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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I feel like we're all best friends forever!
  2. 1) Can we have the same rules as the GoT thread? Basically, if it's already aired, it's not spoilers? 2)
  3. There's forums out there with more brits than here?!?!
  4. Listen, you won't find a bigger PS fanboy than me. I practically changed my last name to Drake. But, IF, the Xbone sucks for gamers as much as it looks like it might, the people who suffer the most are us, the consumers. Competition is good. Get it together, Microsoft!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      PS2 had shit for competition and has the best library of all time.

    3. TCP


      I can't speak for the Xbox One vs Xbox but the Gamecube was lightyears a head of the where the Wii U is.

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I also practically changed my last name to . . . oh.

  5. Agreed! If only they started with that boxart... All sort of a moot point as I'll likely be doing what I've done on Vita and buying almost all my games digitally.
  6. TCP

    Xbox One

    It was what I expected, not what I hoped for. Except, to be perfectly honest, I did sort of expect some gameplay footage.
  7. That's sexy. I just hope the boxart is consistent. My shelf looks weird with most of my PS3 games having the later logo on the side, but every once in awhile you run into an Assassins Creed, MGS4, or Valkyria Chronicles with the old logo. They just looks out of place: Assassin's Creed... you ruin everything!!!
  8. Alright, Sony, now all you have to do, is not fuck this up.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      you shut your whore mouth Frosted. Unless P5 is released in the Gaikai system, then you can keep your mouth as shut as it was previously.

    3. TCP


      Considering P4 came out in what.. 2009 on the PS2? I'd say chances are, Persona 5 comes out on the PS3.. it's probably been in production since they wrapped on Catherine.

    4. FMW


      Correct and correct.

  9. TCP

    Xbox One

    Just to jump on the bandwagon 1) The name sucks even more than the Wii U. 2) I saw very little different or unique from the 360, in terms of gaming. 3) Worse yet, no gameplay footage.
  10. Even better would be if Bob Saget voiced the game as an older Batman, telling the story to Daemon Wayne.
  11. As much as I neglected and eventually disliked my 360, and as skeptical as I am of any Microsoft hardware, any console announcement still gets me excited. Let's just hope this isn't a Kinect-loving bro-fest.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WTF


      Well it's MS's third console. I'm fairly certain that there's going to be some fuckup. After prosperity comes fuckup in most societies and corporations. Well we have 18 minutes to find out.

    3. TCP


      That's true. PS3 was a fucking wreck from launch - 2008ish, N64 was a disappointment, and Saturn was.. well. The 3rd console is cursed!! CURSED, WTF... CURSED!!!!!!

    4. WTF


      well they decided to break the curse by calling it XBOX1? and it's more kinect focussed. ugh.

  12. 6pm start works good. That's only 9pm in the east coast, and the west coasters will be off school/work. I'm surprised with the internet commenters who feel Sony should have showed the console in that video. They won't reveal the design for the PS4 in a YouTube video people, it's a teaser trailer to remind everyone when the press conference is.
  13. TCP

    Wii U

    I think you also need to look at the audiences. Mario Kart is a good party game, so all the people who picked up the Wii for exactly that reason had good incentive to buy Mario Kart Wii. The 3D Mario games on the other hand, are probably more enticing to the hardcore gamer who at this point are the only people who own the system or are even aware of it. Releasing both this holiday season would be a smart move, as you might remember, the price drop alone didn't save the 3DS, it was releasing a fantastic 3D Mario game along with Mario Kart at holiday season. If Nintendo can ship both in 2013, with the promise of Smash Bros and Zelda in the horizon I could see them moving a few more systems.. maybe. Either way it's going to be tough with PS4/720 hype this Christmas... this system really should have come out a few years ago.
  14. Yeah but it has the best finale I've seen since Moffat took over. Asylum of the Daleks, The Angels Take Manhatten, The Bells of Saint John, and The Doctor's Name were the best episodes. The rest of the season was ho-hum and had a lot of filler.
  15. EDIT: Also, I guess we know who/what the Doctor saw in The God Complex. "Of course... who else?". So we never found out who gave Clara the Doctor's phone number... it was a woman from a shop, which kind of makes you think it'd be Rose, but how would Rose, if she was already in her original dimension, know to give Clara the number? Also, didn't The Doctor recently say that the TARDIS chose him? I think it was in the episode where the TARDIS became a woman. Am I the only one who doesn't care about Jenny/Vastra/Strax? Lastly: I really hope we don't have to wait till the second half of 2014 to get the next season. I really hope they can do some quick turnaround and get back to airing Who in the spring.
  16. TCP

    Wii U

    That Direct was underwhelming to say the least. At a certain point, you need to stop talking about a game and just release it. I plum don't care about Pikmin 3 anymore.
  17. Oh and this was like 2 dollars:
  18. TCP

    Wii U

    A big discount and an ambassador program would be niiice!!
  19. Set me back all of 30 cents on the Wii U VC.
  20. A female pilot who isn't Carol Danvers?! C'mon Joss Whedon! Oh and apparently that's Rage, not Luke Cage.
  21. That extended trailer was great. J. August Richards (Gun from Angel!!) must be Luke Cage! Where's Iron Fist? Also, anyone who thinks First Class isn't the best X-men movie is cray-cray.
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