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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Cool congrats. Just remember tuning. I don't know how often I hear ukulele players with an untuned instrument.
  2. Yes! I need a good PSOne background. Unfortunately you can't take screen shots of PS1 games on the Vita.
  3. So, Final Fantasy Origins, VI - IX, Vagrant Story, and Xenogears all worked for me. The only games I have that the Vita won't recognize is Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy V. Anyways, now that my card is almost full, here's my Vita collection. Bask in it's glory! Bask!!! My Vita collection: My Final Fanta-- I mean PSOne collection: My PSP collection:
  4. Oh hell yeah! Playing Final Fantasy VII on a handheld. This is the future folks!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Via webcam and remote-controlled Lego robot hooked up to my GBA, of course.

    3. TCP


      I would expect nothing less from you.

    4. deanb


      Which of course instantly destroyed his GBA because he put it in the wrong lego robot.

  5. Can't seem to download ANY PSOne games from the Vita store (probably due to my raging case of Canadianitis), but I was able to transfer Final Fantasy VI from my PS3, but only if it was not installed. The good news is, it reads me saved data from my PSP. Using the d-pad to control the menu is awesome, but a lot of apps need to be updated to use it, like the PSN Store. EDIT: I got Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, and Metal Gear Solid to transfer. Also of note: I have a lot of PSOne games. More Editing: Final Fantasy Origins works but Final Fantasy V doesn't
  6. It's an internet theory. All of the theories can be explained by other reasons, but some of it sort of makes sense... like River's timelord DNA, Rory always dying but coming back, him complaining about a "banging in his head" after River regenerates. I was being sarcastic, but on the other hand, I wouldn't put it past this show. FLD, how long does it usually take for us to get new Who episodes on our side of the border??
  7. So is a Pond Life a series of mini-episodes?? September 1st.. finally! Hopefully they don't take too long to confirm that Rory = The Master.
  8. So ex girlfriend got a boob job. I do not know how I feel about this. I sort of feel like I am missing out. :(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Is that why you like the mediums and smalls over the big-uns? www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu_bE7g2wqM

    3. TheMightyEthan


      *Principle (correcting before hottie yells at me again)

    4. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Well this sucks, I've only had small (almost medium). I've always wondered how large feel though. Now I'm sad, my life needs more boobs.

  9. Hey guys! I just beat New Super Mario Bros 2... WHILE DRUNK. Does this make me an incredible gamer? I think so!
  10. Yeah it's actually pretty great. I enjoyed some of the games... mainly Mario Kart, Mario 3D Land, and Ocarina, but never really enjoyed the system. I don't think I'll play it as much as my Vita, but I'll probably pick it up more than I did with the original 3DS. Besides the obvious size change, the design changes are great. I wonder why they didn't release a smaller version of this as the original 3DS.
  11. Strangelove is going to be disappointed in me. I got a little fed up with my hands cramping up after 5 minutes on my 3DS soo... Plus I was going to sell my old 3DS in but the kid at EB Games said they'd only offer my 50 dollars for it. So I'll either just give it to my girlfriend, or try to sell it myself.
  12. Glad you enjoyed it, I felt pretty much the same way, and yeah, got old in Uncharted 3, nevermind in Golden Abyss. The game got a bad wrap, which I felt was a unfair... maybe it would have suffered a better fate if it came out before UC3.
  13. Finished the Yes Man ending of New Vegas. I want to do the other endings, but I can't find my earlier saves... hm. Anyone play the DLC packs? I hear they're not as good as Fallout 3. Any favorites?
  14. Ethan, how DARE you talk bad about a promo for the most ANTICIPATED GAME OF ALL TIME!!!!
  15. If I was one of those people with a strict data cap, I don't know how I'd feel about PS+ downloading games over night without my permission.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. madbassman39


      FDS, weren't you upset when you thought steam automatically downloaded the Rayman Origins demo on your PC?


      It should be an option to turn on or off, but I don't have auto-updates on right now anyways

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Yeah, but that was a glitch, not a feature.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Optional features can be annoying if they turn on automatically and there's no obvious way to turn them off.

  16. That's probably because publishers are more likely to send out a console version for reviews/demos/etc before the game is released. Find me some numbers but I guarantee you, pirating is much more prevalent on PC than on consoles. Except for the Wii of course.
  17. In my opinion, while I don't believe the numbers are that huge, I don't doubt that they lose a lot of sales/profits due to pirating. This why game developers reconsider developing for the PC, or maybe take the AC3 approach and release a PC port after the console versions.
  18. DONE! Finished ADWD at about 2am last night.
  19. Okamiden was pretty good, but I'd hold out for a 3DS or Vita port, the textures weren't the best on the DS, and knowing Capcom they're probably already planning to re-release it after Okami HD.
  20. I bought it. It is exactly what you'd expect it to be.
  21. TCP

    Wii U

    That's amazing!!! But not in a good way.
  22. Hyrule Historia is heading west! Nintendo, this is your chance to correct or make sense of that awful 3-prong timeline.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Connorrrr


      As I understand it, the Link Fails timeline isn't as cut and dry as it initially sounds.


      Basically, Link couldn't continue through one of the temples in adult form, so he went back as a kid and changed the future. Now, that future he left behind still exists, where the hero of time vanished and no one defeated Ganon. Meanwhile, there's kid timeline and the timeline you go back to, where you do defeat Gannon.

    3. TCP


      Wait, that... that actually makes sense. Connor, I tip my hat to you, sir.

    4. Johnny


      Except the LTTP intro still doesn't fit with that. It describes ganon being sealed by the sages/wise men. Not him winning and taking over.

  23. FDS, for the millionth time: 100 dollars for 32gb is more than most consumers are willing to pay. Also, who said anything about raising the price??
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