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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Why is this a surprise to people? It's the same exact system for PS3/PC/360. They're not changing a thing.
  2. Just pre-ordered my PS4, so excited. The Gamestop people were trying to tell me that PS4 might come out in October, I don't know if I buy that. One thing that was interesting: they've gotten way more Xbox preorders than PS4 today, but they also noted this city is way more Xbox focused. This. Multiplayer isn't something I'm willing to spend 60 dollars a year on, but it is nice to have as an option. So while, someone like me, and sounds like you as well, don't get the full value out of Xbox Gold, PS+ is just right.
  3. Last Guardian is on "hiatus". JUST KILL IT ALREADY!! Stop playing games with my heart, Sony!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WTF


      oh i didn't realise MJ said the same thing worded differently.

    3. toxicitizen


      Just pretend it's never coming out of hiatus. It probably won't. There. Same as dead.

    4. FredEffinChopin


      They're taking that title a little too seriously.... Wakka?

  4. YOU KNOW HOT HEART, IT WAS A LONG DAY, I WAS TIRED, AND PUMPED UP ON SONY FANBOY ADRENALINE YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND STOP CRITICIZING ME!!!!!!! Poll is edited, sorry everyone. What I meant was, which console are you most likely to buy FIRST and will you buy a console (one, both, or none) at launch.
  5. There was a difference between OoT and OoT3D? lololol It's hard to tell through choppy, low quality, streaming video. But I'm assuming this will be similar to the Sony HD ports. I'm more curious as to if the two dungeons that were cut at the last minute from Wind Waker will be in.
  6. TCP

    Wii U

    Also Nintendo's fucking crazy if they think selling the Wii U for 349 against a 399 PS4 is a good idea. FUCKING CRAZY!!!
  7. TCP

    Wii U

    Wow, that Nintendo Direct was pitiful. Everything about it. When your only surprise is your best studio is doing a sidescrolling game, you know things aren't good. This would be like Sony getting Naughty Dog or Sony Santa Monica to do a sidescrolling Sly Cooper game. Even the stream itself!!! The first 20-25 minutes were so laggy they were almost unwatchable. Then, the stream calmed down for me around the time of Wind Waker HD, and part way through the trailer it skips ahead to the Wonderful 101. Then!!! FINALLY, we get to Smash Bros, and right when Megaman appears, it skips ahead again to the end of the broadcast. What the hell? Sony and Microsoft were debuting new consoles and likely had WAY more viewers (they also weren't broadcasting at a stupidly early hour) and their streams didn't stutter for me once.. and they were doing it live, in a theatre, infront of an audience. Pre-recording your press conference is suppose to eliminate technical errors. At the end of the day, the majority of these games aren't coming out till 2014, none of them were a surprise, and none of them would make me, if I didn't buy one at launch (I'm a sucker), want to buy a Wii U.
  8. Where are you getting that from? I'm hearing Eye is included.
  9. Everything about today was awesome. EXCEPT... if we didn't see The Last Guardian now, will we ever?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, like TCP, I just want closure.


      Well, actually, the game releasing would be better. :(

    3. Pojodin
    4. TCP


      That's what they've been saying for ages. Just do what FLD said and put it out of it's misery!!

  10. Curious as to the results of this poll. I suspect I know the answer for the first question, the second will be more interesting.
  11. Making a machine that's consumer friendly. What a strange concept!

  12. That sucks but on the other hand, if you have a PlayStation console and don't have Plus, you're doing it wrong.
  14. Don't get me wrong, I like Watch Dogs, I'm excited for it, but I'm kind of sick of seeing demos/trailers for it, I just want to play it.
  15. Versus is dead. XV is the name now. At least that's my understanding.
  17. My inner PlayStation fanboy is FREAKING OUT right now guys.
  18. IGN will hold it, as will the PS Blog and the PS3 under "What's New".
  19. On the other hand, Lana should host every conference.
  20. 499... ouch. Really hope PS4 is 399.
  21. I've had meetings and stuff throughout the morning. What's been confirmed as exclusive besides Dead Rising 3?
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