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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Well Desmond ends up choking on a pretzel, than it shows you the deaths of Altair and Ezio, and they died the same way. Just kidding, Johnny.
  2. The Vita commercials have been strange... I didn't see any till a few weeks after launch, and I haven't seen any since.
  3. Ha! Yeah I was trophy hunting in Revelations this weekend and took a try at multiplayer. Every game I found, I was the only user not at level 50.
  4. Yes, but apparently you can purchase the Washington DLC separately, which might be a good idea if you don't want the multiplayer content.
  5. I don't know if getting the season's pass will be worth it for me, considering most of it will probably be multiplayer DLC, and while I enjoy the AC multiplayer, I lose interest in about two hours.
  6. For the first time since the late-90s I am playing a video game... on my computer. Minecraft! It took me a few minutes to figure out how to move (I figured you'd use the arrows.. but now! WASD!) now it's clear sailing.. I think! Just thought you guys might be proud of me.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TCP


      I SURVIVED MY FIRST NIGHT. I got this cool little cave-house going with some torches and stuff. Life is good.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Man I remember when I was first excited about Minecraft. Such a long time ago

    4. TCP


      I like to stay a good 2 years behind everyone else.

  7. I hope you have as much fun as that giraffe is having.
  8. I beat the Da Vinci DLC a few days ago as well. Definitely the best Assassin's Creed DLC I've played.
  9. I beat the main story level in LittleBigPlanet Vita last night... and doing so caused me to achieve my life long dream of reaching level 13 on PSN.
  10. TCP

    Wii U

    Well, that certainly was something.
  11. The one on the top row, second to the left, doesn't even look like a dwarf.
  12. Really??? That's crazy. The only problem I had in that game was sometimes doing the Skyward Strike, and that might have been more my fault than the controllers.
  13. Dayman! Oooooh! Fighter of the nightman!! Ooooohh! Champion of the sun. He's a master of karate, and friendship, for everyone.

  14. That was great!! I can't get over how much that girl actually looks like Olivia, it's great. I completely forgot it starts on Friday!!!!
  15. I'd play that game up for 3-4 hours at a time and would have to recalculate once.. maybe twice a session. Not to mention it's the most unique, interesting, and accurate battle system in years (besides Dragon Age 2, of course!!!), it's definitely too bad you feel that way.
  16. When I first read that I thought you said you watch Doctor Who in a bar. My reaction was "I need to move to the UK".
  17. I know I'm about five years late, but I finished the first season of Mad Men last night. Those last few episodes were fantastic.
  18. God dammit! Is there anything worse than watery salsa (besides pandas)? Like fuck.... why didn't we just let the nazi's win if this is the shit that's happening to us. Same results.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strangelove


      Having water build up around or on your food when you microwave it is worse. Soggy food that isn't meant to be soggy sucks.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      This is why you make your own damn salsa and don't bother with restaurants that have shit salsa.

    4. TCP



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