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Everything posted by TCP

  1. There's a new TARDIS console.
  2. One of these: My first dog that will actually be mine, instead of a family dog. He shall be called Parker and he will be ferocious.
  3. How about multiplayer ship combat DLC in the meanwhile?
  4. My hopes for The Hobbit weren't as sky high as they were a month ago, due to the mixed reviews, but it was better than I could have imagined. I really want to see it again, and I don't say that often.
  5. Just beat the first Mass Effect, I rushed through the game the first time on 360, so took my time on this one and did a lot of the sidequests. I'm kind of contemplating going through the whole trilogy but I still would like to finish Dishonoured and MGS2 on my Vita...
  6. My favourite Christmas music:
  7. Only the PS3 version gives you the Vita version, not vice versa. SL, hit me up if you want to be brutally assaulted.
  8. That movie was fucking awful.
  9. TCP

    Wii U

    Hipster. Must be the TV, mine looks great on my Samsung screen.
  10. TCP

    Wii U

    I think that depends entirely on how well ME3 does on Wii U. And given the fact that I don't think it's going to do well because the majority of Wii U owners interested in playing it likely played it in the past 9 months on a different system. Still, I think games like ME3, AC3, and Arkham City were important for Nintendo to have, even if no one's playing them. Having those games says a lot about the system and what Nintendo fans can (hopefully) expect.
  11. If true: ouch! Though, I suppose it would be a game lots of people download. I don't know if I believe it. I don't think it sold like gangbusters BUT I have played a lot of online and only rarely ever come across the same people.
  12. Finally finished platinuming the PS3 version of PS All-Stars (my 5th platinum! 4th of the year!). What a great game! With the exception of Sir Daniel, all characters were fun to play as and had unique styles (except the two Coles, that was a strange decision...). I haven't played a Smash Bros game since the N64, so I don't have much to compare on, but I definitely hope to see some more PSASBR games in the future.
  13. I'd think yes, since they're selling it on disc with 2 and 3.
  14. This: (but.. you know, digitally).
  15. I already got the Vita platinum! And I'm about 85% done PS3, just got a few storymissions to do and the online versus trophy. Depending on how long I have to work tomorrow, I could hopefully have it done then.
  16. "Friendly Competition", you have to do a versus match against a friend.
  17. Can anyone lend me 5 minutes of their time? I need to do a versus match on All-Stars to help secure my platinum on PS3. I'll let you win, but pretend I tried my hardest, so you can feel good about yourself!!
  18. TCP

    Wii U

    English Canadians don't matter, I suppose.
  19. TCP

    Wii U

    So how exactly do you set the 10% thing up if you have the Deluxe?
  20. If you buy the PS3 version you get the Vita version for free. Which is interesting. My friend bought the game on PS3 for 60 dollars, downloaded the Vita version, finished the PS3 version, and then sold the blu-ray, and ended up saving more than he would have if he had just purchased the game on Vita.
  21. I'd like to see it on the sides, but that's just me!
  22. Gerbil, you are added! (My Nintendo ID was edited to the main post but it's the_cowboy_poet of course).
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