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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I think your SSD should work just fine. Hell it might work right off the bat with an OS in there. Don't quote me on that though. Either way you'll have to have that 1 TB storage drive. I think you might as well go for a 2 TB drive.
  2. Comrades, Red Army and Red Navy men, commanders and political instructors, men and women workers, men and women collective farmers, intellectuals, brothers and sisters in the enemy rear who have temporarily fallen under the yoke of the German brigands, our glorious men and women guerrillas who are disrupting the rear of the German invaders! Comrades, it is under dire circumstances that I address you all today. The Germans has out Russian'd Russia! Despite your best efforts the Germanic horde is at Moscow's doorsteps! However it was not for naught. We have fought the Japanese horde and will soon expel them from Mother Russia and have bled the Germans for ever blade of grass. It was also not by the fault of you, Comrades, that Russia find itself at the German jaws. The United Kingdom forgot how to sail a ship and the United States traveled into the future where different rules apply. In short... lets do this.
  3. Since I find it so easy to pirate songs from Japanese/Foreign artists, I think I should throw them my money when they make their stuff available to me to buy. What better way than physical CDs for my car? I already got some rap/hip hop (Shing02). Time for some instrumental rock .
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne2JAvkaJRs I can only find a cover but this works. G5 Project's stuff is always welcomed. Edit: FYI, the group is made up of five guys or so. Bonus Kill la Kill. Spoilers for those who watch because of Destroyer of Worlds.
  5. Finally tried a Pacific rock crab. I gave it shot since they were $4.99/lbs, were moving like crazy (Fresh as hell) and the one I got came under one pound. Good enough reason to give it a shot. I won. I got a loaded female with tons of roe (They are in season after all). I don't recall ever getting a dungeness crab with roe. With that said, the rock crab was like a cross between a dungeness crab and a blue crab. More work than the dungeness but not as pain in the ass like the blue. Flavor-wise it is a cross. I also got to note that the shell was quite brittle which I think is more due to the crab carrying and producing the roe. It broke so easily. Will eat again but now I wondering how good the dungeness crabs were at $7.99/lbs. I tend to get them at $4.99-$5.99 per pound at an Asian market but I don't think I ever had one that moved as quickly as those ones that I saw. I'm intrigued. I tend to pick out some pretty decent dungeness since I pick the movers so I wonder how these movers will be like. As a side note... since this was eaten at my place. I'm going to play around with using the remains as fertilizer. It should be like egg shells.
  6. Attack on Titan game confirmed. 10/10
  7. I don't recall hearing about the Vita TV which brings me to this thought: Dude, remote play on a separate TV. The TV that had the PS4 is taken over? No problem. I can see it being really popular for you married folks. As for the OLED/LED switch, I think its a nice compromise with all the nicer stuff.
  8. http://www.vg247.com/2014/01/24/sony-teases-new-slim-announcement/ Maybe related with the Vita. And yes, I am still in the mood for a PS4/Vita bundle. School/work related tech purchases takes priority.
  9. The "Nintendo Fusion" is what I would expect from Nintendo. It makes sense for their image. In conjunction or alternatively, what if Nintendo went low key in the US and focus everywhere else? This way they don't have to fight two giants but one giant (Sony) and a wolf (MS). If Nintendo can get to the point of being able to tango with Sony everywhere else then maybe they can grow stronger in the States as well as they move forward. So more or less pull a Microsoft. Microsoft pretty much ignored Asia, did a bit at in Europe and went all out in the US with the X1. Yes, it is insane to pretty much ignore the US market but to me it is an interesting idea. Edit: This is assuming the position of having Nintendo survive in any shape or form in which they still have a console out. So yes, being same-y with Sony is fine (It be sad though). This is also playing the loooooooooooong game.
  10. Well, after a few preview games, I think I got the gist of the game down. Combat though I will have to look at the manual and stuff. Also good call on giving Russia to me. I found that I actually forget about the territories that the UK and the USA has. Russia, Germany and Japan are more or less in one mass. The UK and USA are everywhere. In addition, Russia doesn't really have to deal with naval stuff besides helping to keep the Germans out of the British Isles.
  11. I never played. I'll see if I can get some quick practice in while I wait. I also might do a daily or bi-daily recap from the perspective of my side. Shitty visuals may or may not be included.
  12. How about multiple games at once?
  13. If you're not, you should be watching the sub version since they did kind of changed Dandy's character a bit with the translated lines. Anyways... Kill la Kill part two is next week. Also YES. They're playing with this pairing.
  14. Mal

