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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. So, something I posted because I was _bored_ got a crapton of comments http://deltagamer.com/19198/skyrim-gives-new-meaning-to-life-with-42-concept-images what?

    1. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      CR: "I'm going to put some captions on 'em, is that ok?" Famous last words...

    2. Johnny


      Suck my comments, man. Suck 'em.

  2. Japan is weird

    1. fuchikoma
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Ha. I just found this from elsewhere without seeing this. I have no words.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi
  3. http://kotaku.com/5854012/this-gaymers-story So, this thing...
  4. I'm gonna give it a try. EU servers though.
  5. The fallout of using a crappy moral system in mainstream games: gamers think that morality is black and white and they can offer proper commentary on it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I disagree with everything Johnny said because I heard the powers I get for that are waaaay cooler. Next post I'll agree with him to see if that works better for me.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I hadn't been contentious enough in the past to be able to disagree so I'm going to have to find another way.

    4. VicariousShaner


      I'm going the neutral route here and not having a comment on Johnny's post even though it will make me extremely boring and will give me no bonuses.

  6. I think it might be a Wild Elf, not a child.
  7. Pale Flower - Japanese Yakuza noir. Well worth a watch. Where Have All The Flowers Gone - Chinese movie which is basically a poetic FLCL. The Set-Up - Brilliant noir movie.
  8. That might actually motivate Valve to fix Steam's offline mode already. Competition is good. I want Origin to be good so Steam can be better.
  9. I never pay attention to Jesus. It's why I'm probably sick today.
  10. This illness is making me despise existence...

  11. I do agree with Johnny that a game should coach you into the right way of playing. You learn to move around in Quake to avoid dying. You learn to time your blocks in fighting games to avoid losing (I used to suck at blocking and grabbing, but then learned it due to necessity). That doesn't mean everyone will succeed at their attempts, but there's an obvious difference between trying to do something right and failing, and doing something you're obviously not supposed to do (7 Recons on a hilltop). Obviously, my examples were games where death means failure, but if Battlefield isn't giving me a sense of personal failure by playing it wrong and having the whole team lose, then it needs to think of some better way of telling me I suck.
  12. Watched the first episode of Season 2. I like it, but why do writers tend to depict children as being that retarded?
  13. http://deltagamer.co...magic-heroes-vi Not to plug the article, but there's a whole section detailing how awful the DRM is in this game. It's a shame I had to lower the score (yes, I know, shame using scores at all), but seriously... First time I actually felt UbiDRM on my own skin.
  14. Because gaming requires investing in a console or PC and investing in the actual games. Not just money, but time. And people like to feel good about their investments.
  15. I wouldn't give a game a lower score for something I didn't encounter while playing, but I would note it. For example, if my game experience is worse because of the online pass, then yes, I would factor it in (for example, the system bugs out and I'm locked out of content I should have access to). If not, then I will note it at the end of the review in addition to anything else that needs to be noted ("The game requires a constant Internet connection, my gameplay wasn't impacted but here's how it could affect you..."). Generally, I make it a rule to write and consider everything I witnessed first hand and note everything I've heard that might be relevant, but not make it a part of my own verdict. That's as fair as I think anyone can be.
  16. http://deltagamer.com/18763/top-10-video-game-shotguns-of-all-time Here's the list. Thanks for the help the other day, folks!
    1. fuchikoma


      "id's greatest contribution to mankind" haha... nice

    2. P4: Gritty Reboot
  17. Might and Magic Heroes VI. Going alright so far, although I've always been slow at Heroes games.
  18. I think it's more various realities of comic book heroes like Spider-Man than the Final Fantasy games. I don't see how the Split Timeline Theory is crazy, you've had that kind of stuff outside of video games for quite a while. I'm not a fan of the franchise and haven't played too Zelda games many, but I always thought it was more of a "different realities" rather than "reset button".
  19. I'm currently working on a top list for shotguns in games. Any suggestions, folks?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Holy crap, the flak cannon. I KNEW I WAS MISSING SOMETHING OBVIOUS! *notes the other suggestions as well*

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      But the flak cannon had that grenade launcher-like alt-fire though, right? Although, it is the game's only shotgun-like weapon in a sense.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Bulletstorm. That shotgun was all kinds of awesome.

  20. I'm currently working on a top list for shotguns in games. Any suggestions, folks?

  21. I think the bigger risk is it not working in your country, only working if your IP is from a specific country (like, if you activate it in Russia, it might not work if you log in England) and stuff like what Activision pulled with MW2 Russian keys. Those are bigger risks than actual shady practices and keys that are already redeemed.
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