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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. Apparently, the new Dredmor DLC has Horse Armor. Well played, Gaslamp... Well played...

  2. I used to play with the Game Boy Texture Pack and had the Silent Hill OST running in the background. The game became the scariest set of legos I have ever seen.
  3. But... but... my PC Case glows red...
  4. Hey, I have a new PC... which means YAY TEXTURE MODS!
  5. http://keepthewebopen.com/sopa Congress livestream regarding SOPA
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Yea, that part was godawful.

    3. deanb


      Appealing to the US cyber security of all things will not go far. It's not exactly a high priority at the moment.

    4. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      My favorite is the guy saying "well no one has any better ideas". THAT's how you legislate people -_-

  6. Having a voice actor means it's in-depth. Disregard the fact that you only have to keep choosing the nice options when talking and doing a side mission to be loved forever.
  7. Wow, dude, those are all awesome purchases. Kudos.
  8. It's funny you say how you stopped posting here to avoid drama since I explicitly remember you bumping this thread a few times in the past and telling me it was just to stir drama (Plus, nothing for me to get over, since you're the one who still loves the stealth down-repping )
  9. I'm not saying he's not being honest about his actions (although that's totally not beneath him), I'm saying his reasons way of justification is bull. He's trying to find a righteous reason to justify him not paying for a game, and while he may believe in that reason, to any onlooker, it looks like bull and just making excuses.
  10. Exactly. I can get behind pirating a game for demoing purposes, but playing the game, deciding to buy it and then changing your mind after a scare-tactic? People are supposed to believe your self-righteous reasons after that?
  11. Cuz Metal Gear has a meaningful story, herp derp
  12. There you go. I see no reason to have an issue with it then. Just enjoy slicing giant robots like a boss.
  13. Ghah, was too lazy to look at a proper example. Ok, here's a better one: Shining Franchise, various Yakuza spin-offs... Really, it's not even Metal Gear Solid anymore, it's Metal Gear Rising. I don't know how obvious a hint you need that the universe is the only thing it shares with the MGS games.
  14. Aside from how awful the word Revengeance sounds, it's made by Platinum games and it's an over-the-top sword-fighting hack and slash game. What's there not to like? I mean, it's only set in the same universe as Metal Gear. It's like complaining Dissidia is distressing in regards to the future of Final Fantasy games.
  15. As farfetched as saying that you never would have bought a game were it not possible to pirate it?
  16. You're missing the point. It's not about you manipulating your friends by lying to them. Just by playing the game and having any input about it, whether positive or negative, you are helping. If you really want to show your disgust with the policy of a developer, take both your time and money elsewhere. Don't want to support the Witcher? Go play Skyrim. Your life won't be worse if you don't play a single popular game.
  17. So, you are disgusted enough with CD Project not to give them money, but you're still willing to support them by other means?
  18. Fuchikoma pretty much got it.
  19. PC arrived. Hooray!

    1. MasterDex


      Woohoo! I'm extra jealous!

  20. If you think a dev or publisher is doing something, you'll do most damage by not investing any money or time in their game. UbiDRM bothering you? Don't even play Ubi games then. I think I only played AC1 for an hour until I said "screw it" and just never resorted to buying or playing any Ubisoft game save for Heroes VI (which I had for review). Saying you don't support a dev but still play their game by pirating it is stupid and helps the dev/publisher more than ignoring their game entirely.
  21. PC arrives tomorrow. Cleaning up everything from this one since it's gone belong solely to my brother after that. Steam goes bye-bye tomorrow. (Only game on it right now is Champs).

    1. P4: Gritty Reboot
    2. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Shut up you... you... NINTENDO FANBOY

  22. New PC arrives on Thursday/Friday. Yay!

    1. MasterDex


      Nice! I wonder what this year's hardware sales were like. Seems a lot of people went through upgrades and new builds this year.

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