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Everything posted by TCP

  1. You can still use it with the DS3, I believe. Hopefully Dean is wrong and this sells well so they bring the DS Okami to the Vita. That would be stellar.
  2. Well played sir. Canada's internet speeds, as far as i can tell, vary. Telus is slow, so is Bell. I don't know about Rogers we don't have that out west. Shaw, for the most part, is very quick. The only thing "3rd world" about my internet is occasionally videos/pages will be blocked, or redirected to the Canadian version, which kind of sucks. But I think everyone runs into those problems, so.
  3. Maybe I just don't pay attention (totally possible) but I literally had no idea Ethan was married.
  4. 250 DL is better than most places in the states, isn't it?
  5. Shut your mouth you vagrant!!!
  6. Gave the kids all one piece of candy each, so there's tons of left overs for me! #winning

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      We handed out one piece of candy to each person and eventually ran out after we had about 375 trick-or-treaters.

    3. TCP


      We have an unseasonable 14 inches of snow on the ground, which I think deterred a lot of the kids, which was awesome.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, we happen to live on the main road through town, which is why we get so many. I cut it off when we were about halfway through our last bag of candy because I wanted some for myself (it was a 40-pack of Twix).

  7. Hmm, tonight I'll play AC3 and Liberation and compare the controls, but I think they're almost identical, which makes me think this will be the series norm for now. Has anyone tried multiplayer yet? Is it any good? If so you guys want to get some matches going in the not so distant future?
  8. I thought the controls were fairly similar to AC3, have you played that yet Ethan? I only played one or two missions, it was good but I'm a little disappointed on the lack of story. While AC3 had about a 3 hour prologue, Liberation has you play as a child for about 1 minute and then it's off to assassinating. Just seems like they tried to hard to offer "bite size" Assassins Creed when I think a lot of PSVita owners want console style games on the go. Shorter missions would have been good, and of course, there's technical limitations of the device, but that shouldn't impact on story.
  9. Man, free running in the trees feels, really, really, really good.
  10. Long prologue till you actually to But the pay off was worth it. Talk about a Also I totally appreciate the use of actual Native Americans using aboriginal languages.
  11. Episode 7? Only if you get Harrison Ford back.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. excel_excel


      Also, perfect Shaner!

    3. toxicitizen


      Oh god, Excel. I hadn't even thought of that. A complete collection with all the different cuts of the films, original and "enhanced" just might be what finally convinces me to get them on bluray.

    4. deanb


      Hah. Disney release originals? You guys not seen any of the Disney releases of late? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ijT4IdKMW8 They're doing their own tweaks too.

  12. I think maybe he thought you meant "good thing I'm not touching it" as in not touching the game. That's how it sounded to me at first.
  13. I just felt my first ever earthquake. I have to admit: it was awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. madbassman39


      Earthquakes are pretty neat when they aren't too devastating. Even when I grew up in Southern California, every time a quake hit the media went nuts showing home footage of the quake. That's my favorite part

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, these were the first earthquakes in my life that people actually felt around here. We have earthquakes very very occasionally, but they're almost always so weak that no one can feel them. It was weird.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Also it was all anyone could talk about for like two weeks.

  14. Snow fall warning?! What the balls?!?!

    1. fuchikoma


      Ball fall warning? What the snow?!? *bonk* *bonk* Ow!

    2. TheRevanchist


      In Glendale CA, the temp is in the 80's. It should be in the 70's when I get back home Monday.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      It was in the 80's here on Wednesday, and then on Thursday it dropped to the 50's.

  15. I think it's representive of the game... it's kind of quirky and all over the place... kind of like PlayStation
  16. Picked up Hawkeye 1 - 3 on Friday. First time I've bought a comic book (except a few graphic novels) since 1998.. I think. I forgot how much ads are in them, that was disappointing. Other than that, it was fantastic, can't wait for the next issue. The art and writing is fantastic. Plus, Marvel has all these launches in the next few months, which sounds like a good time to get into Marvel again.
  17. Fuck the haters, Strangelove. Congrats on finally owning a computer that doesn't suck.
  18. Oh, thanks for posting a video I can't even view in my country... thanks a lot Dee No, I'm kidding! I saw it earlier. Eleven more days...
  19. Oh, also it might have my favorite credits sequence ever.
  20. The Unfinished Swan. What a game... a little steep at 15 dollars maybe (you can beat it in probably two or three hours), but I'll probably play it a few more times. It was a similar game game to Journey, in the sense that focused on building emotion and atmosphere instead of gameplay. It also slowly added in danger too, just like Journey. In other ways it reminded me of Ico, in terms of the focus on architecture, and playing as a boy without a family. Over all I think anyone with a PS3 should play it. it's a shame it's being forgotten about, even if had come out a month ago, I think it would have fared better.
  21. Did the Pokemon tv show ever touch on the subject of food? It should have. Some of those Pokemon look yummy. But seriously, what do people eat in the Pokeland?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Pokemon show a lot of intelligence. It's like eating a dolphin. And I mean on purpose, not with bad tuna fishing practices.

    3. deanb
    4. deanb
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