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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Arrival It's very captivating. Go watch it.
  2. I thought Trump got about the same number of votes as previous Republican candidates/eventual-presidents got (it'd be interesting to see what if any demographics has changed)? What really slid was Democratic voters. I wish there was a "N/A" option as people who didn't vote President so we can be kind of counted (I feel like we're not). We were there at the polls. We just didn't find the humor in ourselves to write in Harambe. I could've comfortably done so in California but this is no laughing matter. I wanted Hillary to win but there was no way I could vote for her and what she represents. The lesser of two evils argument isn't good enough. I'm looking forward to the midterm elections.
  3. This album just dropped and tomorrow night I'm seeing Animal as Leaders live. I might be spoiling their five new song surprise...
  4. With this, I think I'm done thinking about this election's result and implications. I need to gear myself for his presidency and perhaps brace for my encounter of the first openly racist twat in my 27 years. Edit: Eh... pictures are nice. I find his general demeanor after winning fascinating and frightening.
  5. This might be helpful for some of you or people you know.
  6. If he can stop the folks in the Central Valley from saying that the drought is caused by Congress/Sacramento that would be great. I doubt he will though if he is really about water conservation. What's his stance on protecting wetlands (e.g., Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta)? Water that could be used for Ag goes into there to keep it alive. If the folks in the Central Valley have their way, it would turn into the Colorado River delta (it's pretty beat up). There's a lot of reasons for keeping the delta happy besides wildlife and one of them is keeping the brackish to sea water from getting into the Central Valley via groundwater pathways. It's getting harder to keep it up since the sea level is rising but I bet most of Trump's administration are climate change denialists. Seriously, what Trump want to do to environmental protection regulations and agencies is worrying. He got the power of executive order and a Congress who would be fine and may be happy to go along with it. And the funny thing is... it might create a job for me. At great costs but it's a well paying job. Ay caramba. But that's against the idea of small government and state's rights... And it worries me that that senile old bag of bones is said to be Trump's AG.
  7. Britain, thanks for giving birth to such an idea: Calexit Not going to happen (it's reactionary and idiotic but shit, president Trump happened so...) but the West Coast is just plain not going to get along with Washington DC with Trump and Republican Congress.
  8. Crushed all aired episodes of Westworld in one day. The concept of the park got to be one of the most depraved and hedonistic thing I've seen and it makes me wonder how the outside world operates. We get some hints which points to a dystopian world where the rich and powerful go to Westworld is get their rocks off. Then there are the Hosts. Advanced AI slaves that can potentially blur the line between man and machine. All good stuff.
  9. Mal

    UK Politics Thread

    Is this how you guys felt?
  10. Taking bets on how far along the four years can Trump last.

    1. CorgiShinobi


      President Pence in 2018?

    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      That would be worse. D:

    3. Mal


      Pence is either Dick Cheney 2.0 or the President.

  11. Let me just say this. Fuck We did a Brexit. I just don't think Hillary can come back. Donald just need one or two more states. Hillary need them all. Edit: Hillary isn't conceding tonight. This shit might get drawn out but I think the numbers are true for a president Trump. Edit2: Drunk as fuck and processing this results does not mix. I thought I would handle this better but no. But as Obama said, for all his faults, the sun will rise tomorrow. I believe in democracy. I believe in America. We can fix this mess. As with my philosophy in life, one step at a time even if it means backtracking. You got to move forward. You got to swing. You got to TRY. President Trump and Trump's Administration, show me what you got. Edit3: Thank god for auto correct.
  12. Dr Strange I enjoyed it since it was a nice ride but I have a general distaste for superhero movies so it goes here. Very trippy visuals.
  13. That's exactly what I did. I voted for everything except for president. I'm in California so I actually do have room to fume about the Democrat establishment. Would I buckle and vote for Hillary in a battleground state? Hard to say but I'm leaning no. As the results are showing, something is fucked in this country. An insane amount of people are feeling trapped, cheated for numerous reasons. Some reasons are legit and some absolutely abhorrent. I want the next president or two to address those legit reasons. As of right now this is way too close for comfort and at the end of this night or tomorrow it might become reality.
  14. Quite the bit of unexpected swinging states.
  15. That's terrible. Watch, somewhere along the line an actual Moogle will appear kupo.
  16. For Vol 9... spoiler tagging it incase people want to get surprised.
  17. I've got a full handle of whiskey. It'll be a fun day. /s
  18. Bought the Witcher 2 and the Shantae games on GOG because why not make Secret Santa harder?
  19. BBC UK website. You'll need a VPN through a service or browser extension like Beebs on Chrome. I've heard that Beebs is sketchy though? Eh. If you want to wait, BBC America will air Planet Earth II in January. Not sure why since it's 2016 and this shouldn't be happening but maybe they're getting Oprah to narrate again...
  20. Planet Earth II is airing now and the first episode is great. I never thought that snakes hunt in packs...
  21. Well, you'll have to get Mercy with Sombra's ult before she can fire it off. With Sombra's cloaking ability, she can charge ahead to find Mercy if she is walking to the front or hiding if she wasn't killed with the others. Sombra could kill Mercy but it might be way safer to just disable her. She can't ult or fly to get away. But yeah, I think Sombra's ult is more for getting behind a choke point and nerf the defenders. I think once activated, D.Va's ult shouldn't be disabled since the runaway reaction is underway.
  22. https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/sombra/ Please nerf! /s It'll be interesting to see how Sombra pans out. But seriously, why tease her for so long? Edit: I just realize Sombra can shut down a Mercy's five man rez. Jesus.
  23. Imagine a competent AI that doesn't have to cheat.
  24. Sounds almost like me and a vast majority of the geo grads I know. To say that it is downright terrifying is an understatement. Jobs are few and far between and we're not even asking for oil and gas jobs (it'd be great though...) which hit the shitter two years ago. I believe Wally's old job was a casualty from this same downturn that is still kicking our asses. It's in the process of recovery now but it might take another year or two at best. What the fuck are those who graduated between two years ago and the recovery going to do? What the fuck are those who got laid off going to do? Yes, they say stay connected but I might have more chances with connecting with a bullet than an oil and gas job. Going back to the election and education and why people vote the way they do... people who have a college education tend to vote liberal. The large numbers is fostered by the dream of bettering oneself through higher education which was a reality. Still possible but so much harder, even to just have an okay career/job*. The educated but now impoverished people can become disillusioned and start going against the ideals and beliefs that brought them to their predicament in the first place. Most don't however since most (hopefully) have enough critical thinking left in them (instead of envy, fear and anger) to see that the goals of the right, as it stands now and for a long while, is against our goals. Not to say those who vote left are not disillusioned with old blood Democrats. Those without a good education... well shit. This ignores/glosses over things like racism, xenophobia and the like. * This is perhaps the biggest problem. People are having issues maintaining their lives. This issue morphs into this following problem: If you think (mine perhaps) alcohol abuse is bad, take a look at heroin and the like. If I make the switch to being a firefighter, I'll be reviving multiple people from ODs daily with increasingly larger doses of the anti-OD drug.
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