What is this bullshit? From what I understand, the CCYY format works by "CC" means century and the "YY" is the year so think '99 from 1999 which in CCYY format would be 2099 since the 1900's is the 20th century and the 2000's up till 2100 is the 21st. BUT. But... it also means that it can fall back 1999 for some odd reason that I can't quite understand at the moment. Which brings me to my current situation...
I am asked if I became a Californian resident before Jan 1st, 2008. I became a resident of California on July, 2007, so... yes. I did. In MM, YYYY format it will be 07, 2007. MM, CCYY format will be 07, 2107. So CSUMentor and FASFA, please tell me why the fuck neither is work? There is only so many ways I can type July 2007 in a two digit month and four digit year format.
Am I getting flustered by something new so that I am unable to understand it or is the site fucking broken by this fucking silly thing?