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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Indeed. They are called "women."
  2. Mortal Kombat. Seriously this was and still is a crappy fighting game with the gimmick of gore.
  3. I've got like £140 to spend on stuff from Xmas, so I'm window shopping about. But I think some of it I'm mostly gonna save towards game purchases n the like. Also some new t-shirts. So yeah, watch this space. Just no games I'm wanting coming out right away. Well for me I've been selling quite a few DVDs and stuff from my collection so with that I have money to buy the things I want. I also have a few gift cards I need to use up (like Payless, JC Penny and Borders) but there hasn't been much I want or any good sales.
  4. is still at work and hasn't eaten anything in the last 8 hours. Hopefully I don't start gnawing on my own leg soon.

  5. Probably. The 360 cover art is nicer because I dig glasses on females. WTH... you're right1! I am officially blind... Maybe you can borrow that woman's glasses?
  6. I don't know, is it obvious that I am that big of a Godzilla fan? Mine is missing a finger IIRC. That is so girly I think reading it made me a little more gay... I used to keep actual goodies in mine; either that or short colored pencils. My future mother-in-law was actually a little concerned that in ten years I'd come out as a gay man or something. Ignoring the fact that I am in no way attracted to men the idea that I like a few things that aren't considered "totally masculine" and assuming I'm a homosexual or even metrosexual is a bit idiotic. Some straight people do like watching Meet Me in St Louis or Rudolph Valentino films and think cars and football are wastes of time.
  7. Am I buvahed though? See Donna was the only recent companion that was bearable. It could be because Catherine Tate is so funny. I <3 the Catherine Tate Show.
  8. I've heard of crane machines where you catch live lobsters but those are akin to edible cockroaches so I have no moral issues about that. Dog vending machines is pretty despicable even for this very dander allergy ridden fellow. And Urusei Yatsura is good but Maison Ikkoku is definitely my favorite. It has just the right level of humor and great heart. Besides, who doesn't like Gilbert O Sullivan? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RctYk3LLGwY
  9. But there's sheep on both covers ...
  10. Ugh! Martha == WORST companion EVAH! Yep, worse than Rose and Melanie Bush PUT TOGETHER! Oh wait, this isn't the Doctor Who thread?
  11. Yeah, I was a big nut for the old ones when I was a kid. I tried checking out some of the new ones and the nostalgia just isn't there. There's no Ringo Starr or George Carlin. Engines just kind of move on their own. There's no railway logic or rules observed. My fiancee is right, I am turning into Sheldon Cooper. @_@
  12. Yes it was and is fantastic! It's $24 on Amazon (less used) http://www.amzn.com/B002EE5SAC What bugs me on MVC2 is that playing online is a joke. I used to kick butt at this game at my local arcade but online I get trapped in a ten billion hit combo and lose instantly. I never play it online any more for that reason.
  13. I can't decide which I prefer ...
  14. To paraphrase the movie "The Endless Summer" on Hawaii's weather, "The air was 70 degrees, the rain was 70 degrees and the ocean was 70 degrees. It was so pleasant it made you sick." We're hoping for Hawaii for the honeymoon but I don't know about flying that far from New York.
  15. I'm almost done with "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and after that I may start in on Adams vs. Jefferson: The Tumultuous Election of 1800.
  16. Right now the Whisper of the Heart soundtrack. It's my absolute FAVORITE Ghibli movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_rlJbwsbs4
  17. I finally broke down and "bought" Bayonetta with my $10 Amazon store credit. So essentially it was free.
  18. I have that Godzilla as well as that Snoopy jar. I have no idea where the jar is but I have it somewhere. Oh and U-S-A!
  19. is recovering from a work disaster and a lack of sleep. Hopefully I will get some decent OT out of this.

    1. TheForgetfulBrain


      I haaaate work disasters. So stressful.

    2. Battra92


      Ditto, especially when we can't really point the finger to blame any one.

  20. So I guess I'm the only one spending money now? :-P
  21. I think reading the Viz versions of Lum was what first peaked my interest in anime/manga as well as my interest in large breasts in general.
  22. My favorite anime is Touch. There's no catgirls or large breasts or incest or tentacles or robots. It's about a bunch of kids growing up and playing high school baseball. I have a relatively small Japanese LP collection. I try to collect as many of the Peanuts' albums as I can. I also have a few Maison Ikkoku and other LPs:
  23. I only add girls who will get naked for the cam for me. ;-) In all seriousness, I don't have skype. Is that a video chat program?
  24. I remember my sister had a pair of those shoes with the flat ends you can stand on. It hurts when you are kicked by them! Anyway, I never ended up at work (though I worked from home all day practically) and it's still snowing hard and it's suspect on tomorrow. ~sigh~
  25. Well I'm still in jeans and a T-shirt which wouldn't be allowed at work. Even though there was a major catastrophy at work I guess the roads there are still too bad. Gotta love those Berkshires! So my boss told me to take the whole day. Yeah easy for him to tell me to use my vacation days. Oh well ... It's stopped here and it's just plain cold.
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