    World Politics

    Edit: I'm also malicious but not that malicious... Okay, I laughed.
  15. Not my words but I agree with it. Nintendo got to come up with something if they want to remain in the console world and I honestly do not know what that is. Everything I've read seems more like bandages than anything. They could follow Sony and Microsoft but I don't think there is room. If there is, they'll have to fight for it.
  16. Since you mentioned the oddly weak XOne... I wonder how true the rumor of Microsoft wanting to ditch the console sense is. I don't think it holds water but who knows.
  17. Mal

    World Politics

    Winter Olympics is at Sochi in a few weeks. Terrorists really does have an active beef with Russia and have actively let it be known. It wouldn't be unrealistic to think their threats are quite real. Though personally I think they are bluffing since it would be really stupid to get the rest of the world on their asses when they are already dealing with Russia. It would be a bad idea to underestimate people's stupidity though so... we'll see.
  18. It is almost time for me to start up. Revan, what is your feelings about the weather right now? Do you think this dry spell will hold and just deny any cold snaps? Right now it seems like all models are points towards that we'll be high and dry till at least the start of February. Last frost date if I recall is sometime in March. So I (and you) got a 4-6 week period of unknown. I'm planning on watermelons and they'll be the priority. They must be done by June/July since it is the time when I leave SLO. Sunflowers will be back in the mix but this time I'll add in another kind. I might toss in tobacco in the mix as well. Not going to smoke them (I don't. Period) but the nicotine can be used as a pesticide/deterrent. Birds and pollinators also seem to like it too. I also might be able to give some of the leaves to my friend who... mixes it to say the least. He might be happy to have some Californian grown tobacco for the novelty of it. Might go for a round two for long beans.That failed so hard last time. I think that is it. I wonder if this dry winter is going to lower the chance of a terrible powdery mildew outbreak this time around. I'll be mulching this time for sure. I'm going to bury the previous surface.
  19. Wow, ASUS T100 is the hotcake of the tablet/laptop market eh? I want one but I can't find one... well not the 64GB at least.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FredEffinChopin


      Also (with half-confidence)those territories might be the ones who have or are about to get the 32G version with a 500G HDD in the dock. A batter drain, but nice for the extra storage, even if it is analog.

    3. Mal


      'Merica. Kalifornia so the shortage might be even worst. I don't need an additional 500 GB on a heavier HDD but 32 GB is too little. 64 GB is the sweet spot.


      Got to remember, I got a honking PC at home. I just need something mobile.

    4. FredEffinChopin


      Hmmm I need to check my notifications, I didn't see anything for this.


      Yeah, 64 is definitely the move. I think the 32 only leaves like 15 available on the drive, which leaves room for little of anything. Good luck getting a hold of the 64, or of something comparable.

  20. Mal

    Windows 10

    If the tiles don't collapse and get hidden... Dude, what happened to the days of "Screw desktop icons"?
  21. Mal

    World Politics

    So yeah, Ukraine. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/euromajdan/pop-out and this little gem. Anyways, lets hope that we don't really talk about Sochi in a bad way in the future.
  22. I never considered anybody beyond Seagate or Western Digital. I guess I can add Hitachi to the list.
  23. Since I've been asked a question, I got to answer. Incomplete thoughts since it is really asking me how I value life and asks my views/positions on a number of other issues/topics but it'll broadly work. And yes, I agree that I am dehumanizing the guilty i. It's the nature of this topic really. I find keeping the guilty alive to be that useless, potentially draining on society and cruel. Useless in that they can't do anything which in turn is pretty damn cruel1. Just keeping them locked up is just sweeping them under a rug. Out of sight, out of mind? Like hell they are. They are draining our resources while contributing nothing. I find the guilty and the life imprisonment insulting to life. The innocent people though. I have no good answer other than "Sorry". Terrible answer but I just cannot be deterred from my view. Revan talked about there is no such thing as a perfect justice system. Between keeping the guilty around or executing them, I rather execute them. 1 What is the purpose of keeping them around doing nothing? Are we gawking at them? Are they zoo animals (I hate zoos)? What kind of life is imprisonment? i Guilty means the worst of the worst. They can be anything from a guilty that Revan mentioned to a crime boss. They do not value life. This is how I determine if someone is fit to be executed. Anyways. The justice system needs a major overhaul if we imprison people for life. I do not like how most imprisonment is handled right now. Inmates should learn a skill or few and contribute to society. Life imprisonment should have the option of a quick death. I'll stand the insult of the really guilty living. If they do anymore while in prison though... eh. What say you guys? tl;dr: Yes, it is a complicate issue. No butterflies and rainbows here. Read. Feel free to critique. Next topic please! This is depressing.
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