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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Yeah, and is this Desmond reliving her memories? Or is this like the other handheld AC games without any of that modern world stuff? OR!!! Is this with someone new?!?!
  2. Holy crap indeed. Glad they finally are showing off Aveline as a character, the first few trailers didn't even have any voice acting, so I'm glad they're actually showing that this is a fully fleshed out game in terms of design AND story.
  3. Good call Sportwaffles. Let's just talk about the one thing we can all agree on... the Dual Shock 3 being the best controller. Right....?
  4. I'd rather play a fun game.
  5. Agreed! Fuck hard games. But Mutant Blobs Attack is just, wonderful. Great game for under 4 dollars.
  6. Ok just purchased... Dead Space 2 Costume Quest (+DLC) Unfinished Swan Plants vs Zombies Mutant Blobs Attack For roughly 30 bones!
  7. For having fulltime news reporters, I'm sometimes amazed at how long it takes IGN/Kotaku/Destructoid/etc to pick up on news

    1. Eleven


      I don't think these sites are really about getting latest news out first. Kotaku's more like a blog, IGN has lots of other stuff going on. I don't know about Dtoid though. Never really used that except for viewing podcasts sone time back.

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It depends on the news. I've seen Kotaku be first on some things and report others days later. Unless it's really huge a lot of it seems to be done in a queue style.

  8. Holding out on Dead Space 2 has been a brilliant move from this old cowboy poet. PSVITA PS+ DISCOUNT!? SCORE! I will be purchasing: Dead Space 2, Plants vs Zombies, Tales from Space, Costume Quest.
  9. http://ca.ign.com/ar...te-now-on-steam I can't till they fix the vampire grip on PS3. OH WAIT! EDIT: JUST READ REVAN'S POST! PS3 DLC! I'M SO EXCITED!
  10. Eric Laden (voice of Cole) tweeted about recording dialog/motion-cap with David Hayter before the game was even announced. Which makes me think Solid Snake/Big Boss/whoever will be in the game as DLC. I'm fine with that, I understand it's a business, but I don't think it's the best idea, we'll see.
  11. Actually Oblivion on PS3 ain't bad. Was my first shot at the game on the summer I first got my PS3, got about 120hrs or so in it. No issues like there is with Skyrim (though I remember back when Oblivion first hit PC there was issues with it depending on your GPU. Made grass purple iirc) Yeah I poked around, and thought it ran fine... though Skyrim ran fine at first too. To be fair, I played through all of Fallout 3 a few months ago, and it ran great on PS3.
  12. Yeah especially since they did this commercial last year: http://youtu.be/mdWkKKSckNk Here's Sony, admitting who the Playstation (or at least PS3) icons are, yet most of them are missing from the game called PLAYSTATION ALL-STARS!!! IT DON'T MAKE NO SENSE! That said, I'm still totally excited.
  13. Kind of in the same boat... some weird choices.. like Toro Inoue, who wouldn't be recognizable to anyone outside of Japan. I'm a huge PS gamer, and I'm still not even sure who the fuck he is. And Cole being there twice? Lame. Lame. Lame! A lot of this seems like promotional characters in the games, like Raiden who has a game coming out a few months after PS Allstars... so I find it very hard to believe they couldn't get the rights to Lightning, Connor, or Big Boss. As to the lack of female characters, where the hell is Kat? We get Cole twice but not a character that could help promote the Vita? Seems to me like a lot of this must be planned and is being saved for DLC.
  14. Because I hate myself, I keep purchasing Bethesda games for PS3.
  15. I don't agree with your dislike of the DS3, but I do agree that doing precise tuning on the Vita worked out great in Uncharted.
  16. I'm hoping that changes next month since we'll be able to upload save data to the cloud.
  17. Fuck I forgot about All-stars... shit. Sony, release a 64GB card! I'll give you whatever you want!!!!!!!
  18. I would imagine so you can see what's new in the live screen. Also I only got like 5GB left on my card.. running out of space quick. I'm probably going to have to pick up one of Ragnarok Odyssey, Persona 4, or Assassin's Creed on retail cart, but it'll be nice to still be able to see my entire collection.
  19. Hey people who buy their games via retail. When you put one cart in, and take out another cart, does the bubble from the original cart remain??
  20. A big happy birthday to my Canadian brother FLD.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. excel_excel



    3. toxicitizen
    4. TheMightyEthan


      Happy birthday two days late!

  21. I'll be waiting to pick up Dishonored. It strikes me as a game that will be 30 dollars in a few weeks.
  22. I'd say Gravity Rush, but you can't go wrong with either.
  23. YES. YES SO MUCH, YES! I literally can not believe that Snake, Lightning, Crash, Spyro, and Kat aren't in the game. Absolutely astonishing. I thought the guy who does Cole's voice leaked that Snake (David Hayter) was in the game... I know Sid Shuman from the Playstation Blog said this was the final 20, but I find that almost hard to believe.
  24. Yeah they could have just had Desmond doing some platforming or something, the first person stuff was unnecessary.
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