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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. It's like he's Jesus or the Pope in Massachusetts.
  2. I can't decide if the girl in your post has a Fu-manchu or just deep parentheses on her face.
  3. Freedom's just another word for "nothing left to lose."

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      picky wicky. thank you janice for making mr. kristofferson's song such a household song.

    3. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      and u totes asked for this

    4. Battra92


      And actually I was playing the Gordon Lightfoot cover. Kris Kristofferson's version is excellent, though.

  4. Thanks for reminding me that I still don't own Pikmin 2. The damn thing is still $50. T_T
  5. Right or wrong, if a friend or acquaintance of mine only communicates to me with "hey sup lol" I will automatically assume that they have a double digit IQ.
  6. Many people who hate good grammar and spelling are really just those who are incapable of either. I'm not implying that you aren't capable of properly using the Queen's English but try and apply for a job outside of manual labor using sentence fragments and abbreviations. People expect to hire someone competent and educated and not someone who is literate at a third grade level. See a slide rule is a tool that was difficult to use because there was no alternative for complex computation. Knowing how to use a slide rule is akin to knowing how to hand develop C-41 color film (most is digital and when film is developed it is done by a minilab machine where the film goes in one side and comes out developed on the other.) Conversely, reading an analog clock is something that I learned officially in kindergarten or at the very latest, second grade, although I believe my mother taught me how before I learned it in school.
  7. Nope, I didn't go to the prom. I actually never went on a date until college. I was way too shy.
  8. I don't mean to double post but thanks to a Borders gift card and a nice 33% off promo I picked this up today: I should probably invest in something better than a 32 inch LCD someday ...
  9. I agree. I feel sad that most of the general public won't touch Blu-Ray with a 10 foot pole and yet are excited to watch Justin Beiber pretend to sing through the 3 inch screens of their phones. Somewhere Philo T Farnsworth is weeping again. The other day a woman at work told me I have "beautiful handwriting." I think that too is a lost art. What bugs me is that people assume that because I'm in IT I want to see their newest iPenis-replacement. Seriously, Nothankyou!.jpg
  10. I hate football but I'm kind of glad to see everyone on my Facebook feed having a fit over the Pats losing to the Jets. As a New Englander living in New York it makes me smile a bit to see all those who couldn't fathom someone hating football see their golden boy losing. Is it baseball season yet? *puts on Yankee cap*
  11. Well I sold a few more DVDs and took advantage of a Buy 2 Get 1 free sale at Barnes and Noble Probably not the forte of anyone here but my silent collection is certainly increasing.
  12. I'm home from a very awkward party where everyone else seemed to know each other and I was the shy weird guy who sat in the corner next to my fiancée while I wished every minute that she would say it's time to go home. Yeah, I'm a pretty shitty person to invite to a party. :-/
  13. came home from a party filled with people I didn't know who probably didn't like me. I can see why other people drink.

  14. Last night I had a nice fish and chips dinner and then the fiancee wanted to show me Quest for Camelot. It was pretty horrid and even she admitted it wasn't nearly as good as she remembered it. Such is nostalgia I guess. Still, it's better than working until after 9 like I had been half the week. Anyway, after that we went to bed. Tonight we're supposed to do a party thing or what not.
  15. This doesn't technically count since it's for the wife. Plus I didn't exactly purchase it as my company allows us to buy so much "fitness" supplies (Gym membership, weights etc.) a year and the company will reimburse me for it. They bought my Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus so ... So the fiancee wants me to try it tonight. Uhh yeah ... ;-) I can state for a fact that I won't look nearly as hot as this woman does: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKmnopUA5I0
  16. I worked over 9 hours overtime this week plus I sold about 15 of my current DVD collection so it's okay to splurge on some new titles (although Monsters Inc is more for the fiancee)
  17. Atelier Rorona was fun for the 30 minutes or so I played of it.
  18. Eternal Sonata is good but not great. I need to grind like hell in it but I've been too lazy to do so. Tales of Vesperia was good so far but I only put an hour into it.
  19. New item at my local lunch place: Ham and swiss on a pretzel roll. Oh HELLS yeah! Tonight I'm having fish and chips.
  20. The hidden benefit to skinny jeans means that hipster men will be sterile and unable to pass their idiotic genes down to any future generations.
  21. assuming they keep those same covers i'm having the opposite problem. Maybe they could be awesome and just give us a reversible cover?
  22. Got home around 10 and ate a corned beef sandwich before bed. This morning, Cap'n Crunch. Shouldn't he be Admiral Crunch by now?
  23. I hate you! And you're not even doing it correctly. But I ain't buvvahed.
  24. Yeah well it also worked out in my favor that growing up I had more female friends than male friends and women are much better to look at than men. And I guess the key for me was to find friends who really didn't care. My brother has many of the same interests so at least I know I'm not the only one. :-P
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