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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Definitely agree with the Fantastic Four. I don't feel like the X-men would fit too well into this world, but the Fantastic Four would work great in the MCU. And then they could have Kree/Skrulls in Guardians of the Galaxy. Apparently they were trying to acquire the FF rights, in exchange for Daredevil, so they could put together a Defenders film with Silver Surfer, but Fox wouldn't budge.
  2. Clearly this is just because they're planning a sequel to the "bad" ending for Vita.
  3. Joss Whedon, hire this man ^^^
  4. Plus black guy street smarts!!
  5. They've confirmed it as a continuation. It'll likely be C-list heroes/villains, which might not be a bad thing if you consider Thor/Captain America "B-list" heroes (at least, before their films.. in fact, Iron Man wasn't exactly A-list before Robert Downey Jr). It'd be interesting to see if they can find a way to bring Thor/Cap/Ant Man/etc in before their films open, could be good publicity. Also, is it just me or was J August Richards looking a little Luke Cage (albiet, not as bulky) in that trailer? WHERE'S IRON FIST?! It's too bad Jeremy Renner is probably too note-worthy now to be a regular, as Hawkeye would be a great addition. Maybe they should recast him with someone who can actually act and make him a little more like Clint Barton from Matt Fraction's Hawkeye book? Characters I'd like to see in this show: Captain Marvel Carol Danvers Maria Hill (after HIMYM ends)
  6. Has anyone who's interested in this show not seen The Avengers yet?
  7. I like Clara. Besides Craig of course*, she's my favourite companion in years... since Martha at least. (And don't take me for an Amelia hater, cause I liked her too). Current theory: Clara is the 12th Doctor. She's just lost her memories. And is showing up in random time periods because.. wibbly wobbley timey whimey. Which means the 50th anniversary episode will be THE THREE DOCTORS. *Also where the hell is the Craig episode this season!?!
  8. Rachel McAdams is beautiful in that film. That movie started a whirlwind imaginary relationship between her and I. I left her about a year later for Emma Stone.
  9. TCP


    Parker gets really sad when Sarah goes out, he sits on the sectional and looks out the window, longingly...
  10. Story: Uncharted Characters: Uncharted (come on.. Sully! Drake! Elana!) Gameplay: Uncharted (I know some people have gripes with the combat, but I still feel, as a whole, combined with the climbing, combat, and exploration, Uncharted wins, though I do love upgrading the gear in Tomb Raider). Cute Lead Character: Tomb Raider (I just want to hold Lara and tell her it's all going to be OK). Half tuck shirt: Uncharted Over all winner: Uncharted 1 - 3 + GA
  11. Just found this picture of Mr. GOH!
  12. TCP

    Wii U

    Who's defending the Wii U? I own a Wii U, it's nice enough system, by Nintendo standards, but there outlook on the system is very bleak... I don't think anyone can say otherwise. One thing that bothers me is the eShop. Nintendo has a huge back catalog of classic games. They finally release the Virtual Console, 6 months after launch, (I know you can play Wii VC games in Wii mode but that's not showcasing the features I bought the system for) with about 8 games, most of which being boring NES games like Ice Climber. Here we are, two weeks later, after two updates, and what have we gotten? No Super Metroid, Link to the Past, Super Mario Brothers, etc etc etc. None of the promised GBA games. No N64 games. No GameCube games. Barely even any SNES games. We get Solomon's Key and Xevious. That's not good enough. Nintendo has a huge drought of new games but the biggest library of classic games that they could be rereleasing. And it's work too, I don't want to play Super Metroid on my HDTV, but playing it on the gamepad as I also watch TV would be fantastic. Obviously, releasing ROMs of old games doesn't make up for the lack of new games, but it's better than nothing. It's like they don't want money. It doesn't make any fucking sense! /rant
  13. TCP

    Wii U

    Who wants to play 3rd party multiplat games on a Nintendo console anyways?
  14. If you could erase your mind, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind style, and play any game for the first time again, what would you play?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I almost said Pokemon, but I have a feeling that playing it for the first time today wouldn't carry the same magic that it did when I was younger.

    3. TCP


      Yeah, I would have said Ocarina of Time, but I don't know how that game would hold up playing it for the first time today.

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      oh - I kind of thought you could re-experience the magic again. If I had to relive it through my current jaded eyes I think pleasant memories are left in the past. Why replace a great old memory with a potentially lesser experience.

  15. I want that on my tombstone when I die.
  16. WE HAD PEOPLE IN THE THEATRE, on a Saturday, WITH A FUCKING BABY TOO. I nearly lost my fucking shit. I hulked out (due to previous encounter with gama rays) and started tossing shit over and stuff. It's bad enough putting up with babies in stores and restaurants... but in MOVIE THEATRES?! If you wanted to see Iron Man 3 that bad, should have used a condom.
  17. Faker than your mommas boobies.
  18. Iron Man 3. Might be the best of the Marvel films.. I might have even enjoyed it more than TDK... it'll take some time to digest though. We were in a rush to leave, what was the post credits scene? Please tell me it was Hank Pym/Rocket Raccoon related.
  19. Hey how come the Minecraft thread is in the PC Games section when it's available on iOS/360/Android and potentially PlayStation?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Liam Neeson is now a generic action star because his drama acting could never ever beat Schindler's list. Again the curse of being technically correct.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I just try to forget games get released for Mac. There should be laws against that.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      If Apple can get a judge to say Samsung ripped them off, we can get one to say Macs shouldnt get games

  20. TCP

    Wii U

    Oh man haven't done one of these in awhile:
  21. Unfortunately till everyone starts pulling their weight here... no
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