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Everything posted by Mal

  1. One of my favorite things ot do? Wtach people play video games. Yay for streams.

    1. Connorrrr


      Depends on the game, but I like it too :3

  2. My brother is going to go to South America for Spring Break next week... and he's the dude suppose to get Portal 2 for the PS3. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I just saw that Amazon has it for $35... Hrmm.
  3. Mal

    Your Rig

    Seriously... Saturnine. Knowing how you look like and seeing this. DOES NOT COMPUTE. Nice compy though. :3
  4. Sure, cover yourself in mirrors... and be a walking target, unable to be camouflage! Ready those missiles, cannons and artillery!
  5. Ace of Spades... looks interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. McBeeferton



    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      The only card I need is the...

    4. AgamemnonV2



  6. That laser, to me, was never meant to take down ships. Its role is more defensive against missiles attack, like those carrier killers ones that are designed to go reeeeaaalllly damn fast. Well, if you have a laser that can take out those missiles quickly, it sort of defeats those missiles... unless there are more missiles that the laser can handle. Also maybe the laser can evolve into something that can do some serious damage to big ships... so it forces the enemy, ship, planes(!) or whatever, to stay the fuck away from the laser line of sight. Now to somehow make the laser to have any sort of decent range and start up time... I have heard of laser that can burn through inches or even feet of steel in seconds but I somehow think its at a very close range or at least too close for comfort.
  7. It makes sense since in what people were hoping for, they were really giving a game away. Can't really have it like that... having the PC copy is just a nice "buy it new, instead of used" sort of thing. Now I'm wondering about returns and such. If me and my brother can overall save money from not buying another copy, we'll look into it. Not like that I would mind to pay for this game at launch... or near launch. I have been giving Portal a whirl, and man, it still looks great (with everything maxed).
  8. Are you telling me that you can't beat Pokemon in a day anymore?
  9. Screw chiptunes. I got myself Mario Paint!

    1. TheFlyingGerbil


      I'm still waiting for them to release that for DSiWare (maybe it will come to 3DSWare - fingers crossed)

    2. Connorrrr


      <3 Mario Paint videos on youtube. Some of the stuff they do on there is awesome.

  10. I swear, I've been seeing people making them human... lets see how a dude draw them.
  11. I tend to switch between using cartoons and anime quite a lot. Toyger got a good comparison going. Cartoons, anime and even 3D stuff are all animated films. Badmin pointed out that there are a few types of anime, that goes for cartoons and 3D stuff as well. I can see why. Also, listen...
  12. Oh my... be careful of what you start. I don't think you want a flood of stuff like that, which is is really well done, but yeah.. Random video to fill this space.
  13. I want to make some chiptunes and such... but I have no idea how...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MasterDex


      Banging chunes! Yaw!

    3. Mal


      I was thinking more in line with She music. :P

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      The only advice I can give is to google for a program that lets you do as such. I AM SO HELPFUL.

  14. Seem like there were two 6.X aftershocks within the last 24 hours or so. One near Tokyo and the other earlier one near Fukushima. So yeah... Japan, you sure there isn't a dragon god under Japan?
  15. Mal

    UK Politics Thread

    That system allowed Jean Quan to become mayor of Oakland. There's still a debate on how good the system is.
  16. Well, this ended sooner than expected.
  17. The manga was great but yeah, never finished it but I did like what I saw. I might give this series a spin. Like OMG... I'm watching a currently airing anime again...
  18. That sounds like what might happen in Jackass... doesn't sound that bad. Also, I'm current searching for a roommate. Chatting with someone at the moment trying to see if we can deal with each other and such. He has baaad memories with former ones. Social arkward... I think that describes me a little bit. Not much of a talker if I don't know a person we'll enough but I eventually open up... hrmm. This dude lives close to campus... so he's living in prime realstate. --- Hahahaha... I'm still laughing at that story. Sorry, a smilie face is in order. XDDDDDDDDDDD
  19. I am home. Home sweet home.

  20. I'm all by myself in Cal Poly for a weekend of things... fun.

  21. Never knew something like this existed. Groovy.
  22. Umm, if anyone ever walks into my house like that, they are in danger of getting punched.
  23. Full towers are quite a bit more expensive. I paid like 140 for my version. If you have any computer hardware store like that of Micro Center, I would recommend a whirl in there to see first hand how the parts look. It was helpful for me to decide a case.
  24. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119160 The newer version.
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