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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I may be late but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! They added igneous rocks into Minecraft. Thing is though, the scale of their appearance is all wrong, even in a game scale. It'll be interesting to see how Mojang handles this...

    1. TCP


      Igneous rocks?

  2. Government website. To make it worst, its Californian and the federal. Shit is going to inefficient one way or another when you're dealing with both of them.
  3. Kill la Kill resumed today. Sums up my feeling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNu9CLs0d_4 Now for some speculation which I feel might be wrong. This will be good. --- Now for Space Dandy. Initial impression is that it is alright. I think the English dubbed QT is better and shows more character. I'll be hanging around some more to see if it pans out. Dandy is much too sloppy which contrasts with the pursuit of him and his supposed importance.
  4. Mal

    Windows 8

    You had to go and mention the color blue... Baka baka.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised but... This is cute.
  6. Mal

    Windows 8

    8 is a lucky number. Divide it by two and it'll be the unluckiest number. FDS, not like I turn it off all the time. I get lazy in turning it off but I just see no point in leaving it on. If I leave it on, it'll just be a space heater with fans and HDDs to lullaby me to sleep. When I'm gone for the day, at times for 12 hours, then I guess it'll warm the spiders in my house. I guess this is just an extension of what have been drilled into me: turn things off if you are not going to use it for a good amount of time. This goes for lights, TVs and minor appliances.
  7. It asked for CCYY format. First time that I have been asked and it is my first encounter with it. Also there are two input fields where you type the month and year in their own boxes. The month only goes up to two digits and the year to four.
  8. Yeah, in general you'll be fine with either Seagate or WD. Just try to get a WD Black or equivalent. Those tend to be really solid.
  9. What is this bullshit? From what I understand, the CCYY format works by "CC" means century and the "YY" is the year so think '99 from 1999 which in CCYY format would be 2099 since the 1900's is the 20th century and the 2000's up till 2100 is the 21st. BUT. But... it also means that it can fall back 1999 for some odd reason that I can't quite understand at the moment. Which brings me to my current situation... I am asked if I became a Californian resident before Jan 1st, 2008. I became a resident of California on July, 2007, so... yes. I did. In MM, YYYY format it will be 07, 2007. MM, CCYY format will be 07, 2107. So CSUMentor and FASFA, please tell me why the fuck neither is work? There is only so many ways I can type July 2007 in a two digit month and four digit year format. Am I getting flustered by something new so that I am unable to understand it or is the site fucking broken by this fucking silly thing?
  10. Numero uno of my grad application and job application sent off... we'll see how this goes. Part of me think working would be a nice change of pace.

  11. Mal

    Windows 8

    Well I have a SSD so its all moot. I can pretty much wake up, hit the power button, sit down, rub my eyes, equip glasses for +10 vision and start using my computer. Coming home I can power on, take off my shoes and backpack, sit down, sigh and go about my day. Any faster and it will be just icing on a cake. So something I don't care about. I'm quite sure in the power options you can make the power button do nothing if pressed. Now that I think about it, I should change it now since at my parent's place I have pressed it before. Edit: Not to say your son cannot hit the reset button if you have one...
  12. Mal

    Windows 8

    Easier. Windows key, right and enter. Though I guess I could set it up to sleep.
  13. I kind of want the collector edition but I'm kind of done with preordering anything. I'll wait for a "WTF is..." before I jump. Now to hope this release date holds...
  14. Dishonored. Pretty nice and I find myself knocking people out more often than not. Reasoning is that they are my countrymen that my dear emperess tried to protect but there will be no mercy if I come across those aligned with the assassins. I think I just hyped myself up.
  15. It happens to me mostly when I move my computer around from say my place to my parents place. So for me personally, I think just unplugging all the cables does something with at least whatever juice the computer has left*. Also, my computer mostly will restart itself if it get caught in that loop so its a non-issue in my 2-3 years of using this computer. Sometimes though it will remain in that state in which I just flip the switch on the back, wait 10 seconds and turn it back on. Good to go. *So maybe its due to something with the PSU... I guess. -shudders-
  16. Send him a snail mail with an opening chess move. It has come down to this so be sure to write with a fountain pen.
  17. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=25007676&prodFindSrc=rv I'm not going to lie. I want this and I shall have it.
  18. Something explore-y. It would make up for the the piles of Notto Desu Shitto Agin. They might be good games (Like Mario Galaxy) but it is tiring to see a Koopa Gorilla Chicken so much. I just want to be made to go "Whoa." and it doesn't even have to be realistic. Cartoony is totally fine. Hell, Mario Galaxy did something similar but it was a Mario game and I kind of burned out by the end. Great game but I just don't want to see Bowser's face again. So yeah. Explore-y. Bring me through nice rolling plains to a dense city then through a pipe-y underworld then out to space. Actually... add in a bit of poking fun at one self as well. Break some rules of some of their franchises. Without a "U" in the title, you can experiment with these all time classic formulas. Explore man.
  19. Kind of an odd one. Recording it here so maybe I can doodle it out later. I got transported to an offshore island to do some stuff or live there. The thing was it was under construction or something nearby was. Just offshore were MASSIVE earthmoving machines that would dwarf anything we have now. On my island itself it seemed to be more like a NASA station than anything else. Anyways... I happened upon a smaller earthmover that happened to make a sandy path where ever it went out in the water. I went out to said path for a mile or two before I looked back to see that the path was breaking apart due to wave action. I kept on going till this earthmover went under an apartment complex of sorts where I somehow got up to an upper floor where a few workers were taking a break from building. Most were rough looking people but one appears to be the love interest. How I know? She was a bit more detailed and had more talk time than the others. Long black hair with a hard hat and wore ladies versions of construction clothing or at least in this world. Well not like it went anywhere. Talk time was dominated by how to get back to the island and by default off this building. Somehow the girl pulled out my parents from a lower floor who happened to visit some friends. WTF mate? And so that is how this little dream ended.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-4p0eRy6ZU From the TV special that just came out. How can I put how excited I am...? I cannot. Lets just say that second season of Mushishi is going to be gold. Easily my AOTY if the special tells me anything. They kept the spirit of the original manga and first season. Might not be as exciting as say Kill la Kill or WOW like Space Dandy but it is so fulfilling. Peaceful.
  21. http://www.9news.com/news/article/371498/339/Pot-sales-exceed-1-million-on-first-day Two days, one million dollars. Colorado and Washington, please don't mess it up. Sales wise, I think it'll level out soon enough with a stabilization of prices. Now it depends on who the buyer wants to support. In theory the illegal dealers can undercut the legal dealers easily but the illegal dealers might have some sources that are far from kosher. Might be some random homegrower or all the way to the Mexican cartels.
  22. I just finished Katanagatari. I would recommend it on the art style and overall story but man, do I feel a bit empty about the ending. It is also pretty anticlimactic on the fights too so eh. If I have to put a score... 8/10.
  23. Last time I buy something from a physical import store... Import price is actually cheaper. Pleinair book sleeve got me. I'm planning to get volume 2 which will come out at $20 less. Oh well. For the actual book itself... it got in progress shots. Hell, it even has the rough sketch mockups which is awesome.
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