 person revive. It was cool to see but they were not even at the point, just died in a hallway. I did a 3 person revive when a Junkrat tire blew everyone out, and that ended up getting us the point (and eventual win when we kept it). But of course, the opposing team's Reaper team kill got the play... It kinda sucked but even I voted for that team kill. It was just so cool to see. However, having said that, I'm really upset I didn't get Play of the game when I did a 4 player multikill as reaper that led directly to overtime and a win. A Hanzo dragon that killed 4 players got the play, but we didn't even need that play, we had the point and were on the verge of winning. I'm upset!
  18. LOL. I bought 2 Loot boxes yesterday... If they sell actual overwatch currency instead of loot boxes i'd be all over those skins...
  19. Play of the goddamn game!
  20. LOL. I want a link to that original reddit thread. LMAO: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/4ldbkm/august_9_release_date_confirmed_by_sony/d3mdmn8
  21. Lucio is awesome! Just run around and keep healing people. And you can harass people too. Just shoot shoot shoot and they'll back off or take cover. Also, I love it when people underestimate D.Va without her mech. When people destroy my mech, most times they can't hit/kill me fast enough but they just stand there (especially Road hogs after a pull) or rush blindly for the kill thinking I can't kill them with my plasma pistol.
  22. Thanks! (I thought I remember you saying you had that keyboard for your HTPC).
  23. Hey Ethan, don't you have a Logitech k400 keyboard? Does that work on a PS4? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Hell yeah the RAZR is making a comeback!

    1. Mal


      And here I am on the look out for a decent but near bare-bone work phone.

  25. Anyone remember if there was a PS+ half-off sale on black friday (or anytime, really) last year? I still have 1 more year of PS+ that I got from Amazon for half-off a few years ago, I believe it was 2013 or 2012. I don't know if I just missed it cause from Amazon reviews it seems there was one last year.
